Webm Thread

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Going to go watch anyone trashy movie, see if it has some nice webm material



I want to have many kids with her.

Had to drop the bitrate a bit since it 33% longer then the others ...

why didn't Cynthia ever make it big?
i mean with Van Damme or Arnold etc



this is cool, I should watch this




Ok, I'm sorry. What the fuck is the story with this?


>samurai jack final episode

isn't it better not to know though

>[cries in paddy]

She's describing what she did when going to sleep as a kid, I think. Long since I saw the interview.

Most of her movies are like this. quite entertaining.

So hot, and such a bad movie.

>there will never be a season 3 retail qt
why even liph

she's a ear slut and a pit slut

>cat people

>when you watch terrible movies in their entirety for beautiful women


i like both



realkino coming through

is there any "okay then." compilation?





There needs to be like a reaction cut during when she says "see you later then" or something. The unbroken take of that delivery and her stopping the bit is cringey as shit.

But it also totally seems like the kind of dipshit thing someone would do in a power fantasy situation.

can someone give me an explanation that i'll believe?


i would like those other balls instead

Chinese mob or some kind of beef. Dude went and beat the shit out of the store owner then threw the baby on the way out for an added bonus. Think I saw that somewhere.

Or it's headcanon. Either way it's what I believe.

I understand that feel.


spike jones's "playful" shit is straight fucking garbage, please don't post it on this board

kid should have no harm, his bones are like jelly at that age
remember that other video where a car gooes throu one, and he stands up and runs away?

why is she so cute.


did Spike direct some kid doing soccer or was this for me?

Either way get fucked bud.


the Han Solo movie is in good hands now


>landing on your hip on concrete

jesus lad

wtf I love nepotism now

This is me but with men I find comely.

lol gay

You fucking know it.

I gave up on star wars after the first prequel came out. i just couldn't bring myself to care about the franchise after that.

looks like he had some insulation

What is an example of a comely man?

Decide to watch all the films of young Olivia Hussy

Realize that before she hit the older roles, the 2nd best film she was in is freaking turkey shoot.


Not physically unattractive. Not ugly personality flaws. I like masculine men or comfy laid back protags/side characters. They don't have to be hot, just fun to look at or think about. I have really wide tastes.

But for example, in the beginning I watch hannibal at least 50% because I found Hugh Dancy hot. It wasn't until later that I got sucked in by the K I N O.




oh yeah I forgot I made oc last week.



Whoa! Nice moves.




This shit is a qt for you my man? Damn!


negative test

yes but to be fair I'm a heterosexual

oooh burn



It sadly true.

>The Corsican Brothers (TV Movie)
A cheech and chong movie set in the french revolution.

> The Last Days of Pompeii
Super slow costume drama

> Turkey Shoot
Horrible but fun

> Ivanhoe (TV Movie)
> Day of Resurrection
> The Man with Bogart's Face
> The Thirteenth Day: The Story of Esther
> The Pirate (TV Movie)
> The Cat and the Canary
Still have to hunt these down.

>1978 Death on the Nile
Murder on a boat on the nile. Might as well be a TV episode

> 1978 The Bastard (TV Movie)
makes barry lyndon feel like a fast movie, but lacks all the charm of barry lyndon

> 1977 Jesus of Nazareth (TV Mini-Series)
I am religous, but this sucks

1974 Black Christmas
Decent horror film. the calls are from inside the house

> Lost Horizon
on a few "Worse films ever made" list.

> Summertime Killer
Okay, very low budget film.

> 1971 H-Bomb
Grade Z asian film. Not been able to hunt it down.

> All the Right Noises
Cute movie. She plays a young actress who has a affair with a married set worker.

But I have a strong weakness for half-argies (Hussy, Bledel, and Anya Taylor-Joy come to mind)



Does anyone have any zombie webms? Or Frankenstein or Dracula ones?

? What the fuck?




Looks like the guy from Addams Family

Does resident evil count?

and kek



Safe to say Nosferatu was a pretty big influence there

This is so cool! sauce?

gotchu famalamadingdong

what is this?

You are cracking me up so much right now PA. Just imagining you going through all these movies.

better makeup than Suicide Squad



Collecting Amy



Good taste user. I was absolutely in love with her when I was 10.
