Closeted actors

Anyone who's been in a theatre or dance group knows that at least half of the guys are gay. There should be plenty more gay men in Hollywood then there are now.

>John Travolta
>Nick Jonas
>Scott Eastwood
>Leonardo DiCaprio
>Jeremy Renner
>Sam Heughan
>Tom Hardy

Anyone have any more to add?

Other urls found in this thread:

/r/ing the vid where he says he likes male aesthetics but isnt into gaysex anymore

Wrong site bud
You need to post this on tmz

I keep hearing that Chris Pine is in the closet, only dates beards etc.

didn't the big guy admitted being bisexual?

Not an actor, but Ryan Seacrest has been rumored forever.

There are also a ton of old Hollywood stories about John Wayne being a faggot.

fuck off, salty

>itt: fags who think every guy must be closeted like them


He definitely admitted to sucking off bare guys for rocks back in his crackhead days.

>I know plenty of theatre actors
>most are 10/10 chads

Stop this gay bullshit

jesus aunt bee thats some scortchy news for 1980.

kys gramgram

George Clooney
Andrew Garfield
Michael B Jordan

He was a cute little twink when in Disney, 100% likely he was molested by some Jewish producer causing him to act out his trauma in adult life.

Kevin Spacey

you can tell he is gay because he has a little white mans cock, not like some other cocks i know about...

Literally, who the fuck cares?

I'm openly bisexual, and I mainly date/sleep with women. Despite being "open", I don't wantonly share details of my sex life with the public. Because of this, nearly 100% of the people who I come into contact with assume I'm straight, with a small minority spreading rumors of me being "in the closet" because I don't like gay shit like professional sports or car mods as much as them, or they've never seen me with a woman.

But that doesn't mean I'm ashamed. So if Leo wants to get his dick sucked on the DL by a dude, all while openly cavorting with literal supermodels, then he's probably more straight than the faggot who constantly wonders whether or not they'd have a shot with him, and who constantly worry about whether Leo likes dick or not.

Seconding Garfield
James Franco
Hugh Jackman


>George Clooney
I heard it's not even his child in Amal. He can't even bear to fuck her.

Can you imagine waiting until you're in your 50s to father a child and it's not even yours? Guy must fucking hate vaginas.

Literally no one asked

Exactly; who cares about someone else's sexuality?

This. It's worked for George Strait so far.

Worked in the biz for a decade, got some inside info. Believe it or not, I don't care

Hardy admitted he was gay years ago

Leo is straight

Nick Jonas is obvious? Not really connected to music world that much

Anyway here are other gay men:

Chris Evans (100% certain)
George Clooney (100% certain)
Kevin Spacey (100% certain and yes he fucks little kids)
Doug Stamper from House of Cards too, blanking on the actor's name but him and Spacey fuck young boys together
Bradley Cooper (more of a bisexual "fuck anything that walks" than anything)
James Franco (same as Bradley Cooper)
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Hugh Jackman
Tom Cruise (but he's actually a lot cooler than you'd think)
Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Josh Hutcherson
Tyler Perry

This makes me think Hollywood actresses are starved for dick if half of their male co-stars are gay.

i always wanted to hang out with tom cruise he does seem keeewl

>Chris Evans (100% certain)
Of all the Hollywood Chrises, that makes the most sense.

There are a LOT of attractive people in Los Angeles, male and female. It's easy enough for a 4/10 slag to get laid by some horny guy, the Emma Stones and Jennifer Lawrences of the world are not "starved" in any sense of the word. They just can't be too slutty otherwise shit starts leaking to the press (demi lovato)

people remember the oprah couch jumping and the matt lauer crazy intense interview but I haven't met a single person that's worked with Cruise on-set or off that has a bad experience with him. He's a consummate professional who treats people with respect and that's why he keeps getting cast in big budget action movies, because he's easy to have as your star.

OP is a literal faggot.

I'm going to fap thinking of Chris Evans and big guy barebacking and there's nothing you faggots can do about it

Sounds like a trump tweet.

are u serious? thats now how homosexuality works

All of these seem plausible enough/wouldn't surprise me. But no way Chris Evans belongs on there. He's 100% SJW and would use that as some kind of argument in his twitter debates.
I think his brother is though.

back to the containment board Sup Forums

Mel Gibson's promiscuous homosexuality has been described as "worst kept secret in Hollywood"

>Personal life

>Evans is a fan of the New England Patriots, and narrated America's Game: The Story of the 2014 New England Patriots.[37]

>He is a supporter of LGBT rights,[38] and, although raised Catholic, he has expressed pantheistic views[12] and a great interest in the philosophies of Buddhism.[39]

When did Captain America: The First Avenger come out again?

You'd think Captain America would have been caught by the paparazzi taking some young starlet or model to the Caribbean for a romantic getaway.

I refuse to believe a gay thought has ever appeared in Mel's head. He is 110% straight.

Didn't Mel's ex-wife leak a tape of him screaming at her to blow him in the jacuzzi and getting hysterical that she went to sleep before blowing him in the jacuzzi?

So how much of the Marvel lineup is actually straight?

Why do you care?

Because it's amusing to see men are scared to come out even in ultra-liberal Hollywood.

They don't come out because it could destroy their careers? I recall Ian McKellen saying that young actors shouldn't openly come out and just live their lives.

He got leaks with Lucy Pinder
These rumors exist about literally every actor and everybody who believes them without proof is a moron

And literally every shitposter claims "he worked in the biz"
How new are some of you guys to believe this shit?

Zachary Quinto and Ellen Page came out of the closet and their careers plummeted

ultra liberal my ass

Literally who?
Elle's career plumeted before that because she choose to only starr in indie flicks she likes and her being generally unlikeable

Same with Kristen Stewart.

>>Leonardo DiCaprio
Naw. He's a hetero. A manchild, yes, but he likes women.

>Scott Eastwood
never heard that before

>Tom Holland
I can never tell with Brits. They all seem gay to me.

Yes. Anyone that stands for LGBT rights is gay themselves.

It's called being from Boston, ya retahd.

There's a whole majority of people who aren't racist homophobic townies or gays.

chris pine
huge actman

leo is definitely not gay

yeah forgot bradley cooper, not sure about the "fuck anything that walks" part
>Tom Cruise
the fuck he is

>Jeremy Renner
This, and he is a Milo style fag that dislikes woman.
>Tom Hardy
Probably a bifag.

>Joseph Gordon Levitt

i thought Don Jon was a pretty straight movie

then again it was about porn addiction
