"They said the Age of Heroes would never come again"

DCEU Poetry and mythos..


Kino is coming boys


>WW front and center

Fuck WB for folding to the pressure

hey moron, there is literally another one with batman front and center. also hey moron, these photos were put together probably half a yr before wonder woman came out

Why did they hold off on green lantern? Wasn't the tag line "unite the seven"?

Wb is making up this shit as they go

Why is dc so anti white male with blue eyes?

t. autist


>literally Zeus' rebirth and rise after the fall

Fuck this is great

Dat Flash

Yes it is

DC knows what men want

Cavill is a god amongst men, you inbred retard

I really like that superman flying has that sonic boom effect.

>tfw didn't care for Wondy
>now I want to fuck her every hole

How do I get the Aquaman one??

Unless one of your local movie theaters have them, you probably just have to wait till after the movie comes out and maybe someone is selling it on eBay

Someone make one with a Spiderman in it please

fuck off mcuck

she's small in comparison to league. It makes sense visually to put her on the center.

go ask disney you cuck


Can't wait for every person I talk to about this movie saying wondering why Superman isn't dead.

i can never take the DC universe seriously after the casting of Gal Gadot.

she looks fucking ridiculous, even when shopped.

the othere shit casting outside of affleck and cavill i can handle, she completely takes me out the flicks.

>It's a "Snyder-fags-think-the-MoS-and-BvS-are-masterpieces" episode

who is that cute boy with the blonde hair

>Snyder fags like traps
Why am I not surprised?