There will be blood

Just watched this piece of garbage, literally unwatchable, story drags itself with no real plot, other than some visually pleasing scenes it's just nonsense.
Character development is god awful, unnecessary brawl between the "antagonist" and the "protagonist" portrayed awfully with a lot of plot holes and no real premise for their fight, don't get me started on the ending too...

And i hear it's one of the best films in the world, what are your thoughts Sup Forums ?

you have to be more specific about what you didn't like in order to start a real discussion

I'm just generally pointing out the things i disliked, i wanted to hear about others opinions.

To start with, the father son relationship, we know in the end he's actually an orphan and that Daniel didn't like him and was "glad they're not related".
He talks about how he used him in order to have a young and naive face to buy fields etc..

We also know that Daniel's character is INSANELY fucking egocentric,yet throughout the movie he's been nothing but generous and loving towards HW, even AFTER he's already got what he wanted and was basically rich at that point he took his "son" back from the boarding school.
The people around him didn't care, no one did actually about the kid, why would he TAKE him OUT of the boarding school if he hated him in the first place and only USED him.
He already got what he wanted, he didn't, he didn't care for people dying in the wells, " do i know him?" .
Now why would he do such a thing, why would he suddenly grow so angry of his "son" ?
Was it because he got married to the girl Daniel actually liked in the movie?

It sucked, you're right.



Maybe stick to capeshit

Because i'm trying to follow a retarded storyline?
Great argument my friend :^)

I had better time watching silent films than this.

im not sure i understand, do you think he hated his son because he said mean things to him in a heated debate?

No, i understand that he feels "betrayed" because his "son" wants to go and open a company in Mexico, why would he get so butthurt about it though?

How in the HELL is that a "competition" ? and if you're already FILTHY rich why do you care?
Why don't you go and drill there yourself?
He doesn't care, it just seemed like an excuse to unleash his anger on HW, to tell him the truth.
So many years passed and he didn't even learn sign language for him, even THOUGH while he was still a child Daniel WAS passionate about him, he loved him and his girlfriend.

That's the point, his ambition got him money but ruined his life. Now he's totally alone and miserable and probably going to get convicted for murder.

I meme your memeshake. it was decent but became completely garbage in the last 20 minutes

Give it some time and watch it again, you were too impatient to enjoy a great character piece with amazing visual composition, world class acting, mostly told through subtext, and great commentary on the tragedy of competition.


Great argument

I feel that TWBB was much more of a visual film than a story driven one, and I think that's where most of your problem with it came from.
Daniel Plainview is one of the best characters on film in the last 20 years I don't know how you thought he was shit.
I don't think Paul Thomas Anderson is the director for you.

He took advantage and used people because he could. He found the weakness intolerable and was probably disgusted with his own sentimental side.

>We also know that Daniel's character is INSANELY fucking egocentric,yet throughout the movie he's been nothing but generous and loving towards HW, even AFTER he's already got what he wanted and was basically rich at that point he took his "son" back from the boarding school.
Wow it looks like your first experience with a complex character isn't a good one. Maybe next time sport.

>watching for plot

I think you are trolling personally.

>muh plot

Did the locals make him go to church because they knew about the murder?

shame pta films are nothing but plot

There will be Blood wasn't.

OP has aspergers. Poor OP.

There is so much going on with the characters in this film that the nuance probably flew a couple thousand metres above your head.

>Wow it looks like your first experience with a complex character isn't a good one. Maybe next time sport.
This isn't a complex character retard
examples of "complex" characters :

Donnie from Donnie Darko
Trevor from The Machinist
Kris from Solaris
Teddy from Shutter Island

Don't throw words around if you're clueless, instead of coming up with a well thought out counter argument you talk about nonsense.

If i wanted a visually pleasing film i would have watched any of Tarkovsky's works.

I'm just amazed how a film with mediocre plot and some visually aesthetic scenes ( in a 2hours + movie ) is actually rated so high and is ADORED by most people.

I enjoy retards such as yourself and more who just spew shit without answering or even trying to argue.
The character development is awful, there isn't much going on other than the "my money" "my life" "i'm a badass" vibe.

But i'm waiting for a comment that can backup your claims, even the director fanboys say this movie wasn't made for the plot and here you are with your idiotic claims.

I vehemently disagree with your opinion. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. That is all.

>just watched it
which is it then fucko

>examples of "complex" characters :
>Donnie from Donnie Darko

None of those are complex, you have to be trolling here.