What's next for her career?

what's next for her career?


More sex with animals

She needs to take care of her fucking skin as well as figure out how the fuck to make that face look any better with proper makeup.

what a trash.

its from meth you tard

This. Her skin is fucking rancid. Pale white bitches are the worst. Don't get why Sup Forums worships them.

>that face
>that nose ring

swallowing this nut

But I like pale girls.

Greg Lansky.

>key around her neck
some white boi gettin' cucked

I hope that's a chastity key

I'd take pale over this overly tanned bullshit anyday.

when will her show her pusy?

it's not the fact her skin is pale you fucking idiot. it literally looks like trash

atleast when i cum on a tan girl i can actually fucking see the semen. this mayo bitch fucking blends in with the concrete

gtfo you racist

a drug overdose while having sex with animals

Apparently you don't know she was forced to fuck dogs at age 11 with ryry watching

Pale white bitches are good you faggot. Regular white girls are the best, just a little bit of color.
t. white guy

she cleaned up this week, she must have got the Batgirl part.

I'm sure the guy your cumming on really gives a shit.

based pusyposter

pls elaborate


At least she got a bigger rack.

im not gay u nigger i have a gf
regular skin tone white girl>>>> dog shit >>>horse shit >>>indian girl>>>> pale cumskin girl

Hopefully a bag to cover her fucked up face.

>I don't get why a bunch of white supremacists worships pure white skin

post the dancing webm



She talks about it in a old YouTube video where she is getting interviewed . Her ryry and some other dumb young bitch . The interview was when they were age 11 and didn't know any better about keeping things in the down low

I'm not from Sup Forums or anything but I love pale skin, I'm a pale dude who is paler than anyone else but I like pale skin.

Post the link, senpai.

with drunkenness and syphilis through the night

i find her disgusting and hot at the same time, its amazing

Where are her implants? is this an old picture?

You sound 12

why does she look so doughy

user, do you honestly think that's true? Come on.

its not even thats shes pale, she just looks sick

You should be getting a knock on the door soon. You better get rid of this files

No, I don't. That's why I ask for a sauce.

No sauce, no actual claims.

Im asserting that im not gay dumb dumb
Are you like 17?
One more year until you can come play with the big boys. Now go back to r/movies

Fuck yo, she looks like a clown

>regular skin tone white girl>>>> dog shit >>>horse shit >>>indian girl>>>> pale cumskin girl
I can't even begin to understand your thought process here.
White>pale white>anything else is preference

He's autistic and thinks all pale women look like Bella who is someone who just has shit skin anyways.

And your both pedophiles and can't get age out of your head

blacked debut i hope

her face really does look like a trannies

still a better body than this

>tfw I have a more feminine skeletal build
just kill me

there's 2kg of makeup + cocaine + zits there

>chastity key around her neck

zoo wee mama

>dat drugs acne

shes' had a fucking rough couple years yeah? She looks like her asshole is probably blown out and calloused from taking all the miles of nigger dick

face fuck leak


what is she likes sucking dog dick. Now who is the racist.

>automatically assumes that means niggers when he said animals
really greases my buttcheeks

>she cleaned up this week

Did she now

I never realized the true definition of projecting until now

Maybe Islam will actually fix western women

Then I guess you're not autistic. Only retarded.

absolutely based

sperm garage

>Sup Forums
>white supremists
Oh, sweet summer child

so easy to bait pol faggots. check your replies holy shit