Sup Forums confessions thread

Sup Forums confessions thread.

I call people plebs for not liking Refn movies even though I don't understand them myself. I just want to make it seem like I know something they don't, so I never explain myself.
I also create threads with negative OPs even if I like the film, because it generates discussion better than positive ones.

Other urls found in this thread:

You need a new hobby.

I like this one pretty well.

>I also create threads with negative OPs even if I like the film, because it generates discussion better than positive ones.

I do this too.

I love to poke holes in things while getting those sweet (You)'s. Arguing about something I know well is fun.

i shit on people who enjoy ricky and morty even though i've only seen like two episodes of it.

Interstellar is objectively one of the best films of the past decade.

I like Zendaya

Sometimes I make inflammatory posts and then never check the thread again.

Been shitposting a King Arthur thread pretty hard even though I've never seen the movie. Some people really like it and I just want to give them a bad day.

i think that neon demon is empty drivel only focused on imagery but under the skin is my favorite movie

I don't give a shit about reddit spacing but I still point it out for the free angry (You)s.


I can't believe you do this.

i report every single cunnybot thread

>reddit spacing

I always claim that the One Ring gives powers according to the innate abilities of the wearer in LotR threads.

I haven't watched a single movie in at least 6 months and the last TV show that I watch was One Punch Man a few months ago. i don't even know why I come here anymore.

...What threads do you post in?

It's not like there's a shortage of thinly veiled Sup Forums twitter screencap threads to choose from.

Nothing in particular. I just look to see if there's anything interested or related to something I have watched. I used to actually watch a lot but now I just read books.

I exclusively come here for the shitposting.

I can't recall the last time i saw a movie.

Also reddit spacing, because fuck you.

The Fifth Element is overrated


I think Interstellar is one of the best scifi movies ever made. I consider people who hate it or don't understand it to be god damn retards.

It's shit tier scifi. Retards think it's cerebral.

They deserve to catch shit for liking that tbqh

Don't be coy you lying son of a bitch. You come here the for the forced memes and stay for the shitposting.


I don't know, I felt bad for it because their reasoning was pretty good. They're probably right to like it.

I enjoyed all the star wars movies so far, though episode seven was the least enjoyable.

The last capeshit I watched was TDKR, and I thought even that was mediocre.

Every time I see Alexandra Daddario in a film/show/whatever- hell, even just hearing her name- I want to kms. I hate that bitch with a burning passion. She's a shit actress and without her eyes and tits she'd be a 4/10 tops. I hate how much some people seem to worship her. I despise her man

This isn't a shocking opinion or anything. TDKR is generally considered to be a disappointment. TDK was the good one.

I'm racist

I watch one movie per month, maybe two. I watch two tv shows only.
I'm here everyday all the time.

i feels the same about emma watson, mila kunis, kirsten stewart, natali portman.

>natali portman.
Fuck you for this. Also, her name is Neta-Lee Hershlag.

I don't mind those ladies, but I know what you mean. For me, they all have something about them that I can tolerate that Daddario utterly lacks. She drives me up a wall

My favourite film of all time is The Passion of The Christ,I have never admitted this publicly

I like stupid rom coms and shitty CW chick flick or drama shows. Yeah sure I started to watch Hart of Dixie being I want to pound Rachel Bilson's brains out but I end up liking the show too. This pattern repeats of a range of shows. At least Riverdale got a little darker story line wise later on in the season.

I have clapped for something that happened in a film before, when alone watching a movie. I have NO idea what the fuck that is all about being I don't clap at movies in a theater or when it's over etc. Yet for some reason I've retarded up and done it when home alone. By far my greatest shame.


This is one of the boards with the least knowledge and worst taste of their subject matter/medium, you fuckers only watch superhero movies and it pisses me off, I tried to start a discussion on "A Ghost Story" that ended with 3 replies, but every thread about a kids movie featuring teenagers in spandex is critiqued and analysed. Not to mention the cunnyposting, blacked, and waifu threads.
Honestly one of the worst boards on Sup Forums

I only watch kaiju films and capeshit and unironically debate others on their tastes not only on here but on other sites

I'm so lonely please help me

I don't really like modern movies. They're all too self conscious, obsessed with genre and subversion. It's too cynical, and nothing moves me, there's no heart in them anymore. I don't think it's da joos, I just think film has pretty much run out of ideas and the post structuralist meme is all they've got going on, Force Awakens for example.

>I have clapped for something that happened in a film before, when alone watching a movie. I have NO idea what the fuck that is all about being I don't clap at movies in a theater or when it's over etc. Yet for some reason I've retarded up and done it when home alone. By far my greatest shame.
What did you clap for? I have to know.

I unironically love BvS
Also the new Power Rangers movie. It genuinely upsets me it won't get a sequel.

I heard they were making one

Actually, I meant TDK. That's how long it's been and how little I care about capeshit. Ledger's performance was good, but that's the last time I was suckered into watching bullshit.

Canned after it flopped. I liked it too, I don't think the marketing really did it justice.

I'm the same way. I'm a grown man and I'm a sucker for teen/high school drama shows. And I started watching Riverdale because I had the hots for Veronica.


Never said I liked it

I wasn't a fan

>I consider people who hate it or don't understand it to be god damn retards.
you're not as smart as you think you are. The only good thing was the score and visuals, every other thing was mediocre and the characters were just very badly written.

i liked the scene though where he receives his daughters transmission.

all in all a mediocre movie with like 3 actual good scenes.

Wasn't referring to you.

I know a pretty cool show that doesn't sell all that well on the BDs but has still made it to five fucking seasons. Guarantee Power Rangers is getting a sequel.

that's like your opinion man.

I value other Anons' opinions. Even if I'm calling you a pleb or retard or telling you to go kill yourself, I'm googling the directors and films you're talking about and will likely make time to check them out in the near future.

The last superhero films I actually watched were Iron Man 2 and Man of Steel, yet I constantly shitpost while LARPing as a capeshit fan.

Give me an example of what you say.

I don't actually like RLM.

>being this mad that you don't get refn, and get called out for it all the time

Refn isn't 2deep4u at all. But there are people that are simply incapable of looking at films passed "I like le actor therefore it is le good movie xD". People that don't see films for their artistic intent, themes and motifs should really just stick to capeshit.

What? I don't get him but I pretend that I do. How is that mad?

I like baneposting but think everyone that uses kino should be shot.

Could say that about every one of his movies apart from that one with Robin Williams.

Fuck the critics, Tron Legacy was a great film
Also, Tron Uprising was the goat cartoon

I want every white women to get knocked up by a black man, ending the white race

also I think Predator 2 is better than Predator 1. And Terminator 1 is better than Terminator 2.

I unironically think this movie is well made

I fucking hate the fact that when they reshot Sherlock they decided to move him in the 'asshole House' direction instead of keeping the true autistic initial Sherlock that didn't have the snarky edge and the holier-than-thou aura to him.

I think The Breakfast Club was overrated.
I actively browse the catalog to find off-topic threads and report them

>download this image because I found it amusing and even saved it by the original filename
>shows up in Windows as 665kb

I usually post "This is bait." or "(You)" when I don't feel like having an argument with the other person and just hope they'll shut up and leave me alone.

Insomnia is his worst film. Williams' performances was the only good part.

also, you clearly haven't seen Following or Memento, neither of which are even close to resembling sci-fi.

He was referring to Good Will Hunting.

I just got a firestick and want to tell people how cool it is but everyone I know has already been streaming free shit for decades

what does Good Will Hunting have to do with Christopher Nolan?

This happened to me when I got a Kindle. Like, I'm so happy about it but everyone already knows how great they are.

I don't like movies with black people in them.

This is weird. Why even bother? Are you proving to yourself that you don't care? Isn't the reaction the juice for you trolls?

I hate being older than current adult actors. I hate watching actors I liked as a teen turn into old fucks.

It's a good movie, like anything in Christopher Nolan's filmography.

500 channels, TV from around the world, endless anime, endless movies, Showtime, Cinemax, HBO, it really shows how much I pay attention that I just now got into this

I'm not that user but I think that even when you don't see the replies it's fun because you imagine the replies and you just know people got mad because of it. And that the best part is you don't give the tiniest shit, literally, since you didn't even read their angry replies.

Sometimes you truly don't get replies though, which kind of lessens the magic of it.

Although I know what you mean. I create shitty threads on /qa/ all the time that I'm fairly certain will annoy them and I don't even look back at them. I don't give a shit and just move on to the next one.

He is just a Dane with a learning disability so nothing to like or admire.

This was the first thing I ever fapped to:

Winter soldier made me cry. When the old lady was talking to Steve. To be fair I was high at the time

GotG Vol. 2 made me cry and I've never done drugs.

I pretend to be cultured then turn around and post in a Star Wars or superhero thread.

Cloud Atlas is kino

My name is Christopher so I replayed a part of an episode of the Sopranos in which Adriana says "I love you Christopher" a number of times

Shouldn't be a confessional opinion, should be the general consensus.

I shit post the word kino because I know it's a great way of creating low quality, shit posts and topics without getting banned. I basically only use Reddit because it's the only place you can have a real conversation about movies and TV. Sup Forums's Sup Forums board is just for shit posting and memes.

Can I get your Reddit username?


When I insult people by calling them anime or video game fags, it's usually because I've run out of arguments and I'm getting pretty desperate. Thankfully they shut up after that and I can feel like I've won.

I actually agree with both of you. It's not an extremely smart movie, but it is an extremely good one.


There's nothing to understand about Refn. His movies are experiences - like a ride at an amusement park. Sometimes they make you smile; sometimes they make you want to throw up.

I'm pretty sure most people who are capeshitting and posting Marvel/DC Wojaks are just roleplaying for fun and might not even like or see these films. It's like the Sup Forums console warring except I feel the Sup Forums version has less genuine fans.

Can anyone who does this confirm or deny what I'm saying?

Other way around, actually. While the Sup Forums console warring is largely just shitposting, Sup Forums has a lot of genuine fans of Marvel/DC who discuss the films in depth. The Wojaks, however, are just shitposters, yes.



I think boondock saints is overrated.