Why are these movies so bland? I can't think of a single aesthetically interesting element in any one of them...

Why are these movies so bland? I can't think of a single aesthetically interesting element in any one of them. The cinematography is bland, the music is bland, the lighting is bland, the costume design is bland, the locations are boring. Everything is just so generic and flat. WHY? Do these movies even have directors, or DPs, or composers?

Other urls found in this thread:


>literally 5 seconds into the film someone is chastised for calling native Americans "Indians"
>literally 10 seconds in a black school news reporter is macking on blonde white girl
>the new black Mary Jane's WE speech about how the Washington monument was built by slaves
>both of Peter Parker's love interests are black
>villain's wife is black
>Peter's Mexican school rival has a white blonde girlfriend
>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers fantasizing about old men, also participated in by a gay male

they do it just to annoy you, because they know you'll watch it anyway.

you keep saying you won't but you do, every time.

they are laughing as they take your money, again.

As a New Yorker, this photo is very intradesting to me. I cannot figure out which order these people would have sat down in. It must have been small nig, blondie, then tubs, but that doesn't necessarily seem right. This is a mystery in subway social dynamics.

At this point it's pretty much just the Russo brothers who are that transparently bland and visually empty, though it is the sort of house style, you're right. But with Gunn, Taika, and Even Reed/Derrickson things are looking up.

No artistic voice = no risk of alienating general audiences. These are money making movies only. No passion.


The subway exists in other municipalities along w/ the very same social awkwardness. It probably went, fat guy first on far right. Then while it was still less crowded, the girl, but on far left with a space in between. The gentleman on the left gets on and notices the space quickly, and sort of nods at it/her politely and she's forced to scoot over to the right, flash against or protagonist.

The Russos formula, VERY autistic/toddler/elderly friendly, easy to follow, told when to laugh. Not evocative or cinematic like those confusing DC movies.

That's why I prefer the older trains with the bucket seats. There's only enough room for one ass per seat at most, so there's no question of whether or not you should have to move over.

>the oh so edgy Sup Forums Fuck Marry Kill scene with high schoolers

is there anyone on Sup Forums that actually had a childhood, how can you find that edgy jesus christ

Even though you didn't say anything, I agree. The first few movies has awesome set pieces, color, and characters I cared about and enjoyed watching their adventures.

You'd think with bigger budgets and fatter pockets these huge set pieces would only be more grand.

I think the common issue now with sequels to any of these movies is the time crunch. When you're working on the first movie, you have more time for creativity. For imagination and attention to detail. Though, when working on a sequel, you have a year and a half, really, to make it all happen.

Remember mahvel is for white people and so is this board.

Idk how the MCU wouldn't benefit from a little variety. This insistence on mediocrity must be mandated by the executives, so I guess it's a money maker? Doctor Strange was the last one for me, if you don't like these movies simply don't support them and watch other ones, complaining about them but paying to see Spider-Man does nothing

now post Gwen, Ned, MJ and Flash.

Reddit hates DC and larbs Marvel.

2 Bee Faire
Marvel gets good reviews and makes a lot money despite fifty percent of their output being literally unwatchable
and maybe making 3 actually good (outside the capeshit genre) films. Not great but a solid 7/10 film.
why try to make something good when u still get good reviews for absolute garbage

white-dildo-up-their-asses-liberals maybe

>why try to make something good when u still get good reviews for absolute garbage

And this is what I will never understand. Why is it that critics haven't gotten sick of Marvel yet? Everybody bemoans the state of the modern Hollywood foreign-money-grubbing-reboot-launching-unoriginal-repetitive-oppressively-mediocre blockbuster, but Marvel (easily the worst offender) is UNTOUCHABLE. Every single time.

>Aw Hell's yeah, gonna go see the new Avengers which us out on my 29th birthday! Gonna wear my Thor T-shirt shaped like his armor to it too! Ha e you seen my hilarious chibi art spideman homecoming Facebook cover photo. WHAAAAAAATTTT, you DONT collect Funco pops? DUDE I have a whole cabinet full of them they are Awe-to the-some! The next avenegers is going to be sooooo dark too, I just know it. I hope I get the limited edition poster for it in my loot crate tomorrow, can't freakin' wait!!


T. Average western adult

Because Disney. It's capeshit for hamburger fed plebians with lower than average IQ. The only one that is somehow fresh was Guardians of the Galaxy, I liked the imagery.

Are they main heroes?

Was it not "Diversity: le Motion Picture"?

daily reminder that the marvel subreddit has twice the subscribers than the dc subreddit

blonde aquaman and blonde flash are always boring.
only arrow should stay blonde

Because it's Disney. Disney gets a pass on everything.

Is that a yes then?
Do you want the television roles on the image too or just movie ones like picture related?
Why do you Sup Forums liberals hate aryans so much?

Is Iris West a main hero? But you're right, the numbers don't lie. Just look at the /r/movies poll for BvS compared to Homecoming. It's clear reddit is just a bunch of Marvel-hating DChads



>Is Iris West a main hero?
Thats what I asked here >But you're right, the numbers don't lie.
Where am I talking about numbers?
>Just look at the /r/movies poll for BvS compared to Homecoming. It's clear reddit is just a bunch of Marvel-hating DChads
But you're browsing reddit

Stop posting this shit. Several people have made arguments against this. You are just being racist. Sup Forums doesn't really understand racism though.

>Those nogs you posted don't count because they're not main characters, oh by the way, check out this secondary character on a TV show that illustrates my point

Look, it's fine that you like Marvel, but don't try to pass them off as anything but normie flicks. It's far and above the most mainstream and popular franchise of the modern era.


I won't. I haven't even seen one of those movies. The Marvel threads interest me for some reason

So you're saying the image should have everyone else and just main heroes?
Also the secondary already posted above is from the 2020 movie

>you're reddit! no you are!

Who fucking cares. Get over your obsession with that website

I'm saying you're an insufferable faggot and Marvel sucks big nigger cocks.

>Tfw live in Prague where the sub has individual seats

You could try Sup Forums then? Thats where most anti-white liberal posters hangout

you mean focus-tested as to not to offend anyone anywhere at all?

it works, don't fix what ain't broke

think elevator music. it's not hip hop or death metal or dubstep, because, hell, someone might get angry / don't like it.

your goal is to be mildly annoying, that's the path to success.

That's why my spotify is an endless elevator music playlist.

Aside from GOTG 1&2, Mahvel has cucked Hollywood as a whole, now there's nothing but sequels aimed at creating cinematic universes...feelsbadman

every time you make an artistic statement, you are alienating some of your potential audience



inb4 reddit video, he's still right.

Because that is what the DC shill bots want us to believe.

>Why are these movies so bland? I can't think of a single aesthetically interesting element in any one of them.
Because they're not meant to appeal to you. They're meant to appeal to children, and their parents who buy the related merchandise.

It's American cinema for Americans.
Bland movies for a bland people.