Lord of the Rings Re-Casting

It's that time again.

11 - Frodo
22 - Sam
33 - Pippin
44 - Merry
55 - Gimli
66 - Legolas
77 - Boromir
88 - Gollum
99 - Aragorn
00 - Gandalf

111 - Galadriel
222 - Saruman
333 - Elrond
444 - Theoden
555 - Arwen
666 - Sauron
777 - Denethor
888 - Bilbo
999 - Treebeard

Idris Elba.


Taylor Swift

>Gondor has no tangerines. Gondor needs no tangerines.





So far we have:

Adolf Hitler as Merry
Michael Chaine as Boromir

John Cena




ryan gosling




Amy Schumer




>cucked by Michael Caine









>the black guy is gollum



And again....




Vince Vaughn



And again.... Hitler as Gollum and Gandalf so far...


at least make some effort and make a picture with captioned photos you lazy cunt









So far

11 - Frodo
22 - Sam - Jeremy Renner
33 - Pippin
44 - Merry - Hitler
55 - Gimli
66 - Legolas
77 - Boromir - Michael Caine
88 - GoDano - Idris Elba
99 - Aragorn
00 - Gandalf

111 - Galadriel - Classic Paul Dano
222 - Saruman
333 - Elrond
444 - Theoden
555 - Arwen
666 - Sauron
777 - Denethor
888 - Bilbo
999 - Treebeard








Aidan gillen






and again

















Scrooge McDuck











but steve was already gandalf



let andy play all the parts this time

