ITT: people who are still alive

ITT: people who are still alive

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Honestly probably Chris Dorner.


Isn't David Berkowitz dead?

oh man what a genius.
i watched a video on youtube and couldnt stop laughing. where did all the talented comedians go. all we got now is goofs.


don't call Andy a comedian or he will sick Howdy Doody on you

You know it's true

He was a fag tho


He's right, though. 2pac was shit.

Biggie was the real deal.

he looks like such a sweety baby with those big doe eyes

There is also another interview where he is talking to a reporter and he keeps talking with this feminine voice, but when the reporter says "We are already filming", he suddenly changes to a deeper more masculine voice, however I can't find it.

ayoo crackas wut you say bout my homeboi 2pac? that mothafucka Sure Knight tryna ice us but we hide our in mac garage composing r next mixtape nigga

There's a crazy video where he's sucking this dude off and then he says "I need to eat this nigga's ass" and eats the guys ass but I can't find the video


>black guy does some good
>"why he doing good... he gay?"

blacks are fucked

big bad JC of course


he wasnt a comedian, he was a troll
he did what he did for his own amusement not to please the crowd

He's alive

If he's so not dead then why didn't he come back? They said he was gonna come back in 2014 and he did not, it was the most disappointing year ever.
Tupac is fucking dead. Otherwise he would have come back and shown himself.

Sure Knight still wants to kill him and Tupac doesn't want to make music anymore

It still sucks, he's a fucking coward if he's still alive. But he's not. The only reason I cared about him was because he faked his own death but now I know that's not true so he's just another random edgy rapper that got killed.



Dude was just an irl shitposter

>you will die in Christopher Lee's lifetime

you have to be 18 to post here. I bet you actually think Elvis is dead and Kurt Cobain committed suicide top kek

Those are different stories. Tupac is fucking dead. If he's not, he should show up and prove it, otherwise he's a faggot coward piece of shit.


sigh have you even paid attention to what I said? There's people who want him dead. revealing himself makes him vulnerable.



>thread on page 8

Not one person has mentioned Walt Disney.
I hate Summer Pleddit SJWs so much sometimes.



tick tick tick


Jacko aint dead.
>dies convieniently with no major illness
>right after filing for bankruptcy
>world tour tickets already sold out
fucking tax right off, and insurance job.
he is probably living in some panama island or whatever.
Plus if you look at his funeral" everyone is acting, all his family. They all had sunglasses on, no one crying etc.

His family is crazy, no embellishment, they wouldn't cry if he was beaten to death in front of him.

yeah because this guy is hiding anywhere

You think 2pac and biggie ever ate a good bowl of goulash before they died? Maybe with his gat next to his bowl? Im heating up last night's goulash right now. Just got me wondering...

Rob the lad

If only. He could have saved us.