In wonder woman movie how did steve trevor come to themyscira?

In wonder woman movie how did steve trevor come to themyscira?

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he was shot down by Germans while fleeing their fleet in a plane. seemed pretty obvious to me.

They needed to make a movie so the plot happened, don't think too much into it.

He's a WW1 pilot flying over the Mediterranean and gets shot down by german warships, crashes into the water nearby.

By plane

His plane crashed.

by crashing his plane with no survivors

Where there any survivors?

The only one that mattered.

Lol what an ugly cunt

was she gonna steal the babby?

>haha I called a well known attractive actor ugly on the internet
>women are sure to see the error of their ways now!

I unironically want to lick her back

Steve filed it in with the flight plan.


>was she gonna steal the babby?
Yes. She's never seen a baby, she was the only kid on Themyscira.

by love, remember that's the final lesson of this movie : love. Israel is love!

>swn touch your cheek
;_; jdimsa


What did Gal mean by this?

pretty bad bait fag

>ywN wake up next to your gal gadot gf
I want to die bros...

He has a magic dick.

How many Palestinian boys would I have to disembowel by hand before she would allow me to be her foot slave?

Wow that's pretty good quality

>swn kick you in the balls while calling you her filthy goyim slave
why even live?

They just took a little break from filming to hang out with a bunch of faggy girls?

Why would she care if you did it by hand? I'm sure she'd be just as impressed if burned them alive with white phosphorus from 30 miles away


I'm sure she appreciates the thought.

look at the fucking framing in that second shot. ATROCIOUS.

And no I am not a Marvel fan I hate their shit too. FUCK OFF

it is said than she then beat up the muslim one

imagine if she punched you as hard as she could in the balls haha


Doing it by hand shows a passion for the work!

haha look at his face

ahah what a situation that would be to have happen to you hahah very unwanted!

>no femdom ballbusting subs edit of this webm

Odd, usually 4chans on top of this shit

Gal's on the Tonight Show if you fucks wanna see it.

I hope her back healed completely. She'll be at SDCC too for the JL panel.

israeli woman attempting to steal away little gentile baby so she can make matzas

>Odd, usually 4chans on top of this shit
Probably because I literally just made it.

That was FIVE minutes ago user.

>All these perma virgin weebs willingly succumbing to kike propaganda

That's right goyim, keep jacking off to hentai every day. Mix outside your race. Shill this skeleton with man hands for us. A sheckle for a good goy.

>That's right goyim, keep jacking off to hentai every day.

I do that and don't race mix though.


when a leftist tries meming... the cringe is very real

There is nothing bluepilled or degenerate about wanting a qt jew to castrate you and force you into slavery

I want to willingly succumb to this kike, what about it?

woah that's going a little too far. sure I'd like a qt jew to lock me in chastity and turn me into her cuck slave but ideally she would occasionally unlock me for lengthy tease and denial sessions or make me fuck blow up dolls in front of her and her friends before locking me up again without release

>that's going a little too far.
or.. is it not going far enough

that sounds more reasonable. why not maybe let you cum on the floor just in front of her feet? if you've been extra nice and submissive of course


Tell me I'm not the only one who sees her pussy

of course she would make you lick up off the floor or rub it all over her strapon before throatfucking you

That scene was cute as fuck. I want to give Gal a baby. ;_;

You're in luck because now she wants to have a boy. After all the work she's lined up though, so I guess a couple of years.


Not a shop.

of course, with enough luck, you could even maybe lick gals husband semen out of the bedsheet while they both humiliate and insult you, before going back to the shed

how does he know what her BO is like? do you think she made him lick her pits


Probably because of this.

brb dling

> I'd like a qt jew to lock me in chastity and turn me into her cuck slave

The average WW shill poster

>he doesn't want to be gal's chastity goy slave


there is NOTHING wrong with the activities described in that greentext

>tfw watching own race self destruct from under achieving degenerate virgins addicted to masturbating to cartoon porn

I'm sure memes about an ugly jewish skeleton will make you feel better somehow


she's a real woman. why do you think there's crossover between galposters and weebs?

that point of view is very strange, you want the camera to be like being on your knees next to the bed

The better question is how the Germans managed to follow him in ships after he stole their plane. That made zero fucking sense.

Explain what's wrong.

Imagine the fish smell as Chris was talking to those slunts.

>on your knees filthy goyim


topkek is this supposed to be impressive?

You have Basic Instinct syndrome


>what are ya watching goyim? you know you'll never get a piece of this, right? not even the right to rub your pathetic uncircumcised cock against this armpit?


Who was in the wrong here?

>gal will never take you to the gym and laugh at you when she outlifts you


Have you seen the movie? The framing is intentional because as the baby leaves the frame on the left, the man in the lighter coat following them who confronts them in the alleyway appears on the right. It is a more subtle draw to attention than doing a really obvious cut to this shot to go "hey look there's a guy following". This guy appears naturally in the shot about 4 times before it is made obvious after Diana hands her sword and shield off to Etta.



wtf patty

just watched this and holy shit it's literally "gal gadot waifu simulator: the movie"


wtf when did raimi start working for DC?

be honest, how many WW panty shots will I get to see in the movie?