At this 2017 midway point, some remarkable movies still deserve attention...

At this 2017 midway point, some remarkable movies still deserve attention. These anti-Spider-Man films not only chart our cultural standing but advance awareness of the millennium’s human and artistic potential. Most of these films oppose Hollywood’s adolescent fear and adult cynicism about sex, society, and faith.

>A Quiet Passion
>Paris 05:59: Théo & Hugo
>Staying Vertical
>Son of Joseph
>The Assignment
>My life as a Zucchini
>Baby Driver
>The Great Wall
>Paris can wait
>King Arthur
>All eyez on me
>The Ornithologist
>My journey through French Cinema

Only five American movies make this mid-year list because that’s how depraved U.S. film culture has become. So, bravo to the anti-Spider-Man movies. Let’s hope they spark an artistic homecoming.

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Where's Wonder Woman?

Armond White is an alt-right retard but at least he has the good taste to realize that The Great Wall and King Arthur are good.


>Armond being alt-right
>King Arthur being good

>lists Journey through French Cinema alongside The Great Wall, Baby Redditor, and King Arthur (which was ok)

Someone stop this madman

Not an argument.

He's the madman cinema needs.

Dunkey told me this cuck is a worthless hack. No wonde you losers love him

Dunkey is from Sup Forums and he is a redlettermefia fan too
I remember way back when half in the bag avengers came out he was the top comment
I'm actually never noticed dunkey has fucking 3 million subs holy shit, I subbed to him when it was less than 100k

He's a big guy on YouTube. And yet, he's NEVER sold out like any of the others. He literally just speaks his mind about everything with complete honesty. That's why I love him.


I don't know
I just find it weird because I subbed to him when he posted this video
I guess I never noticed the subs count being this high

all correct

Yeah, I've been a fan of him for a while too. But he's been building quite steadily over the years. Making videos for one of the most popular games in the world probably helped a lot.

>Armond White is an alt-right retard
If a black guy has unpopular opinion that you dont agree with doesn't mean his alt right fagt.

>Idolizing gamur youtube celebs
go back to Sup Forumsddit, manchild

hes right tho

He's right though.

Fuck off, how is he not alt-right?

Has he reviewed Ape Kino?

Grace Randolph is basically Armond female version

You haven't proved that he is. He doesn't like antifa, oh no he must be a fucking nazi!!1!

I understand ironically liking Armond because his whole shtick is being a contrarian, but the man has Assassins Creed, Jack and Jill, Norbit, Little Man, and Grown Ups as better films than TDK, Pulp Fiction, and Up.

>>Baby Driver

Odd - Armond doesn't usually go for the same stuff as all the other critics.

When he does, it's a sign. "Holy shit, this is going to be fucking good."

First off, antifa is a retarded boogeyman.
Second, he's brainwashed into believing Trump's "fake news" narrative like all the other alt-righters.

wrong on both accounts. Try again.

only retards believe this

It does make me even more interested (the movie doesn't open where I live for another couple of weeks). All sorts of ordinary movies get 90-something RT ratings, but a movie getting both that and an Armond recommendation is as rare as rocking-horse shit.

You didn't even try to respond. Fuck off, Trumptard.


Well, Edgar Wright's entire filmography has been top-notch so it doesn't much surprise me that this is another winner.

Fuck off, Trumptard.

Do you really think anyone who likes Trump is part of the political movement seeking a "peaceful ethnic cleansing?" Are you that fucking removed from reality?

When did I say that's what alt-righters are?
They're just a bunch of retards who blindly support the president and think politics is a game.

he right about that except pulp fiction. I guess you can't always 100% agree with somebody.

How can you seriously think Norbit is a better film than The Dark Knight, user?

>I guess you can't always 100% agree with somebody.
Watch the video in , he makes a good point about that.

You're not always going to see eye to eye with them, but what's important is that they have a consistent voice. That you know what kind of person they are and what their opinions mean.

No, that's not "alt-right." You don't get to make up definitions. Go look up Richard Spencer and his platform. You are just being retarded.

Richard Spencer is straight up a national socialist. Completely different from the alt-right.

>Completely different from the alt-right.
nope. He's also an ethno-nationalist, very different.

What's the point of critics if you just want them to validate your opinions? I only ever read critics to see different opinions than mine(wether they're positive or negative) and even then I rarely change my opinion. That's why we need armond.


What the fuck are you on about?

>Tarantino flick

All correct

norbit is a shitty eddie murphy comedy. TDK is capeshit.

the answer is clear.

Yes, that's what Dunkey says in the video.

Norbit is actually a lot better than I was expecting it to be. Looked like shit from the trailers but I caught it on TV once and it turned out to be surprisingly solid.

yeah I watched it years ago when faggots around me put it on tv and I had no choice. it was still crap but on the sandler tier scale it was near the top, actually laffed hard a few times.

>faggots around me
rude thing to call your family

He hated it, he's a true patrish so he only likes Snyderkino

Literally nothing wrong with that

He hated it because he hates women, like the average Trumptard.

Only one I think he's wrong about is the social network

The cancer that is killing Sup Forums. Why is it that it seems the only people triggered happen to be Sup Forumsedditors and literal teenagers who watch ecelebs on YouTube?

the great wall was incredibly boring though

Capping the posts shilling dunkey to document the Sup Forums cancer that has engulfed this board

Oh look, a retard

>ITT: People argue about the meaning of a recent buzzword which has no cemented meaning and does not refer to any easily quantifiable political movement

>Armond White

>Armond White
>he's black
>contrarian for a living


wtf I love him even more now

dude i'll fuck your ass

not even jklmaoing

i'll fuck it


ok i'm fucking it

Forced meme is forced

>baby driver


norbit is amazing, you fucking pleb