ITT: movies where children get murdered

ITT: movies where children get murdered

Other urls found in this thread:

Nightmare on elm street

Assault On Precinct 13.


Those are teenagers

Twilight Zone

isn't her entire skeleton being covered in metal going to hinder her development somewhat?

City of God.

The Senate's biopic

It isn't. She just has the claws, her bones are regular.

does anyone have the slow motion gif/webm of this? I read somewhere they got decapitated by the propellors.


That scene with the two kids shook me pretty bad desu. Granted I was like 14 when I first watched it, but it's still a tough watch.

Funny Games


Funny Games, but it happens off-screen (if that's what you're looking for)

My favorite movie of all time


fuck I can't imagine showing up to work on a fucking tv show and having to deal with your coworkers being decapitated. shit's fucked

Children of the corn

Words have meanings.

Sup Forums related but gundam

what the fuck dude

It's a pretty rough scene, doesn't shy away or imply anything, just straight up shows it.

Would you consider war crimes to be murder? Gotta count pretty much the entire Star Wars franchise in that case

Great movie, really puts life into perspective as us privileged NEETs sit here complaining about stupid irrelevant shit.

I mean you don't see the point of impact, but yeah it's quite a brutal scene.

The Blob
First saw this on TNT when I was like 4 years old.

At 1:50 the little brothers friend gets absorbed.
First time a movie horrified me.

Not murder though, my bad

fuck you man

It was a movie. Then the jew director left the scene real quick and was never charged with anything.

refresh my memory, what's the director's name again?

Hadn't watched this before till last night and was not expecting this.

Sam Hyde. Why?

This too.

What is it?



what this?

mad boipusi

twin peaks fire walk with me

Sleepaway Camp. Typical b-movie horror until that spoiler pic ending where it sudenly shifts gears like crazy then ends. Worth a watch.


this is actually the vagina kid from kindergarten cop

The Mist

the fuck are you talking about?


>tfw you realize Logan was basically a Terminator sequel.

no holds barred, that's sam raimi for you

Wow, yikes. I didn't realise this movie was so problematic.

That's tight tho

>be me, kid
>feel frightened when bad things happen to kids because I obviously relate
>be me, edgy teen/YA
>"haha fuck those kids man"
>be me, 30yo
>feel despair and angst in seeing young, helpless kids in danger with no one to protect them
It seems I fell for the adulthood meme, I see

Abortion isn't murder, simpleton.

This is Pan's Labyrinth right? Looks like Heavenly Creatures. I remember the film looking good.

Yes it is redditor.

How transphobic, someone should kill that kid


Man Bites Dog (1992)

City Of God

>der blub

>go on Sup Forums for some lighthearted baneposting
>get reminded this happened yesterday

>that moment he goes from smug to JUST


what kind of piece of shit would stab a 3 year old to death?

>It is understood the child and mother are of Middle Eastern descent.


I fucking hate jews. But I've never met one in my life.

John Landis

what the fuck is wrong with these shitty subs? its nothing like the real dialogue.

werent they using those viet kids illegally too?

my favorite child suffering media is The Childrens Crusade.

it has more suffering that any shit posted here combined.

has anyone posted this yet?

>let's him take in the fact that his whole family was just murdered in front of him

Isn't that also the kid from A New Nightmare?

not a movie, but one of the best shows i watched

Come and See, and its brutal

Jesus Christ Raumi


Mean Creek