Prt 1
>Wonder Woman DCEU movie announced
>"no one even knows who Wonder Woman is, DC IS FINISHED!"

>rumors that a former WB employee says that WW is a mess
>"DCucks on suicide watch! JUST!"

>trailers come out

>"Where is Gadot? Interviews? Jimmy Fallon? Kimmel? HAHA, WB/DC doesn't have faith in Wonder Woman! DAMAGE CONTROL!"
>Gadot shows up on all of the talk shows days before premier. As well as snacks and soda cans. user would know this if his mom didn't do his grocery shopping.

>critics first reactions on twitter were overwhelmingly positive
>"fucking shills I swear, look at this review on IMDb saying it's shit without talking about the movie at all, damn this is going to be hilarious!!"

>embargo drops, WW has more praise than Logan and anything in the MCU since Avengers or so
>"fucking SJW shills this movie is SHIT audience scores are going to crush it lmao"

>audience scores currently sit at 92% on a 4.5/5 rating, higher than anything Marvel
>"h-heh well who cares it's still going to fucking BOMB look at this picture of an empty theater (I swear these retards were posting those pictures here lol)"

>WW crushes all predictions and opens at more than $100M, beating IM1, GotG, Doctor Strange, Logan, TWS and more
>"w-well until you see the DROP, 80% at least, DC is dead bury it consider this mercy etc etc"

>"T-The Mummy will crash this movie with no survivors! Can't Bruise The Cruise!"
>it critically panned and flopped

>WW has one of the smallest drop for a CBM ever and the 3rd weekend drop is even smaller
>on it's 3rd weekend it's making more than CW and AoU (Avengers movies)
>already outgrossed TWS and Doctor Strange entire domestic runs after two weeks and it's making more money overseas than dom so far while no release yet in Ger/Jap/foreign markets

>"Cars 3 will bury it!"
>doesn't even make a dent

Other urls found in this thread:


Prt 2
>"WW bombed! it hasn't even passed 500M! DC is finished!"
>crosses $600M threshold on the same day user posted this

>"how is this happ-"
>$650M on its 4th weekend

>"HAHAHAHAH it hasn't passed Suicide Squad's worldwide yet! BTFO!"
>6th weekend, 745M+ worldwide. Wonder Woman is now the 2nd highest grossing DCEU movie in the franchise.

>Homecoming starts slow, gets terrible drops, Wonder Woman actually rises.

>Oh yeah? Well Deadpool was more profitable and it was R-rated too. #DCDone!
>outgrosses Deadpool's domestic profits. Ryan Reynolds even congratulates them.

anything i'm missing?


>dat pic....

Ryan Reynolds should be Maxwell Lord seeing how BvS btfo Lex Luthor forever...

>Deadpool congratulating Wondy instead of Spider-Man

It just goes to show how woman will flock to see literal garbage, as long as it's (((empowering)))

Disclaimer: All capeshit is trash and you're all retarded subhumans

That WW insignia is so cool. Funny that she fights the Germans, who also loved to wear cool imposing imagery.

>no one even know who Wonder woman is
Literally nobody said that. Stopped reading there because I assume the rest of this is equally nonsensical.

What does B.O. stand for?

>congratulating Spider-Man
for what?

This is strangely satisfying. Fuck these Spider-Man reboots

Hey newfriend, enjoying you first week on r/4chin/

>Literally nobody said that.
Sup Forums has been saying for months how she's some fossil that everyone (as if Sup Forums leaves their computers) forgotten and how she's some relic. It's quite hilarious actually.

For being a tumblr movie

Getting btfo by Wonder Woman.

it's a pun, it stands for both Box Office and Body Odor

>Heavily implies everything that's wrong is Germany's fault and Germany started the war when Serbia actually started it
>Makes it seem like Germany is the only country using "terrible weapons of war" like gas and shit
>Wonder Woman is perfectly fine with killing Germans when she first encounters them (ex: Sniper in the clocktower) or having her friends kill Germans
>Germans never speak any German and instead use a universal English language, meanwhile every other language on earth is spoken in a different tongue
>Stereotypical romantic subplot where Wonder Woman falls for the man despite her growing up with the Amazonians, it being a movie about women empowerment where they don't really need men's support, etc.
>Romantic subplot leads to her being more upset over her man's death than over the death of the Amazonian that raised her at the beginning
>Ending was literally the power of friendship
>Soundtrack was shit
>explosions looked like shit and were massively overdone on literally everything
>Plot was generic as shit
>Powers never felt completely fleshed out or nailed down
Just because it makes money doesn't make it good, capeshitter

This is completely accurate, OP.

Doesnt it have higher reviews?

When compared to the dozen Superman and Batman movies and shows, Wonder Woman relied on pinup and merch presence, Linda Carter history ancient like Adam West, and comic books moviegoers wouldn't have to know about.

Saying Wonder Woman was unknown was the safer opening to begin mocking the movie. Anything after was starting to dig a hole and then dig it deeper.

Nigger pls, Germany had such a gigantic hard on for invading Russia before they got mobile enough to defend themselves that pretty much were willing to follow the absolute retards that were the austro hungarian cucks.
They escalated the outta the war like a bunch of bloody savages krauts and they were btfo for it.
Fuck Germany.

Sup Forums's year long constant predictions was this movie was going to pan both critically and financially. The movie actually being good or not is immaterial to why Sup Forums was wrong. (as always)


You know what, OP? This really made me think.

I can't honestly say whether or not this movie was good because of how much people wanted it to be good. They wanted Ghostbusters to succeed and it flopped painfully, so I was expecting the same with this. But I feel it was good. 10 years ago this could've just been perfect like iron Man but all this sjw bullshit completely tarnishes any movie getting reviewed objectively

Like I don't think anyone can criticize this movie at this point because you will immediately be labeled a misogynist

>>Heavily implies everything that's wrong is Germany's fault and Germany started the war when Serbia actually started it
Germany just needed an excuse to start a war at this point. And do you actually blame entire country for actions of a small radical group?
>>Makes it seem like Germany is the only country using "terrible weapons of war" like gas and shit
True, but it was Germans who started using gas first.

Deadpool should meet Hark a Vagrant Wondie.

Based WW putting yet another nail in Sup Forumss coffin

>"no one even knows who Wonder Woman is, DC IS FINISHED!"
Said nobody ever considering she is by far the most known female superhero.


this is a good comic. Is there any real point to WW's character besides the fact that she's a woman?





So now you're taking obvious trolls and Marvel shills seriously. Good job. I actually liked WW.

>W-We were trolling all along i swear!

I don't know why Batman is a manlet though.

Top v Kek: Dawn of /ourgal/

As if men didn't flock to see it too, as well as every other superhero film that made over a billion.

I never participated in a single WW thread until now. And I'm not saying DC shills aren't just as bad as Marvel's. It was an entertaining movie but to take shitposting seriously is sad. Hundreds of threads that were blatant trolling with MUH FEMINISM shit. Can you show me some archives of people breaking down why WW would be bad? 90% of that shit was trolling just to piss off DCucks. The exact same thing happened with CW. The sad part is people like you fell for it.

okey, i am sorry, but JL will be 100% epic fail

They're shills
note that they're allowed to waifupost and avatar(something which as you know as been a big ban since 2013)

is this 2009?

>believing any of this
lelmao. there will be at least a dozen other waifu threads before it's noon in murrica

He's hiding and shit because he's all mysterious.


>getting reviewed objectively
This is absolutely impossible. The reviews always come from an individual, with his own set of values. They're not scientific peer reviews, they're art criticism, which isn't a science. If anything, you need to come up with your own tools in order to be able to read through the bullshit and see what bits of information you consider worthy, depending on your own set of values. That's how informed opinions are formed. The fact that they're informed doesn't stop them from still being opinions though.

What is the point of any superhero?


The only problem I have is that instead of being a 7 foot tall THICC amazon they cast a skinny little Isreali because the Jews control motion pictures.

That will always be the problem with this flick.

And so is Wonder Woman's.

Wonder Woman has pretty much never been that big, stop projecting your fetishes you femdom cuck

Lasso of Truth. Since MM isn't around somebody had to compel people to give up information.

I'm not even mad. It actually makes sense that the first good DC movie made since Nolan wasn't directed by Snyder. Plus, lets be honest, girls deserved a good super hero and nothing in the MCU was really cutting it.

Plus WW is a badass. You could swap the gender and call it "Wonder Man" and the comics would sell regardless.

OP though, per usual, is a faggot.

cant believe the same autistic virgin jew shill is still spamming wonder woman threads on this board with new post formats

what a life

I am sorry, but Infinity War will crush Pathetic League anyway

Are you shitting me? WW has always been thicc and muscular. That being said I did not mind Gal's performance or look.

It's okay. Matt Reeves Batman will make more by himself than Infinity Bore.

this is honestly the most sexist movie ive ever seen.

>women wont leave their home in fear of men
>all women are portrayed as weak and helpess except for a literal god
>all male characters treated the women like shit
>male love interest risked more and did a more heroic deed than the female hero
>female hero couldnt defeat the villain without her feelings for the main male character

Yet feminists are praising it as the best thing ever

posted too soon. Speaking of Matt Reeves, how does it feel that Iron Spider 4 is going to get Ape Spunked in 3 days?

why would anyone expect feminists to be anything but stupid?

this, welcome to modern feminism, where all they look for is one moment of triumph over a man to go YAAAAS to

Nigger it was in fucking WW2. Of course the men treated women like they didn't belong in the military. Even today they don't. I'd love to see a woman drag a man across the battlefield under fire when he is wearing full equipment. Facts are sexist now?

>Part 2 already
Based Sup Forums BTFO poster how does he do it?

You need a hobby

>>women wont leave their home in fear of men
>>One finally does and actually saves the world of men
Is almost as if the movie was trying to say something.

>all women are portrayed as weak and helpess except for a literal god
Those women in the island weren't, they defeat the invading forces. Dr. Poison wasn't weak or helpless either. No other women are shown in the movie because it takes place in a war where women didn't fight. It's explained clearly in the movie.

>male love interest risked more and did a more heroic deed than the female hero
He risked his life, just like she did, the difference is that she won and didn't die. About doing a more heroic deed, I guess you forgot about freeing the Belgian town, which was Diana's initiative. And fighting a God is pretty heroic. Not to mention she left her safe home to fight along men, when her island wasn't part of the war.

>female hero couldnt defeat the villain without her feelings for the main male character
It was not just her feelings for the main male character, it was her feelings for mankind, which were triggered by Steve's sacrifice, but also by seeing Steve's friends trying to comfort each other in the face of death.

Seems like you believe the only way to be feminist is by "no needing no man" instead of finding a way to live together, which is what WW does throughout the movie.

Are MCUcks still claiming that Pirates and The Mummy didn't flop because they did well in markets where the studios get like a 15% of the gross?

Oh mummy flopped spectacularly. Pirates didn't worldwide but it clearly under performed.

>anything i'm missing?

Anything said about not getting close to Guardians 2?

It's one thing to surpass MoS from years ago despite its star studded cast and Supes since that was divisive, but Guardians is a well received sequel to a well received movie, had baby Groot merch bait, stars Kurt Russell and Sly, and is set in the growing cosmic MCU.

WW stars a Israeli model, Chris Pine and a ethic gang of literally whos, and is set in the WW without the nazis.

Don't forget Chris Pratt, the guy who starred in some unwatchable Jurassic Park sequel that ended up outgrossing The Avengers

If wonder woman continues to performs this way, It will surpass the Domestic box office gross of Memers of the galaxy 2.

Look at this beauty
Redditors of the Galaxy 2 is already behind, WW is now aiming at Civil War

>defending a mediocre movie that rips-off the first avenger like a mad cunt that only gets good reviews and hype for being some extremely cringy feminist rallying point because it's the best DC will ever get

get back to me when you beat GOTG2 (aka never)

My favorite argument for GOTG2 is when people say "it has a talking Raccoon and a tree X BTFO!" as if Rocket and Groot aren't the main draw. Nobody saw those films for Drax I can tell you that

>get back to me when you beat GOTG2 (aka never)

>It's a movie about a Jewish woman killing German soldiers
Of course Americans love it. It's all Manifest Destiny, Zionism, Germanophobia, YEE-HAW, American education and general ignorance rolled together into one movie, it's America/10.

You could say it's America - The Movie, even.

Yeah man the feminist angle really worked for Ghostbusters. I'm sure everybody who saw WW was "with her" wait did the MCU actors shill for Hillary and DC tell her to fuck off ?

delete this right now you fascist pig

GOTG2 couldn't top BvS with positive buzz.

I actually liked the WW trailer, what I got from it was more or less what I got from the movie. Chemistry with Trevor, funny moments in between the ass kicking, the cool theme from BvS. No trickery like Suicide Squad. The signs of a decent to good reception were back then all along.

That's unfair, GotG2 is a sure billion flick

>it rips off First Avenger because it's set at a period and lead has a sheild.

to anyone who's actually seen the movie...

so forget all the fucking angles, i don't give a damn about the feminist agenda or any of its adversaries.

to anyone who's actually seen the movie, is it really that good for all the money it's raking in? moreover, I should ask if it is good in general.

I'm NOT going to give the benefit of the doubt after that turd that was batman v. superman.

It was literally cap1

>male hero named captain steve sacrifices himself to stop a plane carrying a mcguffin from destroying a city.


Besides, Cap and WW are the two biggest war era comic characters that can still be used in those settings without any age issues.

>that virtue signaling

It's simple entertainment. Personally, I think the so-called agenda was forgettably tame, the dialogue was really basic and yes, the story is clearly a CA:TFA/Thor 1 ripoff. Gadot is a massive qt and most fight scenes are cool and sexy to look at. You WILL be giving some undeserved money to WB, but hey, it's a fun blockbuster.

Stop expecting everything (or anything, for that matter) to be kino, guys.

I loved when Cap was born in a immortal man-only island created by a god to stop the god of war from corrupting the humanity, saves a foreign spy from a plane wreck, he and his friends fight a modern group of soldiers with old weapons in their island, learns about the outside world from the spy and becomes convinced that the god of war is manipulating humanity into an never ending war and leaves the island only to find himself in a fish out of the water situation in which he has to learn about the modern ways while trying to convince his spy friend of the existence of the god of war, they go to the front to stop the mass production of a lethal gas, he uses his magical powers to cross no man's land and finally they find that the bloodthirsty general isn't the god of war but the guy who was negotiating the peace treaty knowing full well that those negotiations were going to cause WW2 even if his german minions failed to destroy london with their gas

But yeah she has a shield, I hope they don't get sued

It's a good superhero film. The first time I didn't get bored by an action film in the theater since Fury Road.

Get fucked, Hans

>people actually believe this movie did well

it's a cia/mossad psy-op

that says a lot. im not who you replied to but as someone who cant stand most superhero films for being generic and soulless(most marvel films except the winter soldier and iron man)

would i enjoy it?

And absolutely no competion for at least 3 weeks

Gal wont fuck you. no need to white knight her shitty movie

for you

Not with that attitude she won't

It's "generic" as in a superhero doing superhero stuff, but it isn't self aware nor forced. It's just a simple power fantasy, without any attempt at deconstruction either humorous (like Marvel) or not (like Snyder). If you want anything more complex than that, you should probably avoid it, but if you're ok with hanging out with some likeable characters and see Wonder Woman kicking ass, you'll probably enjoy it.

Fox and Warner Bros cooperate. See: Gotham.

fuck germany
