

>summer cuck doesn't know about torrent alerts

thanks but no thanks *walks out of thread*

Is audio shit as always?

already watched it, not bad but nothing to write home about either.

sweet rip, bro. But I don't speak sanskrit

*braps in your face*

heh, nothing personnel kid

Watching anything with KORSUB is not worth it.
Not only is the quality not anywhere near 1080p as claimed, it is too distracting.

How do i use these links?

>calls people "summer cuck"


enjoy your DMCA notices kiddos

>vpn masterrace downing this to sell to jamals.

Is that Norm McDonald?

not him, but judging by those paragraph breaks you're the reddit summer cuck here

>Recieve DCMA notice
>Ignore it
>Nothing of value was lost

I did that at my old place when the people i was renting with started going all crackhead, until 3 days before I finally moved out, the internet was shut off. It was paid up, but I had amassed over 500 DMCA violations. the people on the phone were like holy shit how the fuck did you do this in a month?

I had new HDD's for my NAS and a few externals that were hungry, what should I have done? staved them? that FIOS was fast though.

I live in an apartment complex with about 200 other people and it has open wifi that doesn't ask for verification. I download everything onto an old used laptop and stream it onto a tv. What could they possibly do? Complain that someone in my building of 50ish people is torrenting? It's not like they're going to shut the wifi off and if they trace the router used (which they won't because they're all college interns who don't care) I could still just say "nah wasn't me lol"

we had fios, and it was me, the guy and his crackhead girlfriend, and this weird guy named jeff that was a fag and would cry if he saw that show american loggers because the trees got hurt.

Jeff ran off and left half his shit and his mom came to get it with his sister, then it was me and the crackheads. all the bills were in their names, but i had been paying them to keep the lights on till my new place was ready. then i said FUCK YOU COCKSUCKERS, and ran all the shit up as high as i could. they broke into everyones cars in the neighborhood, broke into houses, stole mail, crackhead shit.

i had my shit hidden up in the attic and would just SSH into the laptop to keep the downloads going. I was going to put cameras up in the house but figured they would just steal them too, and didnt want to chance seeing them naked on the camera. bitch was one of those 300lb crackhead women and he was this skinnyfat that had a cirrhosis pot belly. not even Sup Forums could fap to that.

is this an american thing?

yeah its a copyright violation for pirating stuff online. itsa bullshit clinton era written by the entertainment industry law.

>went to watch The Mummy
>got Necrophilia the Movie

I'm not disappointed desu, I think the show was okay.

Where the fuck is guardians 2?

That face that she make when I eat her ass and pussy.

I want to cummy in mummy

Wait for YIFY.

is there a picture from when she is above Cruise trying to stab him??


>tfw too stupid to download torrents
what the fuck is seeding any ways?

>I want your babies. Pleeeeeeeease.... mmmm

This is what I share Sup Forums with

fuck off you wanker.

Yeah i saw this yesterday on the release blog

Should i watch this?

Ah fuck it i'm gonna download anyways

You'd have to pay me

I would legit give in.

giv mummy gf

is she even that bad? all she wants to do is rule egypt, and they'd be better off with her in charge than the shitshow they have now

>the quality not anywhere near 1080p as claimed

the release only claims to have 1080 horizontal lines. the low bitrate/picture quality doesn't make it any less HD :^)

even jamals know about streaming websites, where the fuck are u selling this shit?

i literally dont care


no thx ill wait for yify :)

>tfw no qt mummy gf to end the world with

Why even live?

nah, I'm good thanks bubby

Why would you write home about some random movie anyway?

Dear everyone at home,
Just watched a film HAHAHAHA, good cinematography in the opening scene HAHAHA.
No nude scenes, but couple of armpit closeups HAHAHA.
Colour grade was of course teal and orange we all know that HAHAHA.
Bye everyone at home.
Yours cinematogrally,
Taylor Payton Chadley Oswalt.

>only in dictatorships

Can someone post a screenshot of Sofia tits please?

Cruise fucked up by taking the manfaced tranny blonde over the Cummy Mummy GodQueen.

>Want to cum inside and end the world
>No way fag

what a terrible boring film

poast strims famlam


the jamals around me sell all their stolen shit, they honestly dont know how to turn half the shit on, or how to reinstall an OS. and they got the base model free phones from obama and metropcs.

I still sell mixtapes at $5 a pop to them.not cds, actual mp3 mixtapes that i put on a sd card.