It's in good hands right?

It's in good hands right?

Other urls found in this thread:

>I've always been a fan of bevis and butthead and like duh

He really doesn't give a shit anymore does he?

yes, denis only makes kino

Truest post all night

Will Denis' skill as a filmmaker outweigh Ridleys Scott's insanity?

only redditors will disagree

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.

I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate.

All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

Time to die.

Arrival was overrated trash with the worst female actress currently working in Hollywood.

Other than that yea I agree. Sicario, Enemy, Incendies and Prisoners were all GOTY.

1. Incendes
2. Enemy
3. Arrival
4. Prisoners
5. Sicario

I would be probably better without Ford.

prisoners not in his top 3

Prisoners shouldnt be top 5

How is drive not there you pleb

>when you bring your dad to comicon.jpg


I was rating Denis Villeneuve's films

Who is the better director? Denis or Nicolas?
IMO Denis really reminds me of more talented Fincher but Nicolas has Kubrick-like cinematography with his only issue being tendency of putting form over substance.


Why is the fist one so praised ?
its kind of forgettable, and buy that i barely remember anything form it.

yes but I have a feeling Ridley will try to sabotage it in some way


I personally like Denis better. I think Nicolas makes beautiful looking movies with too much "fluff" and he can come off as a bit pretentious as well.

Not even close. With the exception of Children of Men he is a flick director.

His movies are hit or miss compared to Villeneuve's stellar streak.

people are still memeing about tears in the rain all these years later.

memeing? one of the greatest monolouges of all time even more so considering it was unscripted.

Because it was ahead of its times similar to Alien. Still I wouldn't put it in Ridley's top 3.

Decker shouldn't be in the movie.

It ruins the beauty of the original film.

Villeneuve I'd say. I think his films are overall more engaging, even if they aren't as stylistic. In Winding Refn's films, I end up thinking "wow this shot looks cool" or "these lights look great" rather than "what are these vaping aliens trying to convey to our hero".

Alien is shit compared to Blade Runner

imagine being this pleb

Take your gay poetry to /lit/ faggot

That's not Ford's full costume. It's actually more extensive.

Where can I get Decker's outfit? Was it specially made for the movie?

different colored pants and a extra shirt! nice

but normies love ford. From a financial standpoint you have to include him I think.

the trailer looked fine up until I saw Ford's old goofy ruined face for muh nostalgia yet again

>Indiana Jones 4
>Force awakens

welp, now we know it will be shit, or 6/10 at best

>delet this

Why does that doll look more like Ryan Reynolds than Ryan Gosling? What the fuck?

What else can he ruin before he croaks? Air Force Two?

Starring Cyberpunk Goose and Someone's Grandpa.

Honestly why did they let this happen? He couldn't be bothered to do wardrobe and just showed up on set in his slacker outfit and said "roll camera"?

Why does he hate his movies so much? Didn't he care once?

why they didn't bother to give Harris a costume?


Harrison doesn't even pretend he doesn't give a fuck anymore

At least it will have Villeneuve shooting my waifu

IMDB babby pls go

I hope this becomes a fashion trend.

But what if people start using you as a trash can then?



the only studio that deserves that is Sony desu

Harrison Ford looks like someone who just took a photo with a cardboard cutout in a walmart

>all this forehead

Ops, I switched the order.

>when you are too intelligent that you only work on kinos

Look how worried Harrison is lmao