What's Sup Forums opinion about the Matrix trilogy?

What's Sup Forums opinion about the Matrix trilogy?

Kino or bullshit?

It's time for a remake/reboot?

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First ones good, Second ones meh, Third ones shit

The original Matrix and pic related are en par with Blade Runner/Ex Machina/Logan's Run.

2 and 3 (which were basically two halves of the same movie).

The first film blew me as a child. Literally. I didn't recognize my own sexuality until Trinity. It was the year I began masturbate.

No remake needed. Let's wait another 50 years before considering a reboot. It's legendary, or at least, it will be considered so.

Ignore the second sentence, they're only worth mentioning if you're planning to marathon the trilogy.

Its kinda strange how good the 1st movie is compared to the 2 sequels.
Why did the directors drop the balls so hard?

they are the woman now.


why are 2 and 3 shit again?

Hmph! What this guy means is that the directors don't have nearly the power that the studios have. Painting "by the numbers" takes priority over creative leadership, since it is guaranteed to succeed in the box office. You can tell when it's the other way around.

kill yourself

Why not prequel?

so its just a meme?

not really shit but it became a generic copy of all the films that came after the original matrix.


Because the original film was a vision of the future by the brothers (well, siblings) and possibly a cautionary tale about totalitarian control (my personal take) and a modern Allegory Of The Cave. While the sequels merely capitalized on what had previously succeeded, with a virtually infinite budget. The entire trilogy was their concept, of course, but they exercised full control only in directing that first movie.

there is only one matrix movie

now thanks, i can accept that.

First one is quite good and the other two were written to extend an unextendable story. That is to say: the first movie wasn't designed to have a sequel.

First is idiotic but stylish, sequels are retarded CGI that drag to no end.

>Its kinda strange how good the 1st movie is compared to the 2 sequels
>more of the stupid plot
>more of the shitty characters
>less of the great action for more CG

What could possibly go wrong?

Animatrix was pretty kino, but then again it was directed by bunch of japanese guys.
They should've just finished the story as an anime.

First one is great, but multiple viewings will ruin the fight scenes. You can tell how shitty the martial arts is on a second viewing.

2nd one was good and set up interesting possibilities that go nowhere in the last movie.

3rd one was WTF? I didn't get any of the plot on a first watch. But I did get a lot of more BANE than in Reloaded.

3rd was cornier than the first 2. Smith being all MWUHAHAHA in frotn of the Oracle, Guy in exosuit shooting while going ARGGGGGGGGGGGGG, etc. The movie was saved by the last fight between Neo and Smith.

Best part of The Matrix after all of the original is the Frenchovingian bits. That guy was great.

>multiple viewings will ruin the fight scenes
>not the writing
>not the lenghty exposition
>not the poorly written characters

You'd expect people to catch on how stupid characters need to act to make the plot possible instead of nitpicking on action sequences.

>2nd one was good
Reloaded is garbage.

Kino, but needs cgi update.

I saw Reloaded and Revolution back to back. Reloaded was watchable, at least. It doesn't do anything, it's just a bunch of weird scenes and no plot, but it's 20X better than Revolution.

Because they spread it too thin. They thought it was smarter and deeper than it was, and by expanding it they only showed the cracks.
The idea wasn't much more than one of those "what if" things people thing while high, mixed up with a messiah story. As the movies went on, it was obvious there was nothing more to it.

Because they're bloated, add nothing to the story and the third one has some jarring special effects that look like shit when compared to the first one.

>First one is great, but multiple viewings will ruin the fight scenes. You can tell how shitty the martial arts is on a second viewing.

>3rd (...) was saved by the last fight between Neo and Smith.

What did he mean by this?

Revolution had a 100% garbage plot but somehow came out as less tedious than Reloaded because of the amount of straightforward action sequences. None are worth talking about.

Dragon Ball Super.

I thought the 2nd movie was introducing Matrix layers and that the real world was just another cage for the unruly humans that NEED to fight to feel alive. But no. Neo got powers in the real world. For some reason. There was 6 (or 5, I forget) Zions before in the real world and they all did the same shit and got destroyed the same way. That kind of ruin the idea that the machines needed to put the humans in a controlled world if they could manipulate them so easily in the real one.

There is no true Trilogy.

The first matrix was written as a standalone movie, without any intent of a continuing storyline

It was only after the unexpected success of them first movie that the studio demanded more, and two were filmed simultaneously.

Calling the matrix a trilogy is like saying starwars is more than 3 movies.


Cave rave
Awkward love scene
Shitty dialogue
CGI Smith

Action is great, espacially the chase scene which pretty much saved the second movie but part 2 and 3 get bogged down in dialogue that doesn't really matter to the story on hand, it's just pseudo intellectual bs, atleast the Matrix tied in everything to the story.

First one good, second one so shit that I've never bothered with third.

I'm still fucking pissed that the only HD quality version of the original film has a green piss filter on it.

Star Wars was also written as a stand alone movie.

The action scenes are still great even today, rewatched the first one 1 week ago,

I dont get it.

The green filter was in the theatrical versions.

The Matrix
The Matrix Revisited
The Animatrix
The Matrix Vol 1&2 comic books

are the kinos.

That being said, I own the trilogy in separate DVDs, the Matrix universe in the DVD boxset AND the Ultimate Matrix bluray boxset.
I have been cucked as fuck.

No it absolutely was not, learn to use basic fucking Google retard. Also I saw it in theaters and you're wrong

Noes. I have the original The Matrix DVD with the paper/card box. It is kino filtered.

100% this.

What are you talking about? I own the blu ray collection and the first one has the same color as it did in the theater (which I experienced three times)

Chateau scene is based bro


That would make a fun TMNT movie.

Matrix 1 and the Animatrix are Kino

the rest are MEH

The simple reason why the sequels werent as good was because there were less scenes in the matrix and more in the real world. First movie was like 75% matrix 25% real world, second movie was half and half, third was 25% matrix and 75% real world.

People wanted to see great action scenes and bullet time fighting, not some generic sci-fi mechs. Although im in the minority in thinking that the battle was still cool.

I never got around to watching the third movie, should I even bother?

i don't think they should reboot it, there should be a prequel or sequel

Do it at least to see Trinity refusing to croak while delivering sappy crap.

The entire trilogy is kino. The 2nd and 3rd ones are handy pleb filters. You can always tell a pleb when they try to argue that Zion is another layer of the Matrix


I really liked the architect scene in reloaded. The pseudo-intellectual babble was stupid on purpose but the tv screens were kino


There's a reboot already happening

It's a prequel.

>masturbatory too long and unnecessary action scenes
>lots of long dialogues where two people ramble on about the philosophical musings of the directors. very straightforward and forced whereas the first film's philosophies were seamless with the plot/action
>zion and that annoying fucking manlet that i forget the name of

i still like the sequels but the good moments are spread out. whereas the first one is amazing start to finish

bullshit, only the first one is Kino

The first one had the coolest theme

i enjoy watching the fight scenes because 90% of the time its the actual actors doing it and theres no 5000 jumpcuts with the back of their heads.