/Star Trek/

Gas the Bajorans race war now edition.

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Generals are cancer

That's why I made it

That doesn't make sense

>it's a Rock episode


Just a thought about the Darmok aliens whose name escapes me.

Given the fact that the captain seemed to understand the Gilgamesh story, I imagine that the Tamarians do grasp "regular" language, it's just that their language is so reliant on metaphor and what have you it's jarring and unexpected when they're spoken to in anything but what they're used to.
It'd be jarring like someone going to you and describing the time their car broke down and no-one was helping as
>Columbus, his ship run aground
>Crusoe, on his island
And most people might be vaguely aware of what happened to the Santa Maria or are vaguely familiar with the story of Robinson Crusoe but going from that to "My car broke down and there was no-one for miles" is a bit of a stretch.
I'd imagine the opposite is true. Suspending disbelief a little bit and using the excuse "very alien mode of thought," It serves to reason that to those aliens language without reference or a cultural context is impossible to comprehend.

>It's a Jeri Ryan gets made air tight then blames her husband for going to orgy parties where she took it in every hole and licked every hole just to make sure a carpetbagger gets elected as senator

My theory is that his race was partially telepathic but only with each other. The allegories they used complemented their telepathic nature and filled in the blanks.

But that's not the point of the episode, the point is the power that storytelling has and why making efforts to communicate with each other and share our histories is important.

Yeah but it's more fun to think about these things. Like I don't think the fractal virus thing in I, Borg, would have actually done tremendous amounts of damage to the Borg, but that's not the point is it? We're supposed to think about if it's ethical.

Do you own any Trek merchandise or memorabilia?

I've got two small action figures of a pair of Borg drones, and a regular size Shran and Data from First Contact where his arm and face are exposed

>We're supposed to think
Yeah that's the point of Trek in a nutshell, to make the viewers think about ideas and concepts that they'd otherwise never see, or to view in them in a context that lets them be explored. Discovery probably wont be able to do this, if they even try.

I still have the condom from when JJ raped me, the franchise and every other ST fan


I'm hopeful. I mean realistically, I have no expectations, but I want to be hopeful. I mean even Enterprise had a good episode now and then. But I'm sure Discovery will have some ham-fisted attempt at a racial or gender commentary that'll be poorly executed.

I'd also like a mirror Universe episode a la In a Mirror, Darkly, where the intro is changed up and the whole episode is more about the mirrorverse than it is about our intrepid prime universe heroes trying to get out.


Things that are always funny
>Disengage safety protocols
>Asking about Commander Riker's sexual organs

This photo of Garak getting cucked.

>Assurance of fertility
>Riker being fat

Jesus Christ

In my defense they are all gifts, except for Morn who I found for $5.

This is just my opinion pls don't kill me

Sexiest on:
TOS: Leonard McCoy
TNG: William Riker
DS9: Gul Dukat
VOY: Tuvok

TOS: Can't recall... Majel Barrett I guess? Uhura just wasn't my type.
TNG: Ro Larren
DS9: Jadzia Dax
VOY: Kes (Kinda meh though, like Voyager as a whole)

Q is simply Q tier because he shows in multiple shows.

Yes Bashirfaggot I know you prefer Bashir. And I don't add ENT because I haven't watched it.

Kirk is sexier than McCoy but agreed otherwise

Just the boxed set of every series and the Blu-Rays of TOS.

>Data's face in this image

>Starfleet in the audience.
Really makes you think.

I think that'll be people's opinion like 99% of the time, and I can fully understand, but I always liked McCoy's more human common sense, Kirk being more action smart, Spock being more science smart, so McCoy always felt more human.

So... is there any chance that Discovery will be good?

There was an Asian security officer in that episode where a planet's wars were fought entirely by computer and the "casualties" had to report to a disintegration chamber.

Anyhow she was super cute.


The universal translators can translate phrases and words into other languages, but if a language structure is based on a formula so different from our own we may understand the words, but not the meaning they are meant to convey when combined.

I used to own the same cups they used in TNG, they all broke eventually.

There's a couple doubts I've had basically since I started watching Voyager, I get Neelix had been travelling through the Delta Quadrant as a merchant for years so it's understandable he'd have information about several alien races, but considering the Voyager ship had been, for the most part, travelling in a straight line towards the Alpha Quadrant, how come Neelix would know soooo much about alien races when they'd have most definitely travel outside the places he had visited after a few months tops?

Then Kes goes starchild and lunges the ship a whole decade worth of travelling, again in a straight line, but Neelix STILL knows about alien races in a spot of the Delta Quadrant where it's guaranteed he wouldn't have ever been.

last season!
soon the nightmare will end

and then I can suffer through ENT

What should I wear when I meet the cast of DS9? I want something cute and causal, but I also want something that says "Hey look how normal I am, oh god please don't check my browser history."

Jeans and a white T-shirt with a pair of Vans?

I like those cups. I want this weird teapot Picard used infrequently.

You should model several outfits, take pics of yourself in all of them, and post them all for us to evaluate and recommend.

>mfw when he Rock Bottemed 7 of 9

You haven't been watching enough Voyager then. Sometime in Season 3 they get to an episode where they get past the edge of space Neelix is familiar with.

Something like this

I'm watching season 4, Kes leaves at the end of season 3, one of the first episodes of season 4 involves Chakotay being captured by mind controlling aliens at war for him to become one of their soldiers, and when Janeway asks Neelix he knows about the planet and the conflict.

morn is dope


>morn is dope

His voice was fucking unbearable.

And he just wouldn't shut up
On and on like a broken record

Well that's Voyager for you

Friendly reminder that Dukat did nothing wrong.

I want to lick Jadzia's spots.

I bet her skin tastes sweaty and salty

>Data's face when he charges at least $50 every time he puts his name on a piece of paper for a fan

I paid $150 for Patrick Stewart and I'm getting him to sign this pic of him as a lobster in a bath tub.

the first mind controlled worm forced lesbian kiss on mainstream television.

>mfw the only time I've ever gotten autographs off someone was for free, and I got 4 of them.

It was from a writer though, so I guess his life as a celebrity isn't as stressful as what a Show/Film actor has to deal with.

I want to go the TNG cast reunion at Star Trek Las Vegas so badly but I'm a poorfag

>paying $150 for someone you saw on TV to write their name on paper

Hey, kid, want to buy some magic beans?


>Hey, kid, want to buy some magic beans?

Depends. What do they do?

*blocks your path*

I never knew voyager was litty

>That episode of Voyager where Seven has false memories of being raped.

>The Doctor white knights for her and conspires to see an innocent man punished for it.

>Janeway and the Doctor decide he is guilty until proven innocent.

>They find evidence that supports his side of the story but the Doctor keeps trying to twist the facts to make him guilty.

>He's then about to be arrested for rape, but goes on the run instead.

>Later they prove he's innocent but the guy refuses to believe them thinking it's a trick and so he kills himself.

>Janeway then says it was an honest mistake and nobody is held accountable for framing and killing the guy despite everyone saying they framed and killed an innocent man.


>Fuller also stated in an interview for The Official Star Trek Voyager Magazine that he and co-writer Lisa Klink had successfully differentiated this episode from a television movie about date rape, and that the decision to remove the sexual aspects from the script had been made "wisely".

I shoot his daughter

They're tiny female green aliens which have a thing for Starfleet doctors.

Sexually harass Jonathan Frakes for me

very r00d, Damar

Computer, separate Holodeck 2 in half with a panel of transparent of inch-thick plexiglass.

Computer, load file "Deanna's BM Encyclopedia", access code Barclay-Pi-Alpha. Pull up the compoisitional analysis entry titled "Taco Night".

Computer, at my mark, begin filling the other side of Holodeck 2 with the "Taco Night" sample at a rate of one gallon per second.

Computer, remove Wesley Crusher's access to all audio commands and all communication. Computer, initiate spot-to-spot transport to send Wesley Crusher to the other side of Holodeck 2, now.

Computer. Disable safety protocols.


>not transparent aluminum

Stop, you're killing me

No. I'm saving all my sexual harassment for someone else.

The Ships all have fancy life detectors, so why is the computer always fooled by someone taking off their communicator?
Shouldn't it be smart enough to check if there's a life sign at the communicator?

>Implying I wore one

This is it exactly. The problem with the Tamarian language is there are an infinite number of metaphors which could theoretically be used to explain the same thing, they (and their translators) expect a whole phrase with a single meaning, so a phrase like "would you be interested in setting up a mutual non-aggression pact?" would get parsed and compared to every known story in their culture (maybe - it doesn't even follow the linguistic structure of a story so it may not be recognised as a language at all), come up with a blank, and maybe a metaphor about a time someone didn't understand something will come out Picard's lips.

What do humans in Star Trek think about spoilers? Tom Paris always seemed to know what he was about to (or supposed to) do in his Captain Proton stories, same with Picard in his detective stories. What's the point in that? I don't enjoy things I've had spoiled for me as much as I otherwise would have, is that one of the failings of humanity that they cured?

Captain proton was just for the purpose of humiliating kim. Like forcing Bruce Lee to be your pathetic sidekick.

Christmas in the O'Brien quarters.

So it's like I'm in a holodeck playing Marty McFly from Back to the Future. I know Lorraine is my mom, but I'm still going to bang her anyway.

that would imply that Kim wasn't pathetic outside of Captain Proton.

he wasnt though. women were all over him.

Only weird aliens that want to literally eat him or end up leaving him for Tuvok.

the wrong delaney sister? 7? the dead chick?
tom frequently bitches about his ease with women

Tom is a retard though.
Every relationship Kim had ends up with him being alone and pathetic.

"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."

This episode was a neat concept but raised too many questions. They should have been basically Q within a year of the episode.

Ayyo hol up starfleet. Ain't seen no humans in dis holokino facility befoe. Don't be causin no trouble or I'll gut you like a Targ. Ya hear? Enjoy the movie!

Can I get butter on that Gagh?

>jazz solo cup

>starfleet officer gives standing ovation to the man who is about to kill another starfleet crew member

That scene was early on when they thought it was just fun sports, obviously they realised when 7 was missing. And those are also holograms, sorry Voyager, your Borg is on another spaceship.

You guys know this franchise ended 12 years ago, right?

You don't HAVE to keep talking about it endlessly, day in and day out

7 is a dirty borg

fuck her

Beats talking about the identity politics of the latest super hero flick.

The computers on Star Trek ships were actually Q who had taken digital form in order to subtly troll the crew

>tfw you will never be space british

I would have but I didn't have the money at the time.

What other sci-fi TV show do you want to talk about?

BSG >= Person of Interest > Star Trek > Fringe

Star Trek gets the most posts because there's more of it than the rest.

>earn raid promotion to lieutenant though wartime success
>become bridge officer on the Enterprise
>transferred from Command to Engineering
>demoted petty officer
>transferred off the federation flagship to some backwater space station
>fall in love with super-smart, genetically modified doctor
>get cucked by worst Dax

O'Brien had a hard life

>get cucked by worst Dax
He also missed out on a chance to bang a loli with no consequences.

The asthetic and design in Battlestar were so good. Why did the plot have to be such utter shit?

He dicked his underage wife and his grown up daughter

For these crimes he was exiled to the Pegasus Galaxy and got nuked by his own people in a military coup

Truly his suffering was without end

What makes you think the Federation would have done anything normally?