Who's the superior actress, Chloe or Elle?

Who's the superior actress, Chloe or Elle?

The one who doens't look like a man (left).

Elle Fanning is germanic so her

Elle is superior in terms of talent, beauty and height

Definitely Elle, but Elle still isn't best Neonfu.

Elle, how is this even a question?

Elle has proven to be better but 5-10 years ago chloe had her beat. Not sure what happened but she just stalled

They make each other way hotter, if they teamed up, the world would turn white with jizz

You JUST know

>tfw remembering watching shitty music videos just because mai Chloƫ was in them
>tfw never felt so much for a girl including my gfs
>tfw she turned from best girl in the world to worst
Oh fuck guys hold me

>she just stalled

you mean deteriorated

their body language is decidely distant so you really don't you dumb autist

oh yea if shes so great then post her neck

only right answer


>noticing body language in a model photo
you are not autistic, you are just retarded

The one without disfiguringly asymmetrical facial features



>actress vs actor


Very tough question

elle looks like she is fucking whoever takes her, like she is unlikely to resist