

> an actual perfect profile shot
Thanks, I do 3D sometimes and if I ever get the urge to model her I can use this. Not sure I will, but at least I have it now.

Are you going to model her for lewd

post profile shots

He anus is pretty neat.

Shut up.

very cute and very smoll



Hershlag has quite the schnoz on her eh!


I've never seen a resting bitch face that made me so rock hard before

Why didn't this film get more recognition and acclaim? I thought it was really well made and Portman was spectacular in her role.

is there a lesbian sex scene in this film?

Short hair looks elder god-tier on Hershlag

I feel like people are a little over biopics, but who knows

Patrician taste, user. Patrician taste.

Sadly no :(



no bully


Ameriplebs wanted a copy paste documentary and not a movie about a wife and mother dealing with grief

I wish I could be the meat in a Jewess sandwich

Natalie is my waifu. I claimed her in a post a long time ago.

I want to feed them a BLT

Weinstien brothers little fucktoy



it isn't perfect tho - her right side is clearly visible

post it

I would give my magic bullet if you know what i mean

actually, no


The man solely responsible for killing the prequels.

pure coincidence

Why hasn't she done any Biblical epics?

She would be great as Esther.

She's an anti-Semite

of course

Lies, she's a proud Zionist.

She hates Holocaust movies
She hates Netanyahu
She hates being associated with Hollywood Zionist groups


Holy shit, she called Netanyahu racist and the Holocaust no different than other genocides. I legitimately didn't know.

How did she get so cucked? She's the only Hollywood Jewesses that I know of that spoke Hebrew fluently. You certainly don't see Scarlett Johanson doing this self-loathing spiel.

That's not a picture of George Lucas

She's redpilled

How can I meat a girl like Natalie Hershlag?

she got BEANED
(see gael garcia bernal)

I'd fart in her face so hard

i want to give my meat to that jewess sandwich if you catch my drift

you got that wrong, he's actually solely responsible for killing the younglings

Gonna need to see more of that please