It turns out Vanessa was a fembot

>It turns out Vanessa was a fembot
>Yes, we knew all along sadly

Other urls found in this thread:

>the first Austin Powers is 20 years old

>You know what's weird? How the English countryside looks nothing like Southern California.

>Only sailors use condoms.
>Not in the 90's, Austin.
>Well they should, the filthy buggers. They go from port to port.

15th anniversary of Goldmember in 11 days too.

AP4 when?

Never, Goldmember is an abortion

Stop lying!

Casting Michael Caine was absolutely brilliant tho. That and the opening scene with Tom Cruise.

>ywn live in the swinging 60s with felicity shagwell

Why even live?

pls stop

Do you honestly not get that joke?

It had some good things in it, just lacked a strong story.

Has there in the history of film been a worse casting choice than this fucking abomination. Goddamn what a fucking terrible way to kill the franchise

She looks really fucking good there.


u r gay


>to go from Felicity to THAT

No wonder Goldmember killed the franchise.

she was really in her prime here

Nice to mole you--meet you. Nice to meet your mole. Don't say mole. I said mole.

Hey there you are!

Just looked her up, turns out she's still perfect. Probably the most underrated babe of all time.

Are we really going to pretend that we wouldn't colonize early 2000's Beyonce?
Goldmember suffered from no longer referencing Bond films and instead just retreading the same jokes from the two previous movies. Comedies don't need sequels anyway, not everything needs to be a neverending franchise.

if he lost weight, he could pull it off again.

I thought it was enjoyable after all. Goldmember's character is inspiring.

Pity he killed his career with The Love Guru.

Would you say the downfall began at Cat in the Hat?

Or that Adam Sandler's was Little Nicky?

Tom Arnold is a treasure

I know he's not as severely underrated as Tom, I liked Will Ferrell in this.

Foxxy Cleopatra was A+, though.

yeah, she wasn't fat yet

>You will never get to read "Swedish-Made Penis Enlarger Pumps and Me: This Sort of Thing is My Bag, Baby" By Austin Powers

Did anyone else ever wonder what this book was about?

Little Nicky was good, in a bad movie kind of way.

Love Guru was just bad.

he still did all those Shrek movies

Only one Shrek movie was released post-TLG and was already in production prior to that. The only other film he's been in to date released after TLG is Inglourious Basterds, which was again already in production (and he only had a tiny part).

It's been seven years since the final Shrek film and he's not been in a single thing since. He does seem to have a part in an upcoming Margot Robbie joint though, so maybe he's making a comeback.

Heather Graham and Alexandra Daddario are what I imagine succubi would look like.

I really want to see Dr Evil on screen again. Remember that small clip he did for some show not that long ago?

>enjoy all the Austin Powers films as a kid
>everyone says Goldmember was shite when I talk to people
>rewatch all the films again
>Goldmember is fucking terrible

How did the quality drop off so hard? Why did I not notice as a kid?

Agreed, it's not even just that the jokes that are bad but the story is too. A comedy's story doesn't need to be good but it's noticeable when it's really bad, in Goldmember things just sort of happened for no reason, there was no cause and effect at all. It felt like a collection of shit sketches instead of a film.


imagine being this gay

Prob going to be called a newfag here but in all the JUST pics I have seen, this is the funniest I have ever seen.

>Austin, the Cold War is over!
Finally those capitalist pigs will pay for their crimes, eh? Eh comrades?
>Austin... we won.
Oh, smashing, groovy, yay capitalism.

>You know, Scott. I been a frickin evil doctor for 30 frickin years, okay?! Cut me some frickin slack! You forget, Scott... WE'RE IN A VOLCANOOOO! We're surrounded by liquid hot mag-ma!

Are there bigger plebs than "Goldmember" sucked idiots?

Goldmember isn't as good as the other two but it's sure better than shit

It is shit Austin!

In Like Flint! That's my favourite mmmmmmovie.

Good then it's not just me

>Very well, where do I begin? My father was a relentlessly self-improving boulangerie owner from Belgium with low grade narcolepsy and a penchant for buggery. My mother was a fifteen year old French prostitute named Chloe with webbed feet. My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament. My childhood was typical, summers in Rangoon, luge lessons. In the spring we'd make meat helmets. When I was insolent I was placed in a burlap bag and beaten with reeds, pretty standard really. At the age of 12 I received my first scribe. At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.

The >What? is Felicity Shagwell's response to the English countryside line.

He's killin it with the new surreal gong show, gives me hope he has the creative itch again

To this day, I still fucking lose it at, "Dixie. Dixie Normous."

I've never been so disappointed rewatching a film.

It's like the humor was designed for children. Rewatching it cringey that I ever found it funny.

She's been in her prime for 25 years and still going strong

I didn't even like it as a child.


Fucking underrated joke.

>It's like the humor was designed for children.
you dont fucking say

>he doesn't know about the best new thing on tv
For shame user

Absolutely 10/10.

>the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament

This is one part I didn't appreciate until I was older.

>My father would womanize, he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. Some times he would accuse chestnuts of being lazy, the sort of general malaise that only the genius possess and the insane lament.

This is comedic gold.


>From the moment I heard Frau say I had a clone
>I knew that I'd be safe, cuz I'd never be alone
>An evil doctor shouldn't speak a lot about his feeling
>My hurt and my pain don't make me too appealing
>I hoped Scott would look up to me
>Run da buisness of the family
>Have an evil empire just like his dear old Dad
>Gave him my love and the things I never had
>Scott would think I was a cool guy
>Return the love I have, make me want to cry
>Be Eviiiiil, but have my feelings too
>Change my love wit Oprah and Maya Angeloo
>But Scott rejected me, c'est la vie
>Life is cruel, treats you unfairly
>Even so, a God there must be
>Mini-Me, you complete me

It really is, there are so many elements at play there that you could write pages on why its funny

>the guy they got to play young Austin in the flashback scene
Someone give that kid a fucking award, because holy shit did he ever nail Mike Myers' mannerisms to a T.

The fuck is your problem? I didn't even know about Bond other than GoldenEye on 64 as a kid and I still found Austin Powers funny it's even better as a Bond fan now I've grown up.

That's the movie the AP franchise takes a lot of inspiration from. They use sound effects from it.

>ywn show up on Springer with your evil dad
>ywn be on Springer

You learn something new every day.

I like how he reveals later that he had everyone in the group therapy session killed.

The only perfect trilogy

>At the age of fourteen, a Zoroastrian named Vilma ritualistically shaved my testicles. There really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it.

this never gets old

>I had the group liquidated, you little shit! They were insolent!

>I had the group LIQUIDATED, you little shit! They were insolent!

I always imagined a literal man-sized liquidizer.

*grabs you by the throat*

objectively wrong

>Look at you, you don't even have a name tag, you've got no chance

Austin Powers + OSS 117 teamup when?


This whole scene really was ahead of its time.


>when you post in so many American Psycho threads you can't help but see get images from random shit

Is that the one where Leslie Nielsen has to get out of prison like escape from Alcatraz with an actor from that, has Oj as a sidekick, and Anna Nicole Smith playing a tranny?

the way he says magma will never not be funny to me

This was so well written that I can't even read it without plodding along the words in the same cadence and inflections Myers performed them in.

tfw in 2017 Beyonce is relevant but Mike Myers is not

>tfw you liked the trilogy of movies he made in 1996 as a kid

The Stupids is kino

>Allow myself to introduce... myself

I hear the reason Mike Meyers burned out so hard was because he was a total dickhead, the fact that he cant even get AP4 made in the age of remakes and reboots kind of lends credence to the rumors.

Will they ever do another one? They're comedy kino.

bagging babies?

What would a post-Craig Austin Powers be like? Do you pretend they didn't happen? Make the new Bond films a central plot point? What do you do about the end of Goldmember? Good Dr. Evil? Evil Scott Evil?

It's because you haven't watched the contemporary James Bond is a while.
That's half the joke

The sequels always seemed to pander to hard to mainstream audiences. The first one is great.

>I'll stay
>I also like to live dangerously


I hope they cast Idris Elba as Austin Powers in the reboot.

Anyone else here see Love Guru in theatres? Went with just one other friend and we left the theatre confused and disappointed as fuck, was only maybe 14 at the time and didn't know things could go so wrong so quickly

That would legitimately be hilarious.

the pissing scene. i lol'd.