Tell me... do you bleed

>tell me... do you bleed
Why do we hate this again?

Should've asked Diana.

I wonder if she menstrates.

>saying your mothers first name with your dying breath to force a plotpoint

dropped right then and there

We don't. A vocal minority can make a lot of noise on Sup Forums.

I wonder if her hymen regenerates. Or X-23's for that matter.

>Tell me... is it that time of the month

>people picking meme BvS for the lulz

Because of the trailers.


Is she with you?
I thought she was with you XD
lol martha


Mind them loaded questions, ma boi.

>Batman seeing Superman at the last second thinking he knows about the kryptonite


>Sup Forums
>the expert on good things

Ask Sup Forums for good tunes or Sup Forums for fun games. This board is a cesspool of loathing and despair.

I think you should get the fuck out of Sup Forums and never post again, you huge faggot.


Why do you come here if you hate it here?

>to shitpost lol!
No you're just the cancer you think you're criticizing. Get the fuck out of here. Nobody here is being "wicked ironic" as you desperately try to paint.

Considering Laura has Logan's genetic makeup but as a woman means she'll be petite when she's older.

Regenerative hymen is very plausible.


Really makes you think

your meme movie sucked and fell flat. deal with it

>proving my point

Did you enjoy BvS or CA:CW more, user?

>Civil War
The way the mouseshills scream and wine, you'd think they are 90% of the board when in truth it's just a half dozen screaming third-worlder shills.

>comparing Batman the cultural icon to Purple Oliver Queen

You're assuming honesty and transparent discussion on a film that literally had a paid smear campaign dedicated against it.

The fog of war clouds the truth. Time reveals it.

Did you actually read it or did your 5 yr old just look at the pictures?

Because I'm not a tasteless fucking shitskin with videogame sensibilities

>used a misquoted quote from Hawkeye to justify a comparison

At least could've used the "move your seat up" scene if we're staying in Civil War.

> 3 capeshit movies
> 6 MAJOR blockbuster hollywood shitfest type of flicks total

god I hate this place

>its another thread full of manchildren arguing over which of their little kids movies are better

grow the fuck up jesus christ

>horrible pacing.
>missing plot points.
>too dark.

Most of which was fixed in the DVD release, but DC's theatrical releases (Wonder Woman aside) have been utter shit. So much shit cut out. They need to stop making 3 1/2 hour movies and them cutting them down by an hour.

That's Nolankino tho.

>hurr I tought she wuz wif you

He thought supes trans female.

its reddit

>tell me, do you bleed?
>*flies away*
>you will
>*flies back down*
>I'm sorry, what was that?

>Sup Forums hates Marvel
>Reddit hates Marvel
>even fucking 9fag is starting to hate Marvel

We don't desu it's great

He didn't hear it because Batman laced his lungs with lead.

Because the line after, "you will," was in the trailer and it made it seem badass.

But in the movie, Batman doesn't say "you will" until AFTER Superman has flown away. And his facial expression is that of a child who got picked on by a bully and he totally swears he'll beat him up later.

Is this supposed to be an anti-BvS post? Because your post made me appreciate the scene more

>flown away


Wtf I love Marvel now?

nigga what ?

>Why do we hate this again?
Because you're a lemming that follows the vocal majority on a site filled with shitposters. Grow up and learn to form your own opinion and you might realize that most movies people on this board 'hate' are actually good and the kids on here blindly follow the group to fit in

>But in the movie, Batman doesn't say "you will" until AFTER Superman has flown away
yes he does, are you retarded ?

> will

Laura having a regenerating hymen is literally canon. She becomes a prostitute and sells herself on that premise, that she's always tight and its her first time, like a virgin.

Diana is just some goddess who got Pine'd like Olivia Munn. Her weakness is literally "piercing" weapons/damage being inflicted upon her. So if Pine didn't obliterate her hymen and she was a normal girl she would have lost it on the island, horseback riding or something.

>dealing with morons who would write Krispy Kreme a one star yelp review because a bird pooped on their mom's car in the parking lot (and then eat the entire dozen by themselves).

How come Cheetah is like her arch-enemy though? She uses primarily slash attacks. Is it because her claws are magic?

What? "We" are among the few communities that actually have a number of people liking the movie.

Bottom tier writing, sloppy editing, and at least one excruciatingly bad casting.

Teens have lower standards.

Wow. And here I thought I hated it because it was so poorly made. I was actually victimized by a hate campaign.

>JL trailer soon

We don't. I fucking love this movie.