How is the new season

How is the new season

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Good minus tulip

The new Austrian addition to the cast is welcome.

>Ruth Negga
More like Ruth Nigga, if you know what I mean

pretty good, anyone know what the deal with the french landlord is?

rude nigger?

Much better than Season 1 so far, but it's getting too deep into shitty Tulip subplots.

A bold step for a TV show, try and make Hitler out as someone to feel sorry for.

it's gone full sitcom but i sort of like it.

anybody know what's up with the french guy?

I hate this guys gay face.

>They won't let Hitler come back to life with Eugene

It would be glorious if they let Hitler come back to life and he would just go on about with his paintings and leaving a simple life.

I thought they'll make Hitler trick Eugene into thinking he's a nice guy, make Eugene help him and be sent to the pit
But I guess he's an ok guy now?
That and the whole "foreskins are a money grubbing scheme" will piss off so many people that I can't wait

>not masturbating furiously every time Ruth Negga is on screen

come on lads


She really is beautiful, and also a terrible person who would be impossible to deal with no matter who you are.

negga is unironically more attractive

the character or the actress?

The character. But statistically speaking, it's probably true for the actor, but I don't know.

fair enough, i thought maybe there was some celebrity drama i wasn't aware of.

To each his own I guess.

that negga is hot


>tfw ruth gf

I care less about what color Tulips skin is and more about how they've ruined everything about her character, along with pretty much everyone else on the show so far.

I find it way more entertaining and dynamic than last season

>Tulip turned Jesse into an unwitting adulturer
That bitch is literal soul cancer.

no, you don't

I haven't read the comics yet. But I'm about to download them so I don't know abut that.

Hope you enjoy user, its a super fun ride. Great series.

Is the show very different from them?

Yeah so far I'd say the series has been pretty damn different, other than keeping the same characters.

kinda seems like they are going for the "Hitler wasn't that bad of a guy. No really, he probably didn't even want to start WW2"

Fucking garbage.

To be fair, she was basically trying to kill him while he just needed to take her back alive on the command of her fucking husband.

There was no way he would apply lethal force to her.

oh fuck I forgot the new episode released.

[Spoiler]Genesis is the product of a union between an Angel and a Demon.

'god' has a pathological need to be loved. he left heaven because he was afraid of Genesis.

For some reason the stupid fucking cowboy is the most powerful being in the universe.

Jessie and the Vampire wind up fighting. The vampire dies and comes back to life as a regular human.

Tulip dies but gets resurrected.

The stupid fucking cowboy goes to heaven and kills all the angels.

Jessie tries to use his voice on 'god' but it doesn't work. 'god' flees back to heaven and the cowboy is waiting for him. He kills 'god' and the series ends.[s/poiler]

This whole series ends in disappointment.

No matter how hard she tried, a 5'3" woman of her size would never have the muscle power to knock out a man of his size. Her punches wouldn't even effect him even if every ounce of her body was muscle. It's ridiculous and laughable to watch her fight and knock out grown men three times her size.

>Her punches wouldn't even effect him even
go back to Sup Forums with your retarded stat comparisons

A punch to the fucking neck and face would still hurt no matter from what size of a person, even a fucking midget

I wanna fuck tulip

Nope. You clearly have never seen any fights in your life. I have a boxing gym right near my home. i grew up around boxing and fighting. A punch from someone like Tulip wouldn't even faze most people.

Nice spoilers faggot, also it was the best ending

I fucking hate Ruth so hard. Not just because they made Tulip black. But because they made her this hard core stuck up cunt who can't ever laugh at anything.
Thank god Cooper and Gilgun are doing a damn good job

>super cowboy kills everyone.
It's a retarded ending.

Tulip sucks and she's a cunt. Jessie is a little twat. Gilgun is the only good part.

Story for the series is written by a woman.
That's why you have this 'badass' Tulip now who keeps mocking Jesse and being a total bitch who can overpower guys twice her size

>Story for the series is written by a woman.
Oh boy. Swell.


Why is the cowboy guy such a beast?

Wait till he tanks a fucking nuke

Explain how that's bait you retarded faggot

Because the whole story is fucking retarded. Why would a god create a fucking cowboy who could kill him? It's entirely fucking stupid.

u wot

Will Herr Starr get raped in an alley in the next ep?

>Be no talent fat fuck Seth Rogan
>Muh atheism!
>Make talking hot dog movie with a plot about killing god
>Make preacher tv show with a plot about killing god

What did he mean by this?

Poor hitler

Here's a better one.

>America is in the middle of a heroin crisis.
>Do an entire episode that says "LOL HEROIN IS FUN AND COOL!"
Rogan is a fucking piece of shit.

Were you not aware he is Jewish?

>television has to be socially responsible
starting to sound like a liberal there muchacho

go fuck yourself druggie scumbag.

isn't preacher about finding god and not necessarily killing him?

>be flyover american
>be a heroin addict for no reason
>successful pothead jew makes fun of you
>get mad
kek american settlements with no large bodies of water nearby should be nuked.