Meta Thread

Thoughts on the current state of Sup Forums?
Is it better now than 1 month ago? I've noticed the moderation is better.

Do we need /film/?
Do we need /capeshit/?


it's ok

Are you the guy that posts the Sup Forums meta thread?

/film/ is still a good idea
Sup Forums is still trolling and always will be
/capeshit/ is unnecessary if we have Sup Forums

The jannies try hard
The mods do ok
moot did nothing wrong
Hiro has a language barrier
user is still whiny and ungrateful




now we just need to ban meta threads


And this is at least the 5000th time we've had this discussion, and the consensus winds up being the same each time.

Sup Forums is crazy today, I want them to leave

>Hiro has a language barrier
Hiro studied in the US

he didn't study hard enough

feels pretty much the same as always, maybe slightly better than last year because there's very little blacked anymore

>Terrible English
>Jannie/Gookmoot apologist
Gee I wonder who is behind this post

post you are waifu

We need more waifu threads.


People are still bitching about this? All the celeb fags moved to /hr/ anyway.

The alt-right pussies are a disease on this board and must be driven out.
Being an alt-right pussy should be a bannable offense so the alt-right pussies are forced to go back to pol and the adults can actually discuss how based of an actor Idris Elba is as well as discussing Rick and Morty and Marvel films on an intellectual level.

t. reddit

Post more hidecky bro

/film/ - Film
Sup Forums - Television and Blockbusters

You need somewhere for the capeshitters and Star Wars fags to go or they will overrun /film/. My solution is essentially keeping Sup Forums as it is right now, and then making a /film/ board where the discussion of current blockbusters isn't allowed.



Comic book adaptions should be talked about on Sup Forums. And we need a /sci-fi/ and a /fantasy/ to quarantine the rest of the plebs.

very nice!~++

Fuck you alt-right pussy Russian bot, go back to T_D. Pull Putin's cock out of your mouth for one second.

There are too many meme posters that come from reddit. There's no saving this place now. It's far too easy to shit post using a meme.

A couple of shows always dominate the front page, and they're almost all shill topics. This includes GoT, Joe Rogan (heavily shilled), Dr Who, and Twin Peaks.

t. informed CNN democrat voter

t. reddit

>/capeshit/ is unnecessary if we have Sup Forums
Sup Forums doesn't like that capeshit movies and tv shows have been dumped into their board.


Ban Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums posters

Mods keep deleting movie quote threads, which is stupid.


he pretends to be ignorant of english so he can get away with fucking up the website

If we had /film/ it would be filled with endless shitposting like /lbg/ and every thread about classic or foreign films. The same anons ruin every thread.

>Do we need /film/?
I don't think so personally. People tend to be helpful when somebody is looking for a specific film and recently released film discussion don't dominate.
A Sup Forums general might be a good idea. doctor who, twin peaks, game of thrones, flavour of the month tv really dominates the board. /tvg/? like /vg/s split form Sup Forums?

>Do we need /capeshit/?
no that's basically Sup Forums

>Is it better now than 1 month ago?
yes much. fucking hell Sup Forums was the worse than /r9k/ for a while there.

>Do we need /capeshit/?
>no that's basically Sup Forums

super-hero movies are discussed here though and endlessly

but it's a fad, it'll die down.

I hate this place. I barely visit it. You won't find interesting TV shows or movies here. It's the same shit about a non-white saying some wacky things or another shitpost or how movie X is shit. There are better media discussion outlets out there.

Reddit is miles more civil than this place for movie discussion. It's time to accept that the fuckers on this website are the ones that are shitting this place up.

Capeshit has been ''a fad'' since 2009, it's 2017 and here we are with much more to go

All the cool posters left this shithole idk why I stuck around

Got the rest of our lives to go man Disney ain't stopping that train.

We should be able to talk about stand up comedians, radio hosts, youtube stars, and pretty much anyone else in the "entertainment" industry.

Its annoying that the threads get deleted when its pretty much the same ilk as the other threads.

well maybe you're right andthere should be a /cape/ board. i'm just suggesting what i think would work in the long term.

I don't mind the content Sup Forums covers. Hollywood celeb shit is par for the course and is a large part of film culture whether you like it or not.

I wish there were more patricians like the old days who see non-Hollywood films, but they're harder to find now.

It also appears Sup Forums shit is slowly declining from what was a hellish amount about a month ago.

I don't mind that these threads exist but I don't really understand the point. The mods don't talk to anyone. They have NEVER responded to any of the ideas posted here, or even silently implemented them.

And Hiro? Hiro cared about this site only as long as it took for him to figure out how to start making money off it. Then he ignored it like he ignores everything else. He hasn't posted in literally months, and he certainly hasn't made any changes since then.

The only purpose of this thread is to vent about things you hate about this board but that you know won't be changed.

The good thing is cunny threads are gone. Moderation is still shit to an extent. Bans and blocks come on a whoever reports it first basis, even if the other asshole is being a twat.

>Bans and blocks come on a whoever reports it first basis, even if the other asshole is being a twat.
Not true, mods only delete individual posts if you announce sage/report or post a roll/reply image. Other than that they ignore everything unless it's the OP post of the thread, in which case they will delete the thread.

Please make a word filter for reddit

>Marvel films on an intellectual level.

No mods/jans will delete whichever post gets reported first. The other fag they'll leave alone. It's too much work the other way. I've seen it myself.

No, they will not delete either post at all, even if you report them. What's too much work is deleting individual posts so they just let people sling shit at each other all day.

Biggest problem with mods is that the moderation team is a small group of friends that hasn't changed in literally years.

>no they will, yes they will, no they will, yes they will

Just stop with the abbot and costello please. You've had a different experience whatever it is and haven't witnessed what I saw. I've seen mods do fucked up shit before from complaining about racism to banning people for calling out idiots who make stupid posts.

/cel/ would immediately devolve into actual, irl stalking. like, tracking celebrities whereabouts and shit. horrible idea, although great if you want to see Sup Forums inundated with subpoenas.

also this . race bait threads are getting out of hand.

On that note I received a ban on Sup Forums a while back for creating a discussion about a line from a show. It had that "All actor discussion must pertain to their roles" shit. I don't see how it didn't.

The weirdest thing is that the ban came like a day after the thread was deleted. I didn't get blocked or anything, just posted normally for a while and then boom, ban. Ban's over now, to clarify.


Remove all things BvS and MoS related.

>Do we need /capeshit/?
/lit/ doesn't need /genre fiction/ either.

Maybe /film/ could work, but it isn't useful.


>/lit/ doesn't need /genre fiction/ either.
Amusingly, I can create a thread about any genre fiction novel I want and maybe the first few posts will be some "Eww genre fiction" shitposters but after that people will show up who are happy to discuss it.

The genre fiction thing is just a meme. Tons of people on /lit/ read and enjoy those books.


>moot did nothing wrong
Whoa whoa whao nigger I agreed with you up until there. moot Unleashed gamerg8 when he shat up Sup Forums and in one last bitter fuck you to user, sold the site to the guy who invented imageboards only to sell us out to boundless shills and viral marketers.

both /hr/ and /wsg/ have full blown celeb threads, what else do you need faggot



Moot's also responsible for the "mods aren't allowed to talk to anyone" policy, though I'm sure they're just fine with that or else they'd have changed it by now.

>moot did nothing wrong
Except for ruining this board

Tell the mod to stop deleting Howard Stern and O&A threads.

Fuck off /film/ is a shitty idea that will only spread disease that's currently infesting Sup Forums.

can't post gifs or webms on hr
can't have discussions on hr
can't post non-high res photos on hr
hr =/= /cel/

similar logic for /wsg/

there's /cel/ on wikieat that is a model for a Sup Forums /cel/, but it's too small/slow to be a good substitute

Hardly. Those threads pop up all the time.

>cunny threads are gone.

There was a few just a moment ago and there's been them all the past week and month etc. Are you blind?

No, I'm just not into underaged girls like you other sick bastards.

You don't know what the catalog is do you?

Yeah so the only thing that exists on that list is a thread about Eva Green.

So, we are posting in the Eva Green thread now? Seems you are making up something to try to dodge the fact you are a pedophile and inept.

>sly projection in an attempt to seem innocent.

Yeah so we know most pedo and gay strategies. You're really easy to spot. Enjoy being raped by nigs in jail Mr John Podesta.

>not seeing the mousefu threads
end yourself, my nigger

>preferring anything over Eva Green

Enjoy your butthole AIDS you raped atheist faggot.

>reddit spacing
you need to go back

Indeed, I need to go back to showering nude with Eva Green.

Enjoy your shower with the black boys in jail though Mr. Podesta.

>I need to go back to showering nude with a picture of Eva Green.

Still preferable to you showering with Jamal, user.



You in the middle

let's get rid of this board

>prefers to shower with a picture instead of getting laid


>likes black cock in his anus


That's not how you hashtag, faggot.

But that is how you tumblerina all the time, isn't it you cocksucker.
