Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

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he was a made man. i'm sorry, but you can't whack a made man.

he did insult him a little bit

The guy in the middle. "Sammy the Shrimp", they call him.

me on the right


they made it pretty clear throughout the film that you don't fuck with your betters and that they can fuck with you as much as they want

Tommy was a dope

Is this the best gangster flick of all time?

no thats a mario

There's something I like about this picture

I don't care what you wanna call him. The Shrimp was the one that fucked it up for everybody.


I like dis one

Miller's Crossing


this is just legit scary

why was batts breaking his balls so hard? didnt he know that he didnt shine shoes no more?

It was a very good system.

The guy saying he need his shoes shined, but the shoeshine boy was being cunty, and insisted that it was his day off. The first guy had a big meeting later and really need to have freshly shined shoes, so he insisted that the shoeshine boy go home and get his fucking shinebox.

but he didnt shine shoes anymore, was he using a metaphor?

Nah. He was just breakin balls. So when the shoeshine boy came back with his shinebox, he gave the man the best shine he ever had. But the man still missed his meeting. Also, the shoeshine boy spilled something on the floor, and had to clean it up with a table cloth. This made extra work for everyone.

After cleaning up his mess, the shoeshine boy took a ride with his friends. But after awhile, the car they were driving started making a funny noise.

So the shoeshine boy asked his friend to take him to his mom's house to get some tools to fix the problem.

Mom made them all a nice meal before they went out to fix the car.

You never fuck with a made man, but made men can fuck with anyone. Batts may have been a dick but Tommy overreacted because he's a fucking psycopath.

what a nice young man

I like this one. One partier rocks one way, the other partier rocks the other way. Then the janitor's saying "whattaya want from me?"

I know, right? This guy was always the life of the party, and would often entertain his friends with very funny stories.

He always made everybody laugh.

A lot

Even so, there was this other time they went out and he was really thirsty, but was having a hard time getting the waiter's attention. After trying over and over and finally getting a drink, he realized it wasn't what he wanted, so now he was pretty angry when he called the waiter.

that's garlic

We all get upset every now and then, but sometimes it's just unavoidable. This guy was trying to make an important call, but the other guy was holding up the line. It can be very annoying, and people can get really upset when you talk on the phone too long.

All this guy wanted was to cook a few sausages, but the other guy wanted him to make a restaurant.

This man loves onions. Maybe he could help the other guy make a restaurant.

Christmas was always one of my favorite holidays. This guy likes it too, so one year he threw a really big party for all his good friends. Everybody had a good time.

His parties were always a lot of fun, and both of these guys got a special present that day.

Parties aren't always fun, though. The poor shoeshine boy was pretty sad one time when he got a surprise party, but nobody else showed up. I guess the moral of the story is that life is sometimes filled with little disappointments, so we all have to try to have fun whenever we can.

he heard that crack about the Shah of Iran

Holy shit I LOVE this thread!

shinebox man is a shit driver


thats no excuse to choke the man, that man doesn't seem very nice

Goodfellas felt different somehow in terms of plot from most dramas. I'm not sure, I find it interesting how Hill never seems to regret the things he did.

He was being fuckin fresh.

Tommy was a fuckin' sick maniac. Batts was a made guy. Even if he had insulted him a big bit he shouldn't have whacked him.

He missed the life in the end, he only took the deal because they wanted him dead.
Hell the FBI had to take him out of Witness protection because he wouldn't stop doing coke and gambling.

the guy was busting his balls but killing him was an over reaction. also im sure the guy thought he was safe as he was a made man. i think both were in the wrong.

he did insult him a little bit

I didn't insult anyone

He was a made man and he was just being a bit of a dick. Joe Pesci on the other hand shoots a kid for not taking shit from him. It should be pretty obvious who the worse person is.

When it comes down to it, Tommy couldnt handle the banter.
Instead of being able to verbally defeat Batts he was reduced to acting like a savage and hitting the guy.

You cant afford to have a hothead like that in organized crime. Brings too much heat and would be bad for business flying off his handle at the smallest insults.

A fabulous rendition

Kino thread

I wonder why batts wanted his shoes shined in that scene

Nah dat's too much restaurants.


your a dorable


contrarians are so cute

I think Miller's Crossing is one of the coolest movies ever made, but it doesn't have the depth or craft of Goodfellas.

Nah nah nah you've insulted him a little bit