Why do you hate Zendaya? She doesn't even play MJ, she is a great singer, she is funny, have a great personality...

Why do you hate Zendaya? She doesn't even play MJ, she is a great singer, she is funny, have a great personality, she is beautiful and knows how to act. Give me five reason you dislike her as an actor

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She's ok I just like Bella more

Because I'd rather pay money to see a qt redhead

mystery meat literally who pushed by hook nosed Israeli nationalists as a "beauty"

>Give me five reason you dislike her as an actor
She was built by slaves?

when will this whore die of an OD

>mystery meat

LOOOL you obviously don't have social media. She was on Vine a lot back when it was popular. She got a show (or used to i cant remember), on nicleodeon which was popular af. She got million of followers on twitter, and her funny videos gets posted on fb a lot. The normies love her


I've vaguely watched her stuff on Disney Channel and she seems trying hard to be a female Will Smith, right down to the mannerisms. Judging by the reaction to her part in Spiderman, it's more of the same mediocre "acting."

My question is who's dick did she ride to that role?

Ugly androgynous mutt

She does represent modern America much better than a hot redhead though, I will admit.

But I like her.

i don't hate her I hate the jewish executives at Sony America

Everyone probably had an ancestor that was a slave some time in history. I mean just look at the Romans

literal man face

>This entire post
>people still think Sup Forumsmblr isn't the cancer killing Sup Forums

i dont think you know what mystery meat is, it means racial ambiguous. And who gives a fuck what brain dead normies and face book retards like or know about. If i asked a working american who zendaya was they would probably think it was a vodka brand.

>this is a 10/10 in (((((((america)))))))


If she wasn't beautiful, she wouldn't get many roles, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and guess what! Flash news: Not everyone likes submissive, small, almost children like asian girls you pedos

>Needs the mass of VY Canis Majoris in makeup to look passable

she is so ugly
even with make up

>who's dick did she ride to that role?

Is that Michael Jackson?

>She's totally beautiful guys! But I won't post pictures where the makeup doesn't slim down her manface because reasons

that make-up implies a thinner nose and overall a different face structure. why don't you post her true self instead? :)


She is legit fucking revolting.

would still hit

Her hands look like she's been punching sides of beef. Would not get mano-jobbed.

89% less chance of super gonorrhea if you just go with zendaya

>looks like a smelly manfaced goblin
if she had that man face and white skin she'd never get a role

her face is feminine. You guys are just racist assholes that hates seeing people of color being succesful and making more money than you

oh no you misunderstand, user

the initials 'MJ' are merely coincidental

but there's brown and black girls way more attractive than Memedaya. Her caked-up mug is literally fake news

are you a SonyShill?

yikes, looks like a tranny in this pic

me likey


I loved her because there really were girls who did this kind of shit in high school.

is anybody gonna post her foot game so we can judge her Sup Forums-approved status appropriately?

bitch looks like an anthropomorphic salamander

>she is a great singer
Choclate Rain wasn't that good.

*moves away from mic to succ BWC*

>Another heavily modified red carpet photo
Please fuck off

I heard she backstabbed China McClain at the Disney Channel and got them to pass on her pilot

desu i fell in love with her when i saw her yonce lipsync video. total qt


>Five reasons
I'll give you six.

1. N
2. I
3. G
4. G
5. E
6. R

>ywn be a Hollywood producer with a nice big casting couch and a heart of coal

Why live even a second longer.

All you Sup Forumstards ready to turn down perfectly good brown sugar are crazy.

There are more attractive black girls than her. Stop trying to pedal this bitch.

She's not attractive, and no, it's not because she's black.

>if you don't find every single non-white girl attractive you are a "Sup Forumstard"

youre waifu a shit you pathetic faget. literally take your own life senpai

How big is her(male) penis

Bella Thorne was always the hot one. I'd still bang her methed out skeleton body over Zimbabwe or whatever her name is

She is beautiful these white people are scared of black beauty.

>still bumping
>still shilling

>she is beautiful

no breasts, ass or hips