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>holds spork

How is Whos line now that drew isnt doing it anymore?

Ayesha Tyler. It's not nearly as fun since they can't make fun of her appearance.

They don't make fun of her at all. With Drew it wasn't just his appearance: they made fun of his laziness, his career, movies he'd done, his greed and wealth, his romantic failures and possible homosexuality, and claimed that everybody hated him and it was fantastic. With Tyler any sort of off-color joke is clearly off-limits. She'll hit the buzzer anytime things start getting particularly bizarre whereas Drew would egg on the weird shit.

She also doesn't come across as casual as Drew did, and her hosting seems less like a parody of game shows and more like an actual improv-based game show. And maybe it's just me loving the shitty grainy footage and aged outfits but the older series just felt more relaxed than the new show.

Nah bro, at first they didn't make fun of Tyler, but now they're familiar enough that they don't hesitate to throw her under the bus every now and then. It's also funny when they imply sexual innuendo with her.

man thats sad to hear. i loved that show growing up

Why did I read all of this? What am I doing with my life?

If you want to give it a chance anyway, a new episode is airing literally today on the CW. Feel free to join in.

The right thing, WLIIAW is gold

Isn't Aisha Tyler the girl who did that epic "pitch a meme" segment?

Teach she always felt stiff

That hasn't stopped Colin from calling her a bitch though. Based Colin

Do you think he calls his daughter a bitch?


In a game of "Hollywood Director" in the CW series, Ryan and Jeff are cleaning the bells in Notre-Dame when they are attacked by Quasimodo (played by Wayne). They make sound effects for the bells, and Wayne swings in from a bell with a "Dong!" sound.

Ryan: "Did you see the size of that dong? It was huge!"
Jeff: "Perhaps it is true, what they say about black hunchbacks."

Wayne then mimes throwing his penis over his shoulder in such a way that it can also be construed as pulling a rope over his shoulder to ring a large bell, and does it again along with the "Dong!" sound effect later in the game.

Tonight's episode has Ryan, Colin, AND Wayne. This is gonna be good.

I think one of the people they just pulled out of the audience for Sound Effects was transgender. They're everywhere.


Based Sup Forumsacks

Alright, just finished watching some Aisha Tyler episodes. Show's actually as good as it ever was, I laughed hard quite a few times. Downside is that Aisha's not as funny as Drew, and the way she talks to the performers seems mean-spirited at times. Also she doesn't play with them like Drew did.

is also correct, so I assume is just talking about the early stuff. The amount of sexual innuendo I just witnessed was truly impressive. Also there was a part where Aisha buzzed one of the dudes out and he walked up to her desk and hit the button himself.

Is that not the norm anymore? Can't imagine the show without the three of them together

Well, sometimes Wayne is not on is the thing. The second episode didn't have him. But that was true of the Drew Carey version too.


Anyone apprehensive at watching the new Whose Line, just watch this clip.


I agree that Aisha was kind of stiff and unnatural in the early episodes, but she's gotten more comfortable in the role. Still not as good as Drew though.

Drew may not have been a strong improv performer, but he was still a comedian and could work with the guys better.

Not bad. But it's Ryan and Colin that really make the show.