Just watched Kong Skull Island, what did I think about it?

Just watched Kong Skull Island, what did I think about it?

shit nigger dicks

You thought that for a professional photographer her photos were boring and shit.

Just close ups of people posing for the camera... gross

huh... i watched this movie but for some reason when i try to remember it i remember it like a video game

butter face

Do I think she's hot?

i thought it was surprisingly good

Fake tits.

She's a cute lil blockhead. Wanna give her a noogie.


stop raping her

I kissed the screen

>those high testosterone ring finger to index finger ratios

I forget the plot exactly but I remember it going full retard once Sam Jackson convinces the entire group to go on a suicide mission to find the one soldier who almost certainly was killed. It was okay up until then. Then it got even worse with the retarded scene in the green fog where they kill a ton of monsters.

Brie was qt tho.

best movie ever shot. see this picture to blow your fucking shit mind son.

kek only on Sup Forums would someone notice this


The visuals are amazing, but the lack of Kong is kind of disappointing, it was like Godzilla, but that just sort of hyped you up for when he did appear.

Music choices are god tier too.

hate this bitch for some reason her face makes me wanna knee her in the throat, so there you go

flick was meh /10
inferior to g'14 thats for sure


John C Reily saved the movie.

soundtrack is trash, every rwo scenes some overused vietnam songs plays.

Brie Larson and Loki have 0 chemistry

It was the Marvelshit to Godzilla's DCkino.

The guy with the AK was my favorite.

if you replaced those two planks of wood with the young asian woman and the black soldier guy who only did one thing the whole movie nothing would've changed and they could've saved 10 million on the budget

*tank top shrinks another size*

I couldn't tell if his death was meant to be funny or not.