What's your favourite episode, tv?

what's your favourite episode, tv?

Other urls found in this thread:


the giant snake


Butters Very Own Episode or The List

Scott tenorman must die

the episode with Facebook


More Crap

Butters Bottom Bitch.

Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery

>If your answer is anything post season 8/9 you are reddfag cancer and need to leave

Butters' very own episode

Cartman buys amusment park

The one where cartman hates the Jews


can't even think of any episodes rn. im sure there's heaps of good ones though.

The death of Eric Cartman
Casa Bonita
Good Times with Weapons

City Sushi

>it isn't trapper keeper

+1 Good Times with Weapons

I remember working on becoming very drunk the first time I watched it and laughing until I sharted.

None because I'm a fucking adult so I don't watch cartoons.

>muh muh medium of communication
grow up

The Scientology episode.

I love how Stone and Parker go to great lengths to make the insults and scenes even worse when legal restrictions and sensors get in their way.

the vr one

I never really watched seasons 1-4, I recently began watching them, and damn they're good.
Anyways, "Red Hot Catholic Love" is probably one of my favorites.

>Terrance and Philip in: Not Without My Anus

Criminally underappreciated


>not posted yet

scott tenorman must die
die, hippie, die
prehistoric ice man
starvin marvin in space


oh no, the 6th copycat killer

The last two seasons were objectively gold. Everything that happened came true in our reality that it broke both Sup Forums and Sup Forums so hard their butt pain is still in recovery status.

Do you see?

The WoW one

Three fiddy.

proper condom use

The Losing Edge

Came for this. Single best episode.

the one were Cartman is faking Tourette's syndrome

either this or Asspen

>0 results
Suck my balls, (((Kyles)))

Hard to say, but this is unquestionably my favorite moment in South Park. Easily the hardest I've ever laughed watching a television show.

"City on the Edge of Forever."

>Si, fly
Pretty much anytime they speak a different language is funny

for me, its lil crime stoppers

anything with the cops featuring heavily is hilarious
the police chief is probably my favourite minor character

The Mormon one
Anything with Saddam or Satan
Playing Ninjas
Henifer Lopez
The hippy one

>no You're Getting Older



Does mommy bring you chicken tendies while you're not watching cartoons, you big boy you?

Yeah, except for they had to scrap and totally rewrite an episode, causing the rest of the season to fall flat because they really, really, really thought Hilary Clinton was gonna win the election.

>naughty ninjas
Easily the best episode of the entire series. It had something to say and got the message across beautifully

If this wasn't the first episode of South Park you watched, I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're gay or something.


It literally was the first episode i watched

The one where Wendy beats up Cartman

Breast Cancer Show Ever.

The first episode of South Park I watched was the pilot. It aired on my tenth birthday. It was the topic of discussion for a solid two weeks leading up to the premier. Every single kid wanted to watch it.

>No Woodland Critter Christmas yet

What the fuck guys?

Shia Labeouf south park edition

mah nigga

Lil' Crime Stoppers

I don't know, I'm not in 6th grade anymore.

>I have shit taste, what the fuck guys?

>200 million dollars???
>no, 200.....dollars

>spooky vision

It's ok. A bit overboard on the edge.

The Terrance and Phillip Movie Trailer

Great episode but our dub is god tier pushing it to tier one

>progressively gets harder and harder to understand
Stans dad is best character


>oh Darche

What are you talking about it was absolute crap, I didn't laugh at all.
I want funny shit with maybe some message, not a message with no fucking humor.

If you whine about Sup Forums you are a fucking newfag, Sup Forums was always edgy.

>im such a hipster oldfag im only allowed to like older stuff
laughing @ ur soul right now

I literally have to turn off if that comes on.

Its that one and the assburgers one.
Too depressive.

heh heh that's gay

Cartman Joins NAMBLA

Every Southpark episode sucks dick and before you call me a pleb like any other retard actually liking this steaming pile of horsepiss, kill yourself

The ziplining one

Now that's what i call a sticky situation

That season was shit, but Cartman's arc was great.