This week on the Monday Morning podcast we'll be talking how the 2006 film Into the Blue starring Paul Walker and...

This week on the Monday Morning podcast we'll be talking how the 2006 film Into the Blue starring Paul Walker and Jessica Alba bes racist and sheeit


>No nia don't hit me!

Yeah anytime I hear her start ooking I turn it off. How was Into The Blue racist? I've never seen it before

Not enough people of color in a movie that takes place in the Bahamas

>that episode a couple weeks ago where some Italian guy with a racist father writes in saying he's dating a black girl and Bill tells him to put his heritage before the girl's feelings

Was Bill trying to tell us something?

They said the only black guy had a line that said something like I have to go buy my baby mamma a weave.

It really seems like a moderately famous rich guy like Bill Burr could do a lot better when it comes to women. Sure, he's an ugly bald guy, but he's still got money, fame, and comedic ability. That should be more than enough to pick up some instagram girl.

Yeah a girl asking her boyfriend to change his first and last name because he has the same name as his racist father is fucking stupid

Shes some fucking hoodrat from the Brooklyn ghetto if I remember correctly

Probably met her when hanging out with Charlie Murphy

This week on the Monday autist blog post we take jokes too seriously and get asshurt about something a facetious comedian said

Bill you poor bastard

i hope you survive the divorce

PS, the baby isnt his, its blacker than nia is; thats why they wont show it

>PS, the baby isnt his, its blacker than nia is; thats why they wont show it
You can't meme this into reality.

There going to be divorced before 2020

not sure what timeline youre in but in this one we memed a US president into office

he was literally making fun of WE WUZIANS

Nia is such an ugly sheboon can you imagine what her pussy smells like?

Probably some combination of rotten chicken, sewage and coco butter

The lovely Nia everybody.

this, truth is stranger than fiction.
It would be fucking poetry if she betrayed and played him like that.

Bill is pretty based though and the lovely Nia rarely ever freaks out

Can Sup Forums redpill me on bills "kid"?

Who is the father?
Why doesn't bill just divorce nia?

sources say its one ugly abomination and black as coal

Possible the father is Eddie or Charlie Murphy or even Wesley Snipes

The father is Dave Chapelle

Repirations for being racist on his show and causing him to quit all those years back.


plottwist: the father is the baby from the future, and is really idris elba

it's a little LADY

>autists get mad when nia loses her shit on the podcast
>cry about her dominating bill
>mentally edit out that bill is laughing, intentionally poking her so she keeps spinning her wheels wildly

every fucking time

did you just assume that idis elba couldn't be a woman?, very misogynistic of you. I better call your employer to inform him about your behavior on the internet

sweet jesus

>Hey bill lets go out to eat tonight
Sure nia, anything specific in mind?
>..I know a nice little place in chinatown, its great
Sure honey, sounds good
*They arrive at the restaurant and sit*
So, what should we order baby?
>Leave that to me babe, I know the chef, let me go give him our order personally
*Food arrives-nia doesnt even touch hers she just stares at bill with a weird smirk on her face*
Mmm baby, this is fucking good
>You like it bill?
Yeah I really like it
>Do you love it bill?
Oh I love it alright but uuuhh..why do you keep starring at me like that..?
>Finish your food bill.
Nia...w-what's in this..?
>oh, I think you know billy boy
*starts throwing up*

>being this in denial

Except when he calls her enlightened when she starts yelling "homophobic, transphobic, racist" etc. and says how the guy who sent the e-mail is basically a retarded hick in comparison.

haha what the fuck dude

Doesnt matter if he's on the birth certificate. He's stuck

He isnt even ugly....

The rumor is that it's the guy that plays falcon in the marvel movies. They did a movie together

I can't do this "ebony" bullshit unless the bitch is extremely mixed.
I won't buy into the meme.

yes you will

Even if the kid really ins't his he'd get rekt by the divorce court system.

Bill and Nia are in love. Sure, she rags the fuck out of him but she's a woman and a black one at that. Honestly I know white couples that seem less happy with one another. These two seem at least compatible. You can hear they have the same sense of humor for starters.

Also name one Instagram ho he could get away with this drum and helicopter shit with. He's got it pretty good it seems like.

Bill spent the first 10 minutes talking about his NEW drum set.

>Billy browses his own threads on Sup Forums

50 year old dad's are on Sup Forums now

>Sup Forums is officially dead.

He'd be better off alone than with the sheboon.

>get away with

You are either female or numale cuck

>pick one


Chad Thundercock

Oddly it's not dead, it's thriving.

This mindset of ages not mixing is purely American and based on Marketing ideas of demographic targetting.

IN Europe and most of the world (I pick Europe because its White) is that ages mix together in most situations, and an anonymous forum doesnt (cant) suffer from demographic segregation via marketing (((ideas))) that build on minor differences rather than multitude of similarities all generations share (D&C tactic)

Have a nice day.

t. Marketing MBA

>"insider" gossip incoming

>The kid isnt his. Its black as fuck, at least 5 shades blacker than Nia even. Thats why they dont show it to anyone. Nia cheated on Bill with the nigger from that ""movie"" she had a "part" in last year. Its on vimeo and the dates check out.

>I also know for a fact, when the baby was born Bill started making slight mentions for a paternity test, at which point Nia flipped the fuck out and ousted him from his own house. That was 2 weeks after the baby was born. Bill was living in a hotel for 5 days, eventually Nia's brother convinced him that the baby is super black because of some of their super black ancestors. Bullshit of course, but Bill desperately needs the lie. Especially when Nia's brother straight up told him that she would sooner file for divorce than let the baby have a paternity test. So, he apologized to her, swore he would drop the paternity test mentions and she took him back. I feel so fucking bad about the guy, I wish I never learned any of this shit.

It's dead like Facebook is dead, bro.

nice source

/r/ing all the pastas


old people have always been on Sup Forums you retard, who do you think invented the internet, moot or Zuckerberg?

You have to post professionally paid models to convince anons that black girls are sexy? Here's an average white girl.

Saw this cuck walking on 52nd and 9th in NYC wearing a blue hat. I should have taken that blue hat. Might've gotten a mention on his podcast.

too bad they small like shit and hair product



And the fact that everytime he actually gets serious she shuts the fuck up.
Just let them have their memes. It gives them a sense of community, makes them less lonely

>expects source on a repost on Sup Forums
where even the original poster said its gossip
nice brain

How can black girls compete?

NYC is like this, at least in creative communities. There's the kids, 18-24 or so, but then everyone between the ages of like 25 to 55 is basically the same age.

That time she freaked the fuck out on the podcast cause Bill gave her shit about not being able to turn of the water scared me desu

Christ, how can subhumans even compete!?

built for facesitting



Bill married her as a rebellion against his super racist father and Boston in general. Same reason why white girls fuck blacks, to piss off daddy


I honestly feel bad for Burr. Yeah, he's rich and somewhat famous. But he's living with a super domineering 5 that bullies and tramples all over him. I wouldn't accept all the fame and money in the world if it meant I had to live with Nia.

That's not what he even said retard. He said the guy should stopped letting his girl use him and to stop caring what his dad thinks.

and then this fuckin laaaaaddyyyyyy

Someone post the "insider info" image

Baby's blacker than nia, it ain't bills whoever it is

tfw no braphog

Sweet lord.. Help me anons, I think I might go black for good.. Post some white perfection before it's too late


Uh huh. Sure thing rabbi

We know what they look and smell like irl, not to mention how many of them carry disease. It's about 50% of them

I wonder if he'll realize his father was right all alone after she divorces him.

What's going on with your boy Sup Forums?

He does the opposite of what you want him to do..
Is he ashamed of you or something? Maybe he doesn't want to be like you

Her booty looks like a leather sofa

I think I can dig that

He won't show the baby because he wants the kid to have a chance at a normal life.

Fuck, his wife has pictures out of her, and look at what you guys do about her every other day. What dad would want that on their kid? He's not a Kardashian.

That's because it's made up Sup Forums bullshit.

>But he's living with a super domineering 5 that bullies and tramples all over him.

>Who is the father?
Patrice O'Neal
Bill bought some of his sperm from Jim Norton that he saved from their trips to Brazil.

He lives with a below average looking woman and let's her fuck his shit up

Who is this Brap Demon?

Bill looks so happy


Nia got pregnant from watching The Price is Right in 3D


the fuck

>Bill cucked by someone shorter than him
Keep dreaming

>Yeah, he's rich
He's almost 50 and only worth 4 million