An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power

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How can we watch this if we're all underwater by now?

>oh wait the world didnt end yet
>lets make sequel maybe this time it will actually happen
yeah im not buying in to your religion anymore leftards


Because the last thread was SO good, let's make a sequel

Fuck you OP

buttblasted faggot

Fuck you user, you probably got rekt in the last thread too

Is gore in this or has he disappeared?

Yeah you'd rather buy into your other religion about a magical space wizard who shat out the universe

>said San Francisco would be inundated by now
>bought a $4M condo by Fisherman's Wharf

Really gets the ol' gears a-grindin'

Global Warming is a hoax, this has been proven by the fact that the "warming" has been on hiatus since the late 90s. Communists on the left are grasping at straws to get people into their globalist schemes.

Luckily we proved them wrong before leftists destroyed another industry like they did CFCs claiming they destroyed the Ozone.

>let me tell you what you think
>see you are just like this thing I hate


>ayoo Al. Where do you want me to talk about climate change? Aiit cool. I'll be there tonight with my private jet. cya boo

>better to believe money hungry politicians and "scientists"
yeah i'd rather believe in flat earth or sky fairy at this point

New York and Los Angeles are supposed to be underwater right now. When will the mid west be free from the jews.

>Make a movie full of misrepresented facts and lies of omission that gets shit-on for being full of of misrepresented facts and lies of omission

Brilliant move.

Who the fuck thought of this title, anyway? This has to be the worst title for a documentary I've seen.

why do ameridumbs deny climate change?
they'll usually accept sea acid levels rising due to human activity for example, but they cannot accept that the climate is getting warmer

not defending Al Gore, just asking

All that impotent rage

HVAC is the bedrock of American society

Because Gore had to go and turn it into a political football. People take up their sides, and supporters have to adhere to the party lines.

>but they cannot accept that the climate is getting warmer
Because it's getting warmer naturally.

>Why are Americans skeptical of the Kool-Aid I drink?

Probably because we still value discussion and skepticism instead of literally sending people to jail for saying/thinking the wrong thing.

>Dude, we have too many people we are DESTROYING THE PLANET!

>Dude, we don't have enough people so we have to IMPORT MILLIONS OF THIRD WORLD MIGRANTS IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.

So which is it? It can't be both. Make up your fucking minds.

Are we importing the migrants from Mars?

>omg can you believe marcon said the problem with africa is women having 7 or 8 kids wtf

gets the nogging joggin

No we have to import migrants into europe and the us or the economy is doomed

Also the world is doomed if people in europe and the us keep having babies

You should do your part then. How many kids do you have?

What we need is a good plague.

bait. you can't possibly be this retarded

Wisdom from the Deep South...

>I won't give this proposed contradiction an explanation. Instead I'll just call him stupid. And I won't even bother to spell, type or punctuate properly while doing it.

Brilliant plan. I can see why nobody challenges you to debates.

The republican party of the United States is one of the only political parties in the entirety of modern nations that denies climate change. Im sure its because of reasonable skepticism and nothing to do with oil money.

Lets ignore that companies like Exxon aggressively fund anti climate change research ;:^)

>Lets ignore that companies like Exxon aggressively fund anti climate change research ;:^)

Exxon openly states one their website that they believe in "global warming" and are committed to "fighting" it.
But that contradicts your Bern-victim narrative so I guess that fact doesn't count.


This sounds boring as fuck. Stop beating us over the heads with it.

>dude I'm just like you lmao now let me explain how these companies are bad nad untrustworthy but companies I have invested in are good and trustowrthy

>Exxon openly states they believe in global warming
How does this mean they did not fund anti shady research and climate denial groups to support their narrative you tard? Its becoming well known that they have been doing this for a long time, and why not when they are high incentives to?

try better bait next time, maybe some moron will actually fall for it then

>a whisker away from becoming President of the United States
>become a shitty, fake news documentary maker instead

Must fucking suck to be him

Drumpf AmeriKKKa everybody.

Oh well in that case im sure they have never done anything shady user, I completely trust this corporation!


STOP IT YOU STUPID CUNT! You are throwing "It's da kamunists" at everything you disagree with. FOR FUCK SAKE, people like you should be banned from the internet.

Include age in that and its all blue as well my dude. Its about more than race.

No it isn't

>An Inconvenient Jewish Trick: Lies to Sheckles.

>working at a theater
>slow-ass day
>old guy comes up
>"Excuse me sir, could I speak to your manager?"
>call up a manager
>"What's the issue?"
>"I was just wondering who authorized the LIBERAL PROPAGANDA trailer in front of The Beguiled?"

Conservatives are so damn tetchy.

>people like you should be banned from the internet
now thats what communist fuck like you would say. back to leftypol.

>muh America first
>world colapses
Thank you America!

>Florida will be underwater in 20 years, stop using hair spray!

>Florida will be underwater in 20 years, stop using fossil fuels!

>Florida will be underwater in 20 years, stop being a white male!

Will liberals ever stop being so easy to manipulate?

But will they acknowledge this?

>Truth to Power
The delusion that these people live must live to actually think this of themselves is amazing.

>24537 respondents
lol can you site that source?

It'll be the same footage as the first one, except they'll overdub the year to 2030.

Fuck Trump and fuck "white" people baka!

Go back to your containment board pol.

Is there a list of "An Inconvenient Truth" predictions and whether they turned out to be true?

>implying criticizing all you lolSCIENCE! true believers equates to believing in "sky fairies"

kek, so glad wagie scum have to deal with shit like this

Don't forget your place wagie, the customer is ALWAYS right, and you're ALWAYS the wagie

Interestingly enough according to Pew research people whites without a degree were heavily skewed to Trump. So stupidity is a factor as well

Why don't you faggots preach to China, India, and developing countries, why is it always America.

>The exit poll isn’t perfect — in part because it relies on human survey-takers at pre-selected precincts. In 2012, for example, it significantly oversampled black voters. And little under one-fifth of the respondents to the poll were early and absentee voters this year, when early voting turnout is expected to record an unprecedented share
You can do better, poor show

Those same whites also made more money on average than white voters for Killary. So much for college education.

You're weclome to provade a more accurate poll with larger sample. I'll wait.

It's all about race. Why do you think they push so hard to get more nonwhites into the country? A white majority is the only thing stopping them from having a monopoly on votes.

>we're overpopulated! People are consuming too many resources!!!
>btw continue to send foreign aid to africa, thereby artifically increasing their birth rate unsustainably

Not buying it anymore, if libshits want to be serious about climate change then I'm all ears but they're not

I'm not a denier. But I'm no partisan useful idiot either. There are problems with the premise.

When the temp rises, it's Global Warming and my taxes get raised to combat it.

When the temp declines, it's Climate change and my taxes get raised to combat it.

So the vaunted global climate analysis group that the last three presidents relied on said that global average temperatures did not change at all for ten year in the early 2000's (at bit longer iirc)

So if the temp goes up, down, or stays the same, my taxes go up because of it. Under what circumstances do those taxes go away? If it is still "an issue" when a decade goes by with no change then when is Global Warming by our hand over?

Answer: never. These taxes will never go away and thus the global Warming narrative will never go away even if we manage to stop it.

THAT's my problem with all this shit. Well, that and how annoying partisans are when they argue.

Not saying you are 100% wrong but that is a shitty source dude, im trying to help you. Pew research is way more well rounded, and based in national exit polls

Help me with what?
a)Nobody almost nobody is gonna click your shitty link, whereas they're gonna see my picutres
b)your paper says the exact same thing as waht I posted above. Clinton did even worse with young voters than Obama. So much for "age division".

So you admit that your sited source is shit, but what matters is that you are getting attention, not the integrity of your data. Amazing. Go ahead and continue being retarded senpai

Not suprising considering: "Trump’s margin among whites without a college degree is the largest among any candidate in exit polls since 1980. Two-thirds (67%) of non-college whites backed Trump, compared with just 28% who supported Clinton" uneducated pleb ;)

You got me. Here is the thing though. Nobody gives a shit about integrity(especially here of all places). A quick meme is 100 times better than a wall of text.
That doesn't mean my data isn't true. The study that you linked shows simular numbers to what I posted.

Im sure it will be a hit in China

Buttblasted faggot

*tips* truly you are enlightened by your own intelligence and not fat and insufferable

>there is no evidence of climate change whatsoever t. conservatives
>okay well there is some evidence but we don't know if the earth is cooling or warming
>okay well it's warming but we're not sure if humans are causing it or if its natural causes
>okay well humans are causing it but to what EXTENT are they causing it?
>okay well a significant portion of it is by humans but does it even matter? will it do anything?
>okay well it has some effects of coastal regions and low elevation islands in the pacific but will it go farther?

Haha let's get more money from libtards who hate trump hahaha dude earth was dead by 2014 but obama save it so now it'll be dead by 2022 lmao

I'm atheist and I don't believe in climate change. Your move, you piece of shit

>Answer: never. These taxes will never go away and thus the global Warming narrative will never go away even if we manage to stop it.
Well, hey, on the uptick of the old death n' taxes thing, if global warming actually turns out to work as a positive feedback loop in our atmosphere, and everybody dies, you probably won't have to pay taxes anymore. Little silver lining to that storm cloud.

u mad?

hes right though you sound like a fucking spazstick when you keep saying "COMMIES" all the time.

dont forget stupid uneducated poor people who are failutres voting against their best interest

>Sup Forumsutist

Didn't read

>doing the online equivalent of "lalala I can't hear you"

pretty sad senpai

Environmentalism is a sect of modern communism, especially in the first world. Since a communist revolution would fail, the communists aim to destroy industry. Basically if the government can't have the means of production, no one can.

>Shows persons with higher income voted Trump
>Assuming higher education=higher pay
>Only lower-earning persons voted in favor of Hillary
>Other graphs (unreliable sources cited) show mostly whites voted Trump
Now, I'm not saying there's some kind of precedence for what the data suggests...

>im not triggered i swear

>n=higher pay
>>Only lower-earnin

Republicans are by nature better, stronger and more intelligent.

Democrats and Libtards are all welfare leeching traitors.

>Democrats and Libtards are all welfare leeching traitors.

>now let me tell you about my rebel traitor confederate flag

This, the fact climate change has all the hallmarks of a religion is half the reason why I think Global warming is bullshit.

Generally higher income is associated with higher iq. Any dumbfuck can get a degree in gender studies or some other waste of money, but starting a business from scratch requires raw brain power and not a degree.

That graph is from the nytimes for anyone wondering.

Rebelling against a Tyrannical government is patriotism. Every democrat since FDR have been socialist Tyrants that should have been removed by force.

One of the bigger issues I see with combating global warming now is the technology isnt quite there.

Solar panels are about parity with conventional energy sources, but are showing substantial efficiency improvements each year (yeah a few percent is substantial in engineering). Ditto for things like batteries for electric cars. And then there are very promising technologies regarding carbon capture just starting to become practical.

If we blow billions on solar panels and subsidies for electric cars and the like now, we'll end up with ~20% efficient panels and kinda ok electric cars. But I think it would be better to invest a bit now in R&D to advance these things a bit more, then go absolutely crazy spending billions in 10ish years when solar panels are at ~50%, electric cars have the range and batteries down, ect.

Although the real best solution is nuclear, preferable an advanced breeder reactor, but because the vast majority of people have no real understanding of radiation other than 'its super bad' that wont happen in the US. This is one area China is getting things right, and they will probably end up building reactors for all of africa, south america, ect in a decade.

Solar Panels are a dumb investment. It takes 30+ years to get a return, but the panels have a lifespan of less than 10.


U literate?

Ad hominem, try again

Those places believe in climate change though.

>Sacrifice greater taxes to your government so that they can control the weather!
The more things change, the more they stay the same.

>literally says in the trailer "virtually every nation in the entire world agreed to get to zero greenhouse emissions"

...okay, so what do we need this movie for? why are you still jet-setting around the world?

The amount of potential for technological progress lost as a result of multiculturalism is staggering. A solution to the demographic problem in the US would actually be a panacea.
Just think about how much aid we give to third world countries, how this exacerbates the problem by ballooning their population to unsustainable levels so they require more aid AND spill over into other countries.
Think about the high trust society we could have as a nation without these perverse incentives enabling outsiders to induce a tragedy of the commons.

Think of the anomie effecting so many of us (maybe even all of us here on Sup Forums). It is stultifying whole generations, sapping motivation, and causing the world to stagnate. Things can't go on like this. I only hope a solution makes itself known before we really descend into chaos.

Because china and India are the largest contributors to ""greenhouse emissions"" and they don't give a fuck because the only relationship between ""greenhouse gases"" and temperature is one where ""greenhouse gases" increase and decrease AFTER temperature.

Also how, per capita, their emissions couldn't get much lower, cheaply.

Also nice Sup Forums thread on Sup Forums, good job mods.