Up 39% from Monday

>up 39% from Monday
>$371M dom as of today, $380M on Sunday
>$750M+ worldwide

Other urls found in this thread:


Also twitter.com/GalGadot/status/884994005242716161

is there any board without the horrible fanboyism
>Sup Forums console wars
>Sup Forums amd v intel
>/biz/ cryptomeme v cryptomem
>/lit/ [insert commie] v [insert anarchist] v [insert loblbertarian] v [insert wierdo writer]
>Sup Forums natsoc v libertarian v trumpism

Well too bad it has a lower critical acclaim than based Spidey homecoming.

>there were people who doubted /ourgal/

That's cause wonder woman wasn't diverse enough

Homocumming literally looks like some Disney Channel show.

Best Multipliers Ever for $70+ Million Opening Films (Friday Openers)

>Avatar (2009) — 77.0 million (9.73)
>Finding Nemo (2003) — 70.3 million (4.84)
> Zootopia (2016) — 75.1 million (4.55)
>Inside Out (2015) — 90.4 million (3.94)
> American Sniper (2015) — 89.3 million (3.92)
> Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015) — 248.0 million (3.78)
>Toy Story 3 (2010) — 110.3 million (3.76)
>The Incredibles (2004) — 70.5 million (3.71)
>Finding Dory (2016) — 135.1 million (3.60)
>Wonder Woman (2017) — 103.3 million (3.60)



I still don't understand how this movie gets rave reviews, most of it was ok while the ending was horrible.

4K HDR torrent when?

>tfw neither rhyme

Do reviews even count anymore after so much time? It's basically all great WOM at this point, that's why it keeps making money and having minimal drops.

I think some of it at least is just for fun. It's fun to engage in those wars but I don't really care about this shit tbqh

Reminder these are confirmed shill threads being protected by handoutlord

this triggers the sjw marvel redditor

I don't understand why any capeshit gets good reviews these days. They are almost all bland, predictable and simplistic CGI-fests.


CGI in a comic book movie?!?! WELL I NEVER

>rips off Captain America: The First Avenger
It's only making money because of muh feminism

Can't faul the Gal
Can't Pascal the Gal

Can't blow the Gadot


I hate how these movies look. Just put the damn thing in black and white

>fat fingers type angry response

beyond terrible

What's Sup Forums? Rei v Asuka?

I'm actually surprised Spiderman didn't do better, because it was probably the best MCU film in the canon, by all accounts.

That said, the marketing had me expecting a complete shitter like Strange or Ant Man, so maybe i'm no so surprised after all,.

Prt 1
>Wonder Woman DCEU movie announced
>"no one even knows who Wonder Woman is, DC IS FINISHED!"

>rumors that a former WB employee says that WW is a mess
>"DCucks on suicide watch! JUST!"

>trailers come out

>"Where is Gadot? Interviews? Jimmy Fallon? Kimmel? HAHA, WB/DC doesn't have faith in Wonder Woman! DAMAGE CONTROL!"
>Gadot shows up on all of the talk shows days before premier. As well as snacks and soda cans. user would know this if his mom didn't do his grocery shopping.

>critics first reactions on twitter were overwhelmingly positive
>"fucking shills I swear, look at this review on IMDb saying it's shit without talking about the movie at all, damn this is going to be hilarious!!"

>embargo drops, WW has more praise than Logan and anything in the MCU since Avengers or so
>"fucking SJW shills this movie is SHIT audience scores are going to crush it lmao"

>audience scores currently sit at 92% on a 4.5/5 rating, higher than anything Marvel
>"h-heh well who cares it's still going to fucking BOMB look at this picture of an empty theater (I swear these retards were posting those pictures here lol)"

>WW crushes all predictions and opens at more than $100M, beating IM1, GotG, Doctor Strange, Logan, TWS and more
>"w-well until you see the DROP, 80% at least, DC is dead bury it consider this mercy etc etc"

>"T-The Mummy will crash this movie with no survivors! Can't Bruise The Cruise!"
>it critically panned and flopped

>WW has one of the smallest drop for a CBM ever and the 3rd weekend drop is even smaller
>on it's 3rd weekend it's making more than CW and AoU (Avengers movies)
>already outgrossed TWS and Doctor Strange entire domestic runs after two weeks and it's making more money overseas than dom so far while no release yet in Ger/Jap/foreign markets

>"Cars 3 will bury it!"
>doesn't even make a dent

Prt 2
>"WW bombed! it hasn't even passed 500M! DC is finished!"
>crosses $600M threshold on the same day user posted this

>"how is this happ-"
>$650M on its 4th weekend

>"HAHAHAHAH it hasn't passed Suicide Squad's worldwide yet! BTFO!"
>6th weekend, 745M+ worldwide. Wonder Woman is now the 2nd highest grossing DCEU movie in the franchise.

>Homecoming starts slow, gets terrible drops, Wonder Woman actually rises.

>Oh yeah? Well Deadpool was more profitable and it was R-rated too. #DCDone!
>outgrosses Deadpool's domestic profits. Ryan Reynolds even congratulates them.

actually it aped little mermen

>Can't refute it

>tfw I'm not Gal's little dog

What? The island itself was colorful as fuck. Then they enter in smoggy as fuck and dreary London to contrast the corrupt and dirty world of man that she enters. It is set in the war torn trenches of WW1 for fucks sake. Did you expect rainbows and shit?

/ck/ is alright.

Why didn't Ghostbusters make a billion then?

Sup Forums, but Sup Forumsedditors come here for capeshit and swaglord lets them go wild because muh ad impressions

....so what exactly? Do true believers gotta check their mailbox every day for their wonder woman prize? Or maybe just a nice little postcard from DC/WB saying thanks for the unwavering support in the face of Disney/marvel shillery?

Or is this just a general follow-up on the great DC vs Marvel [shill] schi$m where the "side" that won this battle gets to rub it in the other side's face, everyone gets a few nickels/dimes for their trouble, and life goes on (like 2pac taught us)??

Congrats to whoever earned/deserves them, and god bless the free market for approving of this truly magnanimous moment in film history. Sooner or later I'll make sure to watch it and join in the total victory (cuz a few subtitles don't knock me off my game ;)

You forgot
>Sup Forums edginess fanboys
>Sup Forums gore/scat/porn fanboys

>$750m world wide
>Gal Gadot got paid $300,000

I don't know how a Jew got Out-Jewed so hard

>The movie is set at a period and she has a shield too, therefore its a copy!
And you really want to go there with Civil War ripping off BvS and Superman Donner? Or Dr Strange ripping off Nolan's Inception & Batman Begins. Get the fuck out of here.

>believes what buzzfeed told them.

Trump wasn't president

she's prolly still "paying her dues" user

Btw, you're supposed to read that text in a list voice that's obscured by the presence of short stumpy and [of course] hairy producer cock.

Plus maybe she got a deal with a low base salary but she gets a point or %age of merch [with her likeness on it] ??? It'd almost be a "put up or shut up" type deal


That movie was shit regardless who was in office. Nobody would say that movie was good just to be a contrarian. Even the movie's most staunchest defenders of Cisbusters admit it was shit.

How did Dr. Strange rip off Inception when they aren't even alike and the Dr. Strange concept is older than Inception? And where do you get Batman Begins?

Also Civil War and BvS came out 2 months apart, the only ripoff was BvS trying to rip off setting up The Avengers universe.

play bejeweled or watch cartoons then you color cuck.

>muh 25% from China


>It's currently 1% and 0.1 higher than WW in general ratings, with the same percentage and score from top critics and audience.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, buddy.

It was fun and well made. Homecoming is objectively worse and got slightly better reviews, it's all about being bland and inoffensive these days

Domestic gross matters more than foreign, it's a fact. That's why box office websites put that front and center, revenue from foreign is minimal.

I'm sure the US is TOTALLY adding up to more than the rest of the market. Okay bud. lmao'ing at you.

Are you legitimately retarded?

I loved when Cap was born in a immortal man-only island created by a god to stop the god of war from corrupting the humanity, saves a foreign spy from a plane wreck, he and his friends fight a modern group of soldiers with old weapons in their island, learns about the outside world from the spy and becomes convinced that the god of war is manipulating humanity into an never ending war and leaves the island only to find himself in a fish out of the water situation in which he has to learn about the modern ways while trying to convince his spy friend of the existence of the god of war, they go to the front to stop the mass production of a lethal gas, he uses his magical powers to cross no man's land and finally they find that the bloodthirsty general isn't the god of war but the guy who was negotiating the peace treaty knowing full well that those negotiations were going to cause WW2 even if his german minions failed to destroy london with their gas

But yeah she has a shield, I hope they don't get sued

>It's only making money because of muh feminism
>disney shills are THIS desperate

Are you? Provide the numbers, or you're losing hilariously.

>y-yes Mistress Gal
*kneels like a good goy*

The studios are based in America, which means there's less middlemen and expenses when distributing the films domestically, and therefore more revenue than in foreign markets, where the pie gets splits in more pieces.


>How did Dr. Strange rip off Inception when they aren't even alike
the movie poster, the imagery. You can look up this shit on the internet for more.
>where do you get Batman Begins?
Wealthy man (played by a British star) with a weakness for his luxurious lifestyle who travels to a far eastern land to get some super hero training. The movie is Batman Begins with inception imagery in Dr Strange clothing.
Villain tricking an american symbol to fight a billionaire who's masterplan involves blowing up a meeting of government officials. (oh and both of the billionaire counterparts have mommy issues lol!)

500mil foreign > 200mil domestic
Who cares about domestic if it's still making less. It makes more per body, sure, but when there's far more bodies overseas it's a joke.

>Ape Kino director will direct The Batman movie
I'm scared bros....

>it's going to beat a Spider-Man and Iron Man movie with bought reviews and RDJ in the US

I'm brave enough to say I didn't see this coming. I didn't know that the Spider-Man movie would be so fucking bland though

Too bad the spider is going to get squashed in Ape spunk this coming week.

Losing what exactly? You need to be a retard not to understand that US studios get more money from domestic gross. There was even a recent article on how China DOESN'T save movies, and how they're shady about the actual money movies make there.

capeshit and apeshit BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Worldwide is doing pretty good too, it had to compete with all the overseas juggernauts (Pirates, Transformers, Pixas and the like) but all those franchises were EXILED from the US by WW

>Captain is fish out of water scrawny kid in the beginning of movie and out of place at end of movie
>Captain America is literally using old weapons to fight against weapons made from mad man who wants to become a God and is using a power source from the Gods
>Said mad man who wants to become a God and is using weapons derived from power from the Gods is trying to destroy every major city
dKEKs can't even think

>Cap being a fish out of the water IN HIS OWN CITY
Why are MCUcks so dumb bros?

And? Nigga all I care about is the $$$.

Dude don't reply to them, everybody knows the movie isn't like First Avenger. I mean First Avenger flopped and WW is going to be one of the most succesful movies of the year, that should be enough

I'm not sure but probably foreign earnings pay higher taxes than domestic ones, and like I said, the money goes through a bunch of hands before reaching the studios, when that doesn't happen in the US.
WW box office has been more and more important, but domestic is still the most important market for Hollywood movies. Only movies like Fast and the Furious and Pirates of the Caribbean that make over 500m overseas are really profitable, and that's still depending on making a decent run domestically.

Then don't worry, WW is killing exactly where the $$$ is made

Transformers is win.

You are grasping at straws with your photo and similarities. Dr. Strange isn't a billionaire philanthropist who lost his parent. The similarity of going to the far east is flawed because 1. Batman goes there for martial arts training w/unselfish motivation, while Dr. Strange is trained in magic for an originally selfish reason and 2. The Dr. Strange origin involving training in the far east predates the Batman's training in the far east, which was added to his origin after Dr. Strange.

Superman isn't an American symbol, Iron Man tried to kill a man when he found out he killed his mother while Batman stopped himself from killing a man because their mother had the same name. At the end of BvS the DC Avengers were formed while in Civil War The Avengers were fractured

>You are grasping at straws with your photo and similarities.
Same goes for the Wonder Woman and The First Avenger parallels. I'm just playing by the same retarded rules you faggots instated.

Dude, Batman always trained in the far east. Way before Dr. Strange was ever invented. Batman takes various cues from the Shadow, who trained in the far east as well.

>Superman isn't an American symbol

The fuck?

>Captain is fish out of water scrawny kid in the beginning of movie and out of place at end of movie
You need to actually watch that movie, if anything most of the movie pretty much proves that Cap even when he is a weakling cuck, fits in the war because Da Heart...
Also the way WW has btfo you MCUshills is out of this earth and with Spiderman underperforming...is reaching a whole other level of btfo.

>All of his peers are drafted and fighting the war, he is left behind aka out of place due to being scrawny
>Out of place when trying to sign up for army, at bootcamp, or anytime he is around a girl
>Is temporally accepted when he takes serum until he becomes frozen

Not in the Snyderverse, he is persecuted Jesus

That's the same as an immortal daughter of a god living in a magical island and then going to London? Are you fucking retarded or what?

If you want to be blown away, watch Doctor Strange and that Green Lantern movie from a few years ago with Ryan Reynolds. That will surely activate the proverbial almonds

No it's not the same, the themes are similar in that a person who is perceived as weak have super powers, fight in a world war and save the world, ending is present time and both are member of super teams

Wonder Woman was never perceived to be weak, though.

Woman are

Literally nothing then, got it

Every single origin story is same shit / different day. They always need to get to the 2nd installment before they even have a shot at telling an interesting story.

Not sure if the reason they keep making them is the producers being too stupid, or the audiences. It's like nobody ever heard of In Media Res.

Women aren't demigods, usually.

That's not being a fish out of water, that's an underdog story. Any fish out of water elements in TFA had to do with Steve being from another age, which have a different goal than the fish out of water elements in Wonder Woman. In that one, it was used to show WW as an innocent person, in order to show her losing her innocence since it's a coming of age story.

Why is it flopping worldwide?

>rotten tomato
Do you just look at these scores or do you honestly read the reviews? I am curious.

>4th highest grossing movie of the year worldwide
>It's flopping, guys!

It's going to BTFO GotG worldwide by the end of the week though

If anything it's overperforming in the US.

It's clearly not popular worldwide at all. It's like 50% domestic. Not the norm for a blockbuster. It flopped worldwide

Correct. It benefited from every summer blockbuster surrounding it getting raped by critics and flopping. In other words it came out at the right time which is unlikely to be the case for ww 2. Get ready for ww2 making less

It's still the 4th movie worldwide, and made more overseas than any Marvel solo character introduction (except Dr. Strange and probably Spider-Man now), and more than Man of Steel too, and still hasn't opened in Japan. The reason why it's 50/50 is not because it's flopping overseas, but because it's an unexpected hit in the US. It's gonna make near 400 million, which is fucking insane.

>Get ready for ww2 making less
WW2 might make less domestic but much more overseas, depending on how is JL received and how long do they take to put it out.

They flopped because WW killed them kid, no one has that much luck