David Lynch hate thread

I hate his movies, his hair and his fanbase

>i hate his hair

Baldlet detected.

Ill agree you you about his movies and fans though.

Nah, I actually have very good hair genes and will never go bald. I just hate his hair.

ITT: Bad taste.

Hate his movies, don't care for his fanbase, love his hair. That's the best I can do.

Look at that beauty.

Stay mad, brainlets

his hair doesnt fit his age, thats why it looks so weird

I hate his movies but have no problem with the human being.



If you're unironically impressed with Lynch's wirk then you are the brainlet


Essentially when I'm watching one of his films, if I didn't know he made it, I would say "wow this is mediocre as shit with some funny acting." Like Blue Velvet. It's a pretty standard thriller with some weird bits. If I didn't know it was Lynch, I'd say, wow Laura Dern is a terrible actor, why are these kids acting so melodramatic and professing their love?

But since it's Lynch, I now say "wow I like how Laura Dern is really hamming it up, it really adds to the feeling the teenager's emotions. The bad acting and bad script really make things more visceral."

>I hate his movies, his hair and his fanbase
Me too. Except his hair. I don't care about his hair.

I've always found his 2smart4U film making style to be obnoxious though. Even way back when blue velvet came out, and all the critics were all "sooo good, genius, so wow". I literally watched it three times trying to figure out what I'd missed.

The only thing I can never really settle on is whether his direction makes actors terrible at their jobs, or if the people he casts are just terrible at their jobs. It's not even illusion-breaking... the illusion never gets set up in the first place. It's impossible to forget I'm watching actors... hell, I can practically feel the crew standing there at the edges of the screen.

I only hate his fanbase and the people who suck him off. He isn't a visionary genius, he's just an eccentric visual artist.


>on Sup Forums
>never go bald


His hairstyle is smarter than he is


Like some of his movies, like his hair, hate his fan base.
Just because you don't like or enjoy something doesn't mean you don't 'get' it.
>He PURPOSEFULLY seeks out bad actors to cause a disconnect
Seriously someone said this in /tpg/ the other day, how far up his ass can his fan base get? No filmmaker is that much of a genius or has that much foresight, most likely he doesn't really care how the acting turns out.

I thought blue velvet wasn't a big hit when it came out

I think Ebert called it a sick joke.

>le crazy hipster hair
>le super serious film maker face


> le unfunny shitpost

Oh how embarassing...lmao

I enjoy his films and wish I had his hair genes but his fanbase is a mess.

Some guy I used to go school with just watched twin peaks and now thinks he's the most enlightened and cultured person on the planet. Used to be pretty chill now he tweets about how reality TV is killing culture, "People who like/participate in a.b.c probably don't understand x,y,z" and marxism

Pretty sure he gave it a 1/2 star and called it one of the worst films of the year, I'd actually go as far to say he called it the worst actually.

The only thing I hate about him is his fans. Going on about how revolutionary TP:TR is and you're an idiot for not liking it, when it's significantly worse than the majority of his films.

its pretty stupid not to like some artist because of their retarded fanbase, though its understandable in most extreme cases like ICP and juggalos

Look up the direction techniques of Luis Bunuel. You'll soon realise, the effect is indeed intentional. Lynch was heavily influenced by the surrealism of Bunuel's work and found his approach to directing actors of particular interest. He speaks about this in Lynch on Lynch (his extended interview with Chris Rodley), part of the Faber & Faber series of books.

Yeah I'm with you.

>dude surrealism lmao
>le so randumb xDD

Tryhard faggot.

He thought it exploited the lead actress, and the tone of the film didn't justify what she had to endure.
It's a bit odd to say that, given some of the films he had written - but I suppose Blue Velvet isn't a porno.
However, Ebert also wasn't a fan of A Clockwork Orange, so I wonder if he just didn't like 'controversial' films in general.

Awful paraphrasing. Ebert actually went on to change his opinion of Blue Velvet and Lynch in general but could never accept the treatment of Isabella Rossellini, in particular how she was objectified on camera.

Actually I do really like him, it's just his fans are really obnoxious, vocal and "intellectual"

Every since Twin Peaks S3 came out, they've been like radiohead fans used to be