Whats her name again

whats her name again

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Sy Snootles. I hate Star Wars, and I knew that.

Sy Snootles

Chloe Moretz.

Sy Snootles and the Remo Williams Band.

the plot twist of the new star wars is that there is another death star, but when they blow it up they discover that the empire has actually built TWO death stars this time

Ziro's lover and backstabber.

Sy Sperling and the Stutgart String Symphony

Maggie Gyllenhaal

So mean. She isn't that hideous, user.

No that's Ben Quadineros.


fucking lol

someone post the vocaroo
you know the one



Im in tears, thank you.

The only good thing about TFA was the Cantina Song

Original Cantina song was great but this Jabba's Palace shit that was added in was fucking cringe as fuck. I remember watching it with my mom on VHS when I was 14 and having to leave the room from embarrasment

Fucking hell my sides.


>white people

Of course he's a fatty.

>white """"""""""""""""people""""""""""""""""