What did you think of Lily James in Baby Driver Sup Forums?

what did you think of Lily James in Baby Driver Sup Forums?

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nice feet

She showed it in The Exception. Tits were pretty good and ass was exceptional.

Nude scene when? Such a tease in classic War & Kino & Peace

she already went nude user


Something about her face really irritates me.

I've only seen her in baby Drive and I can't believe she's 28. I would have guessed 17. Good for her and great work on those hips.



She needs to shave.

built for facesitting



She's sweet

Can 21st century women do anything without being a whore?

Just take a fucking picture at the PG-12 movie premiere without deliberately conforming every muscle in your body to stick your ass out make you look as fuckable as possible. God.

t. homosexual

would you lick her soles

It's ok to be gay in this time and age but don't be so obnoxious about it

I'm not objecting to "sex", I'm objecting to fragrantly shoehorning in cringeworthy sexual degeneracies into everything you do

Men don't show up to movie premiers in translucent clingfilm and find contrived ways to show their dick off and people don't say "haha look at the lesbian" when a woman finds it stupid or uncomfortable

I enjoyed this movie because it felt like an innocent breath of fresh air with a genuine love interest and a lack of millenial whoreism. God.

goddamn I can smell your fedora through my monitor, faggaccini

>I'm not objecting to "sex", just to "sexuality"
how badly did christian upbringing fuck you up

cute arm hair desu senpai

>"muh degeneracy" makes the same argument as "muh patriarchy"

No seriously, I definitely don't object to sexualization and I used to argue with other people that were more uptight about it but it's just stupid, trashy and gross. I say this sans-fedora.

There's wearing tight clothing that accentuates your figure and then there's wearing vaccuum-sealed latex that runs up the crack of your ass and contorting around in contrived positions like you're a trained dog that only knows the trick "look as fuckable as possible"

Do men wear translucent clingfilm and find contrived ways to show their dick off, uploading 4 pictures of themselves in contrived positions contorting every muscle in their body to make their dick look as big as possible to various social media outlets with captions like "just got new slacks :P"

If the answer to this is "no" then my objection is that men don't do it because it's fucking stupid and they don't just operate on instinct.

>There's wearing tight clothing that accentuates your figure and then there's wearing vaccuum-sealed latex that runs up the crack of your ass and contorting around in contrived positions like you're a trained dog that only knows the trick "look as fuckable as possible"
sure, but that doesn't apply to the examples ITT that you're crying about

Are you new to Hollywood?

Name a single actress above the age of 16 that doesn't wear sexualized clothing at movie premiers if not everywhere else

no, you're wording
>wearing vaccuum-sealed latex that runs up the crack of your ass and contorting around in contrived positions like you're a trained dog that only knows the trick "look as fuckable as possible"
is wrong in this instance. I know it happens, but I think (and other anons by the looks of it) think you're being overly neckbeardy to a situation where what you're saying doesn't apply

I'm not exaggerating. If dresses aren't comically oversexualized taking every possible opportunity to look lewd then they're just airtight tubes of fabric that cling to your figure.

If you've paid attention to the red carpet any time in the last 20 years you'd know this is true.

Mexican chick was much hotter

are you aware that you are signaling a bigger message about your sexuality insecurities than you are about hollywood? Or are you so disconnected that you think that you are making some sort of valid insight? I honestly can't tell.

Not everybody does things because of their sexual insecurities, hard as it may be for you to believe. Some people just have opinions.

Considering that nude when we can't see her mung.

apart from the fat womanlet in the middle there is nothing overly-sexualized about what the others are wearing.

But hey, I got the perfect woman for you! She is conservative and dresses to your standards! So why don't you take her and fuck off from my thread.

So hot! Anyone want to chat about celebs with hairy arms?

This is the perfect women for me. She wears clothing that makes her look attractive and accentuates her womanly features without resorting to a comically exaggeration of "sexy" that test the limits of how sexualized you can make someone look with a piece of fabric

I know your pea-sized brain only has room for 2 possible considerations at a time, so forget what your name is and then consider that not everybody does things because of "their sexual insecurities"

>user, what are you staring at?

times have changed grandpa. women can wear whatever they want.

>Emma Watson

I know "this is what people are doing", I'm saying it's a bad idea

And I'm 19