We have an interestingly plot regarding infertility and scarcity as the aging...

>we have an interestingly plot regarding infertility and scarcity as the aging, dwindling population can't sustain society
>let's focus on fascism, ebil white people, and refugees instead

Other urls found in this thread:


>DUDE, slutty black teenagers who are barely capable of intelligible speech are going to be the saviors of mankind

well you cant deny it does a good job of depicting future britain

What the fuck are you on about, OP?
Did you want the movie to ignore its setting completely?
Setting and plot are both balanced perfectly, fuckwit.

How do alt-right losers watch anything without getting upset?

Like, what would be a good movie to you? Ninety minutes of white people high-five?

>we have an imageboard where anyone with an internet connection can post anonymously allowing us to discuss anything openly and without regard for reputation with people from all over the world
>let's shitpost

How is focused on evil white people

Best scene of the movie coming through, bar none


The silence is deafening. It also has a pretty funny ending.

Cuarón treats this exaggerated state of the world as a genre exercise. Cinematographer Emmanuel Lubezski does long Steadicam takes through bombed-out neighborhoods and on motorway shoot-outs that resemble the surreally distanced, uninterrupted viewpoint of a videogame. But these show-offy sequences come 16 years after Scorsese and De Palma pioneered them in GoodFellas and Bonfire of the Vanities. They’re done to impress, yet are so slow and stagey that they’re portentous. Children of Men never explains how the world got this way and so its dread is convincingly sophomoric—as is Theo’s reluctant heroism.

The political antipathy of Iraq war protestors and War on Terror skeptics is what drives this pretentious action flick. It panders to a decadent yearning for apocalypse as if to confirm recent fear and resentment about loss of political power. V for Vendetta’s mistake was not recognizing that a sense of self-righteous self-annihilation was the new mood. And Cuarón, a true hack, is nothing if not market-savvy. His dystopia evokes the zombie film 28 Days Later, then jacks things up to resemble Elem Klimov’s disasters of war in Come and See.

Children of Men is only deep on its surface. Cuarón cannot edit scenes for rhythm or real feeling, which is what separates his eschatological set pieces from the wit of Spielberg’s War of the Worlds and Minority Report or Paul Verhoeven’s Starship Troopers—films that treated the experience of social collapse as personal, rather than a game.
Fact is, Children of Men is too smug to be Orwellian or even satirical. Cuarón combines dread and lack of affect, then gets sentimental. Note his maudlin final shot of a ship christened “Tomorrow”; it ought to expose Cuarón to fans who think this film’s visual style is superior to Apocalypto or Minority Report. Those movies had genuine breadth and excitement; Children of Men is delusionary.

>good movie for the alt right

Warhammer 40k movie where the Imperium are unironically the good guys and the Imperial Guard fight rainbow-haired Slaaneshi cultists

Is that from Almond?

I can't remember, why did everybody want to kill the chick if she was the only hope for the mankind?

>The movie could have done what I liked but it didnt so reeee

>First kid to be born after the crisis
>Is black
>Has no father


>let's quote abaolutely no one

Read about the original novel and despair at what it became in Cuaron's hand. The themes of the novel are completely ignored to make a generic action movie set against a backdrop of evil white chauvinism and xenophobia, instead of generational instability, entitled youth and the death of family.

Think how much better it would be if it was a pretty young white woman with a white child...

the fact that you made this thread is proof that we need more movies that

>let's focus on fascism, ebil white people, and refugees instead

This movie is 100% the perfect artistic representation of modern Britain, both in physical setting and mentality.

It's eerie how fucking nothing it was, despite the budget and the goddamn novel it was based on.

>we have an interestingly plot regarding infertility and scarcity as the aging, dwindling population can't sustain society
>let's focus on fascism, ebil white people, and refugees instead

That's why it got a Best Adapted Screenplay nomination at the Oscars, fagget

seems like you just misunderstood the movie

>muh alt-right
The alt-right doesn't exist. Stop reading HuffPo get off the internet go outside and find anyone who identifies as an "alt-rightist"

>there is a human being out there this retarded

popularity contests do not mean anything post-celebrations brah

You're a retarded snowflake if that's what you took from it reddit, the nogs are the ones fucking everything up and Britain alone has survived some global disaster because of an extreme border control policy.

You're half-right. The "alt-right" doesn't really exist, the "alt-right" is just regular conservatism without any pretense of pretending to be decent people

It wouldn't matter if the kid was black, if it's a girl and fucks enough white dudes down the line your gonna have white people...