List movies more comfy than literally taking a shit

List movies more comfy than literally taking a shit

>you will never learn the secret of steel with arnie
>you will never slay puss of the finest stock
>you will never learn the power of flesh

/fit/ memes are the greatest

Hot Fuzz
More comfy than a cushioned cunny, my fellows

>tfw youll never eat with ghengis khan and discuss whats good in life

Ayy literally just watched this and taking a shit right now.

Based phylium husk

The Life Aquatic

>you will never get a gf who begs you to stay away from revenge, arguing that it's so rare for two people like yourselves to find each other in this world


from start to finish

made me sea sick

Comfy as fuck

Are you sure it wasn't crazy eye aka hydrogen psychosis?

The Ten Commandments

The Man Who Would be King
They Live

Wow are you me? That's 3 of my top 5.

What's your other 2?

what the fuck is that?

That actor almost got killed by those dogs at the beginning of the movie

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

The King's Speech for me

Batman V Superman
The Pest

>The Pest
Oh man. That one with John Leguizano?

jimmy linguini

I'm inclined to say Brazil (1985), something about it kept me coming back to it again and again.

cyberpunk comf
for me it's Twelve Monkeys and The Fifth Element


Essential comfy-core coming through
>Fellowship of the Ring
>The Thing
>In Bruges
>Road to Perdition
>Escape from New York


the ending of that movie is the least comfy thing ever. fuck this movie is terrifying once he starts his interrogation

agree on the beginning though. ducts and tubes are great.

yess. No one understands.


Makes sense, anyone watched Dark City? It's supposedly good
Yes, I watched it multiple times as a kid and I remember the first time I understood everything, had a sad sinking sentation on my chest

Oh yes, Dark City is good.

Clue is my ultimate comfy movie. I could watch it once a day and be totally alright with it.

>tfw no Andre the Giant best friend

Lighthearted comfy adventure kino

Dark City is amazing. Also where Jennifer O'Connelly peaked for me.

The Nazi version is fun too. It's very grounded in its sets and costumes, which makes the magical elements feel all the more absurd.

A Chinese ghost story 1,2 and 3 are comfy Chinese kampkino


My man

>"This you can trust."
>*points to dick*