Was never Mary Jane


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Still ruined the movie with her brown scowl.

Calling her MJ in the first place is pandering and also bad writing.

They clearly did reshoots to make her "Lel in Michelle but people call me MJ" because we've been complaining about it since she was casted. I literally saw a trailer for homecoming last year at the mall with unfinished cgi and my major gripe was about zendaya. They got the message.

You speak for all of the pre-release reviewers and general public, huh? Good thing they got the message about her bugging you.

>Feige's balls: file not found

>we did it reddit

>implying diverse black MJ isn't reddit as fuck

Did they hire the most masculine looking girl in order for Tom Holland to feel somewhat attracted to her?

Zendaya looks like a dude.

Has anyone ever mistaken you for a man?


I would pay 10k to suck a fart out of her butt

in what world does this look like a man?

they originally had zendaya wearing sundresses, makeup and heels but tom came on set screaming about 'traditional gender roles' and forced them to rewrite the characters.

we all knew why tom did this though and it had nothing to with gender roles.

It doesn't matter because there will never be a real Mary Jane in this universe, they won't have 2 MJs. So it's the same thing, she might as well be Mary Jane, she IS Mary Jane.

They've been saying for months she's a reimagining of Michelle Gonzales, Peter's tsundere roommate from the comics.


well in this world it looks like mongrel tranny



looks like a dude with 5 lbs. of make up on

Tranny tier.

I stopped watching Marvel movies about three years ago, so I don't care if she's MJ, Michelle Juarez-Lopez-Carnita, or Monkey Janine.

She was one of the best parts of the movie. Actual love interest was a black my wife's daughter skeleton tier throwaway character.

MJ actually grew on me. Top waifu.

wow she sounds like a keeper

Hmm. Pre-gaming the system so that when they inevitably write the love scene down the line, he'll have been picturing her as a man for years, and can make it convincing. Clever.

Naming a female character in a spiderman movie "MJ" and not having it be Mary Jane and not revealing whether it is or not until the very end or at all is the height of Jewish disingenuousness.

They knew what they were doing, simple as that. They WANTED controversy with it but when the wind was roaring back at them much more strongly than they wanted they are pulling a "just a prank bro" and a "merely pretending to be retarded" all rolled into one.

>call her MJ
>make her look kind of like Michael Jackson

I dont understand, Spider-Man in this timeline knew a girl named Maryjane and loved her or he's referring to the other movies? Also fuck you, hack. This is CLEARLY intended to say this is this universes Maryjane unless they fix this by having MJ in the sequel properly but then this line wouldnt make any sense in any way. And why would her friends call her MJ??? Her name is Micheal, there is no J involved. reeeee

Ooooh shit thats who she is? I remember reading this comic and didnt fucking get this until now. Holy shit, mind blown. That makes me like her a lot more now but makes the "MJ" line make even less sense.

>don't worry whites, we're not trying to replace you
>p-please don't backlash

imagine being this dumb?

what that hairstyle called?

She still wrecked the movie for me, whether she was MJ or not. Her and Liz Allen as well.

She should of been, they had great chemistry as it went on and I cant remember why they broke up.
I remember this arc, damnit. Does anyone know what issue its from?

Feige said since they're not planning on doing Mary-Jane they gave her the "MJ" nickname to tease to the audience that she'll be Peter's main love interest in the MCU.

Seems to have backfired.

Translation: We wanted to make MJ black, but knew we'd get backlash. When people learned Michelle was a new character, we were fine, but now people realized we were replacing the white MJ with a new black MJ, and we're trying to feign ignorance of our own intentions.

They never really got together, but when it looked like they were going there the creative team changed and she abruptly moved back to Chicago.

I'm mad she's NOT MJ but only out of spite

Are you comic book capeshit faggots really that sensitive

I like the idea behind it as a tease but the way its presented, like her "friends" are now to call her MJ is telling the audience HAHA THIS IS MJ SURPRISE! They should of done another kind of tease and fiege is an asshole for not having any MJ at all. MJ should of been the popular girl in school Mean Girls style and not had any interaction with Pete till sequels. She's integral to Spider-Man's character, this angers the autist. Fuck. Instead of not doing her at all they should of done her BETTER. What a pussy move.

This world

Yes because Maryjane is a good character and Peter's wife. She isn't a disposable love interest, she's THE love interest. Its the nerd scoring the popular girl.


she doesn't say she's MJ till the end

Its obvious they wanted her to be Mary Jane but wouldn't say it outright if the reaction was bad which it was

No they wanted her to be Michel. Peter has had more girlfriends than Gwen and Maryjane throughout the decades.

Then why did they give her the MJ nickname?

To upset you.

Okay, why?

Maybe the writers browse Sup Forums and specifically set out to annoy us.

Because they hate you.

the MJ bs was fuck you from them

kek, I could see that

have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately? Yeesh.

Hee hee

Is Tommy a queer?

All marketing called her that. They wanted people to think she was the real true MJ going in. They wanted to schlomo people fully but it backfired with the casting choice of Flash, it was the epitome of jumping the shark.

They knew what they were doing. They are now covering themselves up from criticism, hard. Sony fucked a Marvel movie up and Marvel isn't used to anything short of unanimous approval from playing it as safe as possible. The irony is Sony wouldn't have been this ballsy 2 years ago when it would have actually worked for them, they are THAT out of touch.

No gay man is going to be attracted to a woman simply because they resemble a man.

t. neil gayman

I don't fucking believe them. They're backpedalling and trying to play it off like they didn't intend to racewash Mary Jane so they can still sell tickets. They underestimated the backlash.

>doesn't look like MJ (forget skin, not even the hair or style)
>doesn't have MJ personality
>call her MJ

Why? Just to mess with people? It'd be more honest to just create a new character.

Anyway, no real MJ since the old trilogy. I thought she was Peter Louis, you know?

Bullshit. I'm straight and I'm attracted to twinks because they resemble women. I'm sure it works the other way around.

>being that petty because people like source fidelity

son, we have to have a talk...

I was wondering what he did since High School Musical

If she's just Michelle then what's the fucking point of including her?


new movie with zendaya and zac efron and they kiss and stuff and have warm feelings of post companionship

okay. I disliked it just because you went and quoted so many people like a douche.

Man he should of really used his british accent for this role. I hope this movie's actually good because this trailer looks like shit. Looks like a good movie with a shit trailer.

I don't get it, are you shilling or is there something of value in your post.

>new movie with zendaya and zac efron

>zac efron


>she's not Mary-Jane Watson
>she never was
Oh wow. An African-America isn't good enough to be Mary-Jane Watson? Like... racist much?

She's MJ and not Mary Jane.

Just because someone named MJ is in a Spider-Man movie doesn't mean they are the actual Mary Jane sheesh I am sure the casuals will know the difference why not you?

This is exactly right, they're not going to introduce a 'real' Mary Jane Watson in the next movie and say 'lolz two MJs'. Feige should have stuck to his guns and said this is the new MJ, despite how awful it is.

wut LOL you're making me giggle b

Its just confusing though because she cant "be" MJ, she's exactly like one of comic Peter's girlfriends named Michel.

Yeah she does kinda look like preop Michael Jackson.

This is bullshit. They want her to be Mary Jane but don't want to push their luck in the Trump era, so they make her NotMary Jane.

>"I'm MJ"
Oh I get it now.

no, michel is a comic character theyre adapting and the MJ line was a cock tease, as stated by Kevin Feige. Whats hilarious is how you took this misinformation and created your own headcanon about it.