Shia has fucking lost it

Shia has fucking lost it

Other urls found in this thread:

>lost it

Doesn't sound that crazy to me

I'm tired of watching him crash and burn. Shit's been going on for years. He needs to end it all already.

This, is he /ourguy/?

this is it, hes fed up

stupid kike is showing his power level

no,we divided him.

>he gets redpilled so hard he skips all 4 stages of conservatism and un-cucks Sup Forums

/our guy/?

He divided them.

schizophrenia confirmed

What kind of accent is he trying to pull off? He sure doesn't sound like a rich kike from LA.

I thought he was dividing America because Trump was racist...


>LaBeef went from being the divided to the divider

this is the face of Sup Forums addiction
>rock bottom

top kek

Shia tells cop
"Your wife prefers black dick":

>BLACKED subscriber and takes back racist insults
I take back the /ourguy/ statement. This guy is a literal pussy trying to cling on to whatever fame he has


Would appreciate subtitles.

Only one flag stolen, so wh-why is he so d-damaged?

He's probably the one posting Blacked™

I'm so fucking done

Shia is now /ourguy/

HAHAHAHA definitely a cuckposter

libtards obsessed with nigger dick? like that's a surprise

Ironically he's sounding more and more like a Trump supporter.

Why is he obsessed with black people? Is he insecure about his little, mutilated cock?

Jesus what a fucking failure. Lucky he's jewish I guess.

>cuck talk
>hates blacks

he did go to pol, didn't he

Oh shit. He probably started coming to pol and found out he couldn't leave and is now at war with himself.

I never knew he was a Mormon.

>digging holes builds character

>white person around black people
>starts speaking in ebonics

why do people do this


>mfw this movie is where Shia probably started to resent all minorities

liberal celebrities of his ilk are probably just as racist if not more than anyone they deem alt right. The difference between them and a rural racist is that Shia would tell to you "avoid that neighborhood"

Well we've known that liberals are mentally ill for awhile now

>It's an antiracist libtard reveals that they are a closet racist overcompensating episode

Love these

Oh fuck me, thats what I get for not reading thread.

Black racists go to hell, white women prefer the BBC, its not truth for just one person, its truth for us all.

Gotta wonder what makes all these hollywood celebrities go crazy.

99% of Sup Forums and Sup Forums-tv discussion is about nigger dicks.

Even Stevens should have stopped at season 2, they're running out of ideas

cool projection

Based shia

Does Shia have the illuminati secrets? Am I really going to hell?!

Progressives are secretly racist: CONFIRMED

you have to or they don't understand you

Yeah, either this is his latent leftist racism showing through, or he went to Sup Forums when he was getting trolled by them and got redpilled HARD

it's literally liberals and reddit trying to trigger 'racists'

"he arrested me because I'm white"

He's literally /ourguy/

Shia knows the power of the BBC and secretly resents black people after having his loaves of rye bread divided in prison multiple times. Probably every day

>what makes a bunch of rich and powerhungry Jews living in ivory towers full of nonstop decadence go crazy

Is this a performance art I can't fucking tell anymore hahaha


One of the go-to insults that right wing internet tough guys use is telling liberals that they are gay for blacks or their wives are being fucked by blacks.
Don't even pretend that's not the case.

I can only assume this is LaBeouf's social media-based answer to I'm Still Here. Whereas on that project, the chasm between Phoenix's aspirations and his appearance/accomplishment was the joke, this project's humor is hampered by the fact that it's not clear what LaBeouf is trying to achieve. What we need to know is: what's his endgame?

Because it's true, that doesn't refute that it's liberals that enjoy posting BLACKED.

*goes on Sup Forums once*

so is he a racist or no? he said blacks go to hell or black racists go to hell?

I bet Shia posts on Sup Forums ranting about cuck porn

It's just part of his new act don't fall for it.

GG, Faggot

>what's his endgame?
Unintentionally ruining what's left of his career, making a big comeback in the next 10 years or so

thanks for agreeing with me ;)

Shia isn't a right-winger though

WTF...a rich white guy can say shit like that to a cop and get away with it, this brotha recently got his black ass beat for roasting on a cop's moustache.

this, checked

He visited Sup Forums

user let me let you in on little secret. Every single person is racist. There now you can grow up.

enough drugs to kill an elephant

>he will not divide us

libtards on reddit brag about spamming cuck porn here, everyone knows it's them.

Underage detected

>this brotha recently got his black ass beat for roasting on a cop's moustache
because niggers are violent animals
the cop was clearly just defending himself

You sound like a queer

this fucking image is cracking me tfu

Like all libtard causes it was not sincere and just a cry for attention

no they are NOT, you immoral cesspool, dont talk on behalf of humanity ever again you snake from the garden, your the reason we got kicked out

>Sup Forums
>neonazi boot-lickers whose favorite hobby is celebrity gossip

You're the shittiest people alive. You don't even have the small upsides expected in authoritarian sheep, like rejecting celebrity gossip culture. It's like you were made in test tubes to possess all possible negative human traits simultaneously.

*you're the reason

*blocks your path*


>locks his car doors when he sees a black outside

Having right wing opinions doesn't make you tough or masculine, kid.
You're still just a loser posting in the toilet of the internet like the rest of us.

>because niggers are violent animals
This, and checked

prejudice POSSIBLY, thinking you are superior race, hell no, very low numbers who actually believe this
this what did the transcript say?


>I can't identify ironic shitposting and trolling

Just go back

It's amazing how losing a couple games of capture the flag can change a person so much


thanks m8 kek

>Youre going to hell
>Other officer asks why
>Hes black

Keep dreaming little cuckboi
Probably thinking about the black dick right now lmao

Guys I found shia's Sup Forums account

>n-no one's REALLY racist here, it's all just a joke, r-right guys???

Dubs confirm, user like black dick

>Everyone here is the same

Yeah just fucking leave faggot

Based. /ourguy/