What are some good vegan movies?

What are some good vegan movies?

So satisfying to watch sheep get slaughtered

Any slaughter kino to share?

the one where the guy goes to try vegan "food" and leaves without ordering

schindler's list

lamb chops are overrated

suckling pig on the other hand....



Human are the true monsters, Jesus

Stupid leftists projecting human feel-feels on animals. Not that I don't care about or have sympathy for animals, but this is life. Animals eat each other. GROW UP.

Million Dollar Baby

>paying this amount of money for glorified hipster salad

Me on the right

I just go out in my yard and pick edible wild greens. I'm not even vegan.

lol how does it feel to be poor?

Bee Movie

The Thing Called Love

you know rich people dont get rich by spending good money on things that arent worth that much right

almost everyone can spare $20 but its the principle

>spending $20 on every meal
It's unnecessary. It has nothing to do with being poor, but it is definitely poor money management. Most the people that pay for that shit are the one's to complain about the cost of healthcare and how their housing isn't affordable. They completely lack any financial sense and frivolously waste their money.

Grizzly Man

Jesus H Christ, I knew Trump was a bad man but this shit is simply evil....

I wouldn't feed any of that to my dog. What the fuck kind of sick mind would come up with shit like that and what has to be wrong with someone's brain to make them eat it?

I hate how vegetarian food is so fucking expensive. Vegetarians/vegans say it's not but it actually is.

Joe Rogan pls

Lol that shit's fucking hilarious. To think only a few hundred thousand years ago we were hunting animals with sticks and spears like primitives, now we just breed them in one big slaughterhouse and they can't do shit.

Fucking rocks being top of the food chain, that stupid fucking lambs probably a 600 lb mans burger by now, shit's awesome.

>yes goy, you can become rich one day just keep working like a slave..


>eating out every day

Nigga 20 bucks for a meal is nothing granted you don't do it all the time. Also it depends on how valuable your time is.

I don't eat meat but those sheep are in no way related

Cannibal Holocaust

Animals are raised for food experience terrible living conditions on industrialized or “factory” farms. Eating animals is not necessary for health and is not less expensive than alternate equally healthy diets available to people in the First World. The gain, then, from the eating of animals is pleasures of the palate, gustatory delights, varied tastes. - nothing wrong with that, it's ok, eating meat is completly normal.
Animals are raised in love and care to be my sex partner. - OMG, IT IS BAD, WRONG, YOU ARE BAD PERSON, YOU ARE LUNATIC, YOU NEED PSYHOLOGICAL HELP!

Holy fucking shit. What kind of person is so fucking weak to the extent of feeling for a biological pest like a goat or a sheep? This is nature. Survival of the fucking fittest. Deal with it.

>i dont eat meat
tits or gtfo

This. If I'm not supposed to rape and kill these teenage girls why didn't they evolve to be strong enough to stop me? It's nature, deal with it you pussies.

Supersize me

>strawman argument
That's all you pussy vegans ever have. Go fuck yourself.

>mad because wrong
I accept your concession

>coldsteel the edgehog the thread

>majority of the third world eat a vegetarian diet
>it's so expensive

shut up you dumb retard

that looks delicious

Sopa de macaco


Itt meatlovers have literally no arguments so they just reject morality and go full le edgy "everyone for himself" mode.