/tpg/ Twin Peaks General

Rare boys edition

Reminder that:
>It's been known that Eddie Vedder recorded this song for Twin Peaks and has been said to be the song that plays during the finale. Some say it has been confirmed that Agent Cooper never gets his mind back.



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Reminder that David Lynch hasn't read the Secret History and neither should you.

name three

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Kirsten Dunst recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks pre-penultimate episode. It confirms Catherine Martell never becomes white again. (Pic is Catherine)

Listen youtube.com/watch?v=C0X3CLJVMJU

david lunch lol

literally no one has

You are a retard.

cry more


Friendly reminder that if you think Lynch and Frost are some sort of genius duo then you should check out the other TV show they tried to make after Twin Peaks got it's ass handed to it.

New NIN song, will they show up again for more Roadhouse kino?


Twin Peaks = Frost + Lynch
Book = Frost = not canon

Why are they so cute?

Reminder that David will NEVER lunch

So FWWM isn't canon then?

Fire Walk With Me = Lynch= not canon


Yes because the never let Waldo out of his cage.

Also the non-Lynch episodes from s02

Frost was supposed to work on FWWM but decided to do Storyville instead.

Reminder that it's been known that the Pixies recorded this song for Twin Peaks and has been said to be the song that plays during the finale. Some say it has been confirmed that Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. (Pic is evil Cooper.)

Listen: youtube.com/watch?v=7ut52Szpd-w

Is there a God in TP-verse? Is it the giant?


is there a decent rip of that or is like rude awakening where i will spend the rest of eternity fapping to vhs rips of sherilyn fenn ?

No overall god, just gods/demons interfering. Old-style gods (menaces) not Catholic Jesus God (uber-creator)

Yes, because Mike saw his face.

Fire walk With Me is Lynch milking Twin Peaks for all it's worth. It wasn't made with the co creator and was just Lynch being all "Hey look I'm weird!". He rightfully got his ass kicked by practically everyone for it and now he learned his lesson and both creators are involved with season 3.

Is it future? Or is it CUTE?

Opening looks like Hairspray. Will not watch

I'm sorry user, only people with good taste can appreciate Nine Inch Nails

Huh pretty interesting, what about Laura Palmer? Was she a kind of deity this whole time?

Plebs out

I'm guessing he saw Laura's face

TP3 is Lynch's opus, why would he care if it's a success or not?

If Lynch wanted to be commercially successful by selling out he could easily do it. Marvel would give him a movie if he promised to play nice. The fact that he's been making boring unwatchable movies for decades means that's what he enjoys doing. No one "kicked his ass" for FWWM since FWWM was intentionally awful. He knew what he was putting out. Nothing happens to him if TP3 fails.

You know I'm right. Welcome to your Wrong Day.

She was a catalyst, bait to draw Cooper in to uncover Bob and destroy him. So more like Judas actually. But instead of thirty pieces of silver it was 30 grams of coke + 30 pounds of cock

Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Living In A Box recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets out of the box. (Pic is Cooper)
Listen youtube.com/watch?v=guBsPkUkPQg

tv, raten mein zeidrawing vonf lauriea plalmer. ich hadrew it onf meiy i pad

I see, nice explanation

DOugei get ipad

This makes me realize that half the reasons Twin Peaks is good are the lingering shots. This thing is edited way too frenetically.

>FWWM was intentionally awful


>he's been making boring unwatchable movies

No. Literally not a single one of his movies was by any means boring or unwatchable.Even Dune is only kinda bad.

I'm not going to argue this. read interviews he did after it came out. The guy was shocked and hurt by the reception it got. Yeah it might have been artistically satisfying for him but no one liked it and his reputation got a good beating for it. Marvel cape shit didn't even exist back then so i don't know why you're bring that up.

On the Air is the purest pleb filter.

>Baby boy horne not seen since he FUCKED that kid
Is Lynch planning on tying any of the shitload of characters he randomly introduced plots?

No. Only Doukino now

Check out this pilot promo for twin peaks, it certainly has a more emphasis on the show being a who done it and coop sounds so monotone.


Did anything happen of interest last episode?

Lots of plot related stuff, but not anything really compelling.

The show's plot is going to end on a Wednesday Morning 3 AM as confirmed by youtube.com/watch?v=QEA3v_yXgU0

The Bob fear the Samurai

The cops got Cooper's fingerprints and are going to find out who he really is, Ike got caught, the doppelganger texted Diane, Shaggy has been searching for the Black Lodge and made a website, and Johnny went back to Missoula.

Thanks for the insider tips, friends.

>3 cops
>2 o in cooper
>1 cooper must die or go back to Lodgoula

Wait, they made On The Air AFTER Twin Peaks?!

Oh no...

I liked FWWM, am I a pleb?

FWWM is patrician.

Depends. Did you like it 15 years ago or just last week when you watched it with your redditfriends™


Bout to sit back relax and rewatch part 8

>The call that saved Twin Peaks

Hey, I think it's funny.

>diane is real

>He thought a tape recorder could send earplugs and issues of Flesh World

>had a dream Audrey and Coop (season 1-2 era) secretly got married
>they were happy and cuddly together
>they were just about to make it public


>being such a failure in life that you have to shoot up heroin to escape it, instead of tackling your problems and issues head on
wew lad

>lara took the bogpill
It all makes sense now.

Wow your so cool dude I wish I was you XDdd

not even Laura Palmer would touch that stuff!

lol pathetic

whateverdr dude sitteing up there on your high horrse you dont know what ive beeen through

hahahahaha oh wow!!

you're right i don't but i know you came out the other end a pathetic loser so still LOL

virgins exposed


>thinking heroin is pathetic makes you a virgin
disgusting junkie exposed

Except I didn't bring cape shit up? I said TP3 = Twin Peaks S3, not a Marvel movie

>not doing hard drugs makes you a virgin
well meemd my friend :^)

So this will be my order to when it's all over. Then it will ALL make sense finally.

Pilot movie>FWWM>Missing Pieces>Laura's Diary>S1>S2>Secret History>S3>Final Dossier

Haha this show looks awful

is it so impossible for you to comprehend that I've had sex and don't do heroin?

is it because you only fuck slimy junkies like that gross rash bitch from ep9?

Very original.

Call for help


That gross rash bitch was very pretty and her boobs were on her album cover. I want to hug her while she calls me cute


Not even worth the (you)

FWWM is far better than TPs02, and to my point a view better than the entire original TV show. You call it weird, I say it make sense and justify the whole story.
Although, TPs03 is weirder than FWWM, and I'm fine with that, until Mark Frost ruin it again.

If you disagree, well, I presume you want a new X-files instead...

Why do you think that was bait and not just, you know, a joke?

shouldn't you put the pilot movie after the Laura focused stuff?

Coop's autobiography revealed that he very well might have issues of Flesh World lying around.

X-Files never wrapped up its own central storylines and just made shit up as it went along because the showrunners didn't give a shit about closure

I have confidence most of the TP storyline will be resolved in this season even if there are some loose ends, which alone makes it better than X-Files


Oh. Could have sworn you said something about marvel would give him a movie if he played nice. Marvel = Cape shit.

Cause you know, I'm just, a faggot.

Doing the Donald Love voice. Based Kyle.

I didn't realize Sup Forums was full of such libtard prudes. Jesus.

In fact, I read the Secret History, I'm probably a masochist... until now I enjoyed the s03, but I can't be has confident as you if le Frost is involved, especially since s03e09