So what's your opinion on Shia "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" LaBeouf?

So what's your opinion on Shia "Pull the Trigger on Every Nigger" LaBeouf?

it is truly delightful seeing this retard crash and burn.

Why talk about celebrities if its not directly related to a movie they are in? Are their daily lives that interesting or is yours not interesting enough?

wtf i love shia now


Sup Forums did this to him

Sup Forums hates him, but they also hate black people.


everyone is either blind or retarded. look at the quote, the words 'cause youre black' arent even in quotes. this is bullshit

>visits Sup Forums once

Wheres the video?

Sup Forums hates commies and Sup Forums hates jews despites the commies hate the rich who are jews


commies think jews are spooks

all liberals hate blacks, even moreso than conservatives in a much more creepy and dishonest way

Sup Forums understands this and still hates liberals all the same

Sup Forums turned him into a racist lol. Not that isn't right in this case though.

>Penis Envy

He is the JUST of the year.

Also fuck hiroshi moot, fix the captcha!

how long until he embraces his tormentors like garrison did?

He will not divide us


Funny how it's always right after proof emerges of your degenerate behavior that you pull a sob story out of your ass.

Shia is too angry to have had a normal childhood. his dad fucked his butt 100%, or his jew handlers passed him around at the very least

I thought he wasn't famous any more?
Can't stand that fucking twat.

>Reddit spacing
you have to go back

it's already happening...
all the alt-right and Sup Forums types are doing is triggering the race realist that's inside each and every one of us.
it's tribal, boys, we all harbor a distrust of people that don't look like us or act like us.

>get drunk
>embarrass self in front of internet "friends"
>send humiliating texts to people I haven't known in years
At least it wasn't filmed and put on the internet and used as ammunition against me by my enemies

This is true, liberals deep down hold comtempt to blacks because they are so used to controlling them through manipulation.

If their slaves dont do their bidding or become uppity then they show their true colors.

See what NY liberals feel about black conservatives.