What is the Anthony Fantano of /film/?

What is the Anthony Fantano of /film/?


red letter media



Fantano is just ever so slightly more insightful than Stuckmann though

Sup Forums is the anny fanny of /kino/.

Alonso Duralde

Don't worry about it, Sup Forumseddit

Lights camera Jackson


This is a better answer than Stuckmann tbqh

who is the scaruffi of Sup Forums

Armond, obviously

yep. both trigger plebs like no other.

mark kermode

Stuckmann is a fucking hack!
He's so inept at movie critique that it's cringe-inducing. Fantano is somewhat insightful and the relatively brief and superficial reviews suits his format.

Fantana knows about music beyond what's coming out now and what he "grew up with," so he's way better than Stuckmann

Red Letter Media are a bunch of star trek queers reviewing transformers reviews and VHS tapes

There isn't a big film critic on YouTube that watches or cares about movies that aren't from their childhood, so I'd rate Fantano ahead of all of them

if you agree with the beatles copy pasta you have a lot to learn

Is this idiot ever right about anything?

I don't. I don't even listen to most of the music scarumeme likes, and definitely don't agree with a lot of his reviews. that's the best thing about him and armond, they are simple reviewers everyone keeps getting triggered by for having an opinion.

Thing is tho, Scaruffi has some good taste. What are some legit good movies that Armond recommended?

Recently? Gave DAMN. decent 7

i dont necessarily agree with the details of the pasta but the overall idea that the beatles are insanely over rated is 100% true

Thinking the beatles are amazing is the most vanilla high school pleb opinion you can possibly have

knight of cups

Jack and Jill

Pretty sure that's Shaun King

really jigs my superior frontal gyrus

Epic. Simply epic.

>when the people hating on armond get exposed as plebs
best feeling

>reddit told this movie was bad so it must be bad

Funniest thing about Armond White is that nobody ever argues against his text or his arguments, it's just "lol he thinks Man of Steel is good". The discourse on this page is so low fucking /mlp/ has better discussion about their shitty plastic horses than the movie board has about movies.

this. many times armond dont even review the movie instead he gives some recommendations.

Baby Driver


reading comprehension problems or shitty attempt at a joke by buttmad armond hater? either way, your english need practice, pajeet.