What was the point of this flick?

Captain America was so in-arguably correct that the entire premise of the movie falls apart.
>it's ok to murder people without a trial
>signing some piece of paper is going to magically cause people to not die during these fights
>Tony Stark is driven by emotion rather than logic
The more I think about it, the entire flick was just a setup for that ass-tier airport fight.

What went wrong?

Other urls found in this thread:


Why didn't Tony show up in the Hulkbuster armor?


Whole point is: DC is having Batman v Superman movie. We have to quickly come up with our own Hero v Hero movie.

great film

And did it far better

Fortunately, Civil War ended up being much better.

Some super heroes are going do what they feel is right. Not bow down to government. There's some members like Blackhawk or woman lady that would have to quit because the government could oppose them. Then there's some like Superman and Batman and Iron Man that have the super power/technology to just do it anyway. Of course Tony fucked that up a bit by revealing his identity.

"Civil War" being a storyline from Marvel long ago. Absurd to say someone has a claim on hero vs hero.

The only one with an intention to actually kill anyone was Black Panther. Hulkbuster would have certainly done too much damage to the likes of Cap's weak ass team.

The timing of release was clearly not coincidental.
And the only thing this "Civil War" and the one in the comics have in common is the name.

>we need government oversight to stop corrupt governments and metahumans from destroying the world
>(((we))) need accountability
>btw, I'm grooming this 15 year old kid to fight super villains because i like them young

What a hero. He's only the cause of every single meta human disasters so far. Better give him more funding and resources.

Signing a piece of paper makes it easier to hold people responsible for their actions.
Each hero has their own logic. Cap's is the more emotional position.
While not a great movie, it was still pretty good. The Cap vs IM fight was kinda stupid but the airport fight was great. What is it about being some Comic Company Warrior that makes one so blind? Is it the young age? Seems to be the common factor in the DC/MCU war. Young, excitable fans.

>>Tony Stark is driven by emotion rather than logic
Stupid argument, they're both driven by emotion.

I liked the part where Tony says "and you brought Barton into this" while he himself enlisted some inexperienced kid.

He was protecting an innocent man

>And the only thing this "Civil War" and the one in the comics have in common is the name.
I'll give ya that

Cap is wrong though you stupid cuck. There has to be a way to control people with superpowers that can destroy a planet.

If they can destroy the planet, a shitty paper won't have any hold over them. The paper also won't prevent casualties. They may even increase, since red tape may prevent them from a timely response to a threat. How would the situation at the beginning of the movie turned out differently if the sign paper act had been in place already?

>Cap is wrong
He usually is in modern Marvel shit. They desperately don't want him to be construed as conservative or republican so they always lean him toward progressive positions.
I like my Cap non-partisan, kicking commie and nazi ass.

Some fuckers would be in jail. Some money would be redistributed.

Remember when the United States government was about to nuke NYC?

Remember when one of the top intelligence organizations was infiltrated and controlled by super-Nazis? No way this same thing could possibly happen to the UN oversight.

>If niggers want to kill people a shitty paper won't stop them
You dumb fuck. It's what's on the paper that matters.

Remember when Thunderbolt lol'd at the concept of Bucky getting a trial?

Aren't you late to your guilt therapy session, Tony?

>statist shill calling other people cucks

If it doesn't make a difference then why not sign?

because it makes them criminals for helping people

Scarlet Witch would have rekt everyone on Tony's side except maybe Vision.

Then why was she so useless?

Civil War exists due to Kevin Feige watching the BvS teaser and decided to blatantly steal its scenes so they could have their own copycat to throw masses of. Figuratively a chink copy.

niggers also dont have laser eyes and magic hammers

thank god


The third act is pure unadulterated kino.


Again, only BP was actually trying to kill anyone.

I think it was kinda shitty how they treated collateral damage merely as a McGuffin for having a hero vs hero fight. I was expecting they'd delve into that conflict more instead of making it all about Cap vs Tony.
It was also pretty annoying how they wrecked the whole airport just because they can't sit down and talk, yet there's no consequences about it, even though the theme of the movie was supposed to be about taking responsibility for such things. They just play it as a joke when the senator calls them out on it, and Tony hangs up. And this time was even worse beacuse it wasn't collateral damage from saving the world, but simply because Cap wouldn't abide the law and the only way Tony could stop him was having a superhero fistfight. And while they hinted that at least there was gonna be a more personal consequence this time, with War Machine getting hit, he was just dandy by the end of the movie and was gonna walk again thanks to Tony's magical technology.
Fucking bullshit.

Remember when one of the heroes was brainwashed and turned into an assassin, or when one of them created an AI that destroyed a whole city? No way this same thing could possibly happen to any of the other heroes.

When Cap and Iron fight, they trade few punches and them apologize in a letter for things to be alright before the bad guy appears. A whole city is destroyed and only 74 people die while they quip in a bright image filter.

Gods appear in the MCU and no one freaks out... Everything is a joke, but its ok, the childs loves it, and the manchilds too.

In DC movies we see people desperately trying to survive while their cities are being attacked. Thousands die, people are protesting on streets and debating on tv because of "illegal Aliens" or "false Gods". And when both of the heroes fight, is a scheme of the villain that ultimately wins, and kills the one that he wanted dead and make the other even more crazy than he was before.

Critics don't want that. Everything must be a joke, A disneys fun movie with princess being saved and musics for the children to sing.

Go read the reviews on Rotten Tomattoes. You will see exactly that.

How does that make them criminals? Are police officers and soldiers criminals as well.

for example, Tony would be a criminal for putting the nuke into the wormhole instead of letting it blow up the city (the latter is what the international community wanted)

you're confusing the comics with the movie

how would the accords stop Loki invading or infinity gem hijinks from happening

Avengers 1 and Civil War are the most overrated MCU movies.

You can't refute this.

Civil War was bad but BvS is on a whole different level

CW is the product of a grand (and successful) marketing scheme, and is bland and retarded as fuck as a result.
BvS on the other hand just screams incompetence from beginning to end. It's one of the worst flicks of the last 5 years.

Marvel did it better

Spiderman is in Civil War? I thought homecoming was his debut?

No, I'm mentioning things that happened in the MCU, like Bucky being an assassin for decades and Tony creating Ultron.

Civil War and BvS had the exact same release date if you recall, with both studios saying they wouldn't back down.

Guess who changed their date, running away like some bitchass pussies?... DC(ucks)

Marvel has been and always will be the superpower when it comes to capekino.


The good and old "BvS was bad" meme

The good and old "BvS was good" meme

I think at a certain point, it may be conceded that 1, the source material is inherently hackneyed.

And 2, the movies are a hackneyed attempt at interpreting the hackneyed source material.

more like man of steel flopped and instead of fixing things with man of steel 2, WB/DC does what it always does when it has a superhero problem: throw batman at it to get the batfags to buy shit

I feel like this is the worst super hero movie ever made. I'm not a huge comic book or super hero fan, but I have read the Civil War series, and I enjoyed it thoroughly, reading anything and everything closely tied to the event.

Even before the movie came out and was announced I had huge doubts that this could work on the big screen. I thought, there was no way in hell they could've captured the scale of the Civil War storyline, especially considering Marvel Studios didn't have the rights to the X-Men and Fantastic Four characters, which play a part. Spider-Man who also played a big part had been reduced to a comical sideshow in the film, I regrettably later discovered. Not sure what the impetus behind that was.

And while yes it was a comic book it still dealt with pertinent social themes, all of which were completely lost when the idea was brought to the big screen. There is little or nothing about government surveillance, freedom, human rights, security, an increasingly authoritarian government, and so on. What the film version amounts to is a hackneyed story about revenge, a stupid plot devised by a one-dimensional Zemo, and Iron Man's parents and how they were killed by the Winter Soldier.

The "big" civil war moment was nothing of the sort. What it looked like was a group of cosplayers roleplaying at an abandoned airport. Is this really the best that they could come up with? This was their interpretation of Marvel's Civil War? There is nothing epic or grand about it. Related to this is the issue of urgency and stakes. There were no stakes in the film. You see heroes die in the Civil War story line all the time (including Captain America), but there is none of that in the film.

All in all, out of every creative choice and executive decision they could possibly make during the production of this film, all those involved in the film's making completely failed at every turn.

Remember when vision tried to shoot up the small engine on falcon's backpack but missed and somehow blew a crater into warmachine so large it completely crippled the suit? What the fuck would that have done to falcon? Vapoize him?

Her MCU counterpart isn't that strong but her comic book version would definitely wreck Tony and the avengers

Nice pasta desu ne. Mind if I save it?

Was it civil war announced and and production first and the only reason that Batman versus Superman came out in March was because Captain America 3 was going to be released on the same day and DC knew they wasn't going to win so they released it two months earlier

Cap is right though literally if they listen to the government millions of people would have died cuz they would have nuked New York and most of the situations they give would have been worse if the Avengers didn't show up. the Accords makes no sense The Avengers never been Reckless to our knowledge. The only one who should actually be under the Accords just Tony because he causes most of the shit to happen. the Accords is just an illusion of control by the government.

>the Avengers were never reckless
>Hulk destroying New York
>Thor destroying some random town
>Iron Man creating Ultron which got thousands of people killed

The Russo brothers pitched Civil War as a storyline for Cap 3 after they announced BvS. They said as much in an interview


>Both prior to the Avengers
>Iron Man acted outside the team and that's why I specifically said he's the only one that needs to be in the Accords
>and the Abomination was created by the government to stop the Hulk who save people from what's the government created specifically the general that brought the Accords to The Avengers so that guy destroyed New York Not the hulk

Source cuz I remember they hid the title as the serpent Society but they said from a long time that it was always going to be civil war

I mean the general created the Abomination

I dont use any of this excuses except for Capekino which isnt an excuse.


>Deadpool's a great example of that. I mean, holy shit, $750 million worldwide? For our part, when we finished Winter Soldier two years ago and we were thinking about doing the next one, the only thing that seemed interesting to us was to deconstruct the Marvel Universe — because where else can we go at this point? There have been 11 or 12 movies so far, all with a fairly traditional structure. Our pitch to them was: People will tell you they love chocolate ice cream — until you give it to them five days a week. It's time to give them some rainbow sherbet. Kevin [Feige] is a maverick and he's very sensitive to how people are responding to his content. He said he thought we might be right. And after they announced Batman v. Superman, he said, 'you guys are absolutely right.' We needed to do something challenging with the material or we were going to start to lose the audience

Misremebered some but the announcement of BvS was definitely related.

>Both prior to the Avengers
So? Both Thor and Hulk are part of the Avengers.
>Iron Man acted outside the team and that's why I specifically said he's the only one that needs to be in the Accords
The other members are capable of making mistakes too.
>and the Abomination was created by the government to stop the Hulk who save people from what's the government created specifically the general that brought the Accords to The Avengers so that guy destroyed New York Not the hulk
That was in response to the Hulk killing some random guys at the beginning of the movie. They needed some way to control him because nothing else was working. What was Tony's reasoning for building Ultron?

>for example, Tony would be a criminal for putting the nuke into the wormhole instead of letting it blow up the city (the latter is what the international community wanted)
What the fuck? How did you come to that conclusion?

The MCU heroes are street level practically. No one is Superman level of power, not even Thor.

i haven't watched any MCU movie aside from The Guardians of the Galaxy, i don't really like any comics, but I thought it was kinda fun, so I just tried to watch this Civil War movie because of this thread

holy fucking shit are you all serious? i can't believe i lost 1 hour of my life in this mess. it's unbelievably badly written, bland, the cgi and photography are mediocre, every dialogue is exposition, what the hell? why do you even watch these?????????

>it seems that the Avengers were trained after they became Avengers to help People and curb collateral damage see how different The Avengers Act between Avengers and Age of Ultron
> also the Accords just want to control the Avengers so that's why I said they don't matter cuz it's prior to the Avengers and the Avengers Initiative was created so incidents like the Thor and Hulk don't happen again
> but Tony puts the blame on Ultron on the team instead of his own mistake
> yeah but sending another monster to a guy that just wants to be left alone that turns into a monster usually when you chase him is the dumbest thing anyone could have done just let him be alone he has shown signs that he does not want to be the hulk

I agree, but I still liked the film.
Do you think this is just a fucking movie to set up more conflict between all of the Avengers?

got to agree with both are capeshit, you can try to tell yourself otherwise, but why lie

> also the Accords just want to control the Avengers so that's why I said they don't matter cuz it's prior to the Avengers and the Avengers Initiative was created so incidents like the Thor and Hulk don't happen again
Yeah they do.
>Avengers 2
>Thor 2
> yeah but sending another monster to a guy that just wants to be left alone that turns into a monster usually when you chase him is the dumbest thing anyone could have done just let him be alone he has shown signs that he does not want to be the hulk
Yeah, no biggie. He just murders a few people every now and again. We should probably just leave him alone and hop he doesn't get out of control.

>Captain America was so in-arguably correct

This is hands down the worst movie in the franchise and one of the worst blockbusters I've ever seen. It's so fun to watch because it's so bad.

>Yeah, no biggie. He just murders a few people every now and again. We should probably just leave him alone and hop he doesn't get out of control.
They literally just come at the guy with guns you know how you could prevent these things from happening try talking to him just say hey we don't like the Hulk too let us help you find a cure for him no will just make a giant monster to fight him that will surely destroy a whole city instead of reasoning with the guy and this the guy who wants to control the Avengers

Avengers 2 is specifically Tony's fault not the same all they did was Save the Day but let's just say that's their casualty because reasons and not this giant army robot that tries to murder all of humanity
all Thor did in Thor 2 with save the universe

Scarlet Witch almost put black widow on a wheelchair and probably got shit from Clint because of it.

By the way, ant-man would probably rekt hulkbuster quite easily, a damn shame Scott Lang is too much of a dofus on the MCU.

Hell, ant-man alone could probably rekt all of them. People are underrating pym particles way too much for my taste.

I meant team instead of same and robot army

If you want to watch babby's first capeshit watch Civil War

If you want a rich and nuanced take on post 9/11 socio-political American life rife infused with a good dose of pop culture deconstruction then watch BvS

better than anything DC put out.

bye now :)

It's been a while since I've seen it but didn't captain america try to drop a jumbo jet fuselage on Spider-Mans head? How could he have know that he'd catch it?

>Cap is wrong
Why? Every problem in every MCU movie is either caused by the government, Tony Stark, or some mystical force they have no ability to control. If anyone needs to be restrained, it's the governments of Earth and Iron Manlet.

Cap dropped one of those boarding bridges/walkways onto Spideman. I have no idea if Cap did it thinking Spidey was able to catch it, or didn't care if he could or not

Why do you pretend to like this shit


No, fuck you. Black panther brought the accords to the UN, he wanted Bucky brought to justice. Hence why in the end when he figures out it was all a ploy, he even stops homeboy from committing suicide, just to bring him to justice.

Here's the thing, the Hulkbuster is specifically designed to fight the Hulk. Yes, it's powerful as fuck, but it might not necessarily be better in every possible situation. It might have weaknesses that his other armor doesn't have. Fighting a big strong, stupid beast is different from fighting a tactical genius like Cap. For all we know, Cap would slip through some blindspot and stab it in some vulnerable spot for the win.






To make money for you know who.

It's a webshoop