Some Orson Welles quotes

Some Orson Welles quotes
>He agreed that Marlon Brando, whose neck he likened to a ‘huge sausage’, wasn’t ‘very bright’ but added that ‘most great actors weren’t’.
>‘Larry [Olivier] is very — I mean, seriously — stupid,’ he said. ‘I believe that intelligence is a handicap in an actor. Because it means that you’re not naturally emotive, but rather cerebral.’ Not that Olivier’s acting was up to much either — Welles recalled that his first two scenes playing King Lear for the BBC were ‘the worst things I ever saw in my life’.
>Hollywood tough guy Humphrey Bogart’s stupidity was more off screen than on — Welles ridiculed him as ‘both a coward and a very bad fighter’ who was ‘always picking fights in nightclubs in sure knowledge that the waiters would stop him’.
>Spencer Tracy was a particular bête noire, ‘one of those bitchy Irishmen’ who ‘was just a hateful, hateful man...but he hated everybody’. Welles, who recalled being thrown out of a cinema aged 19 after he shouted abuse at Tracy’s performance in Captains Courageous, said he couldn’t think of ‘a great Tracy performance’.
>Rear Window, the Hitchcock thriller in which Stewart plays an invalid who witnesses a murder in a neighbouring apartment, was ‘one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen’, said Welles with relish.
‘Complete insensitivity to what a story about voyeurism could be,’ the master explained. ‘I’ll tell you what is astonishing. To discover that Jimmy Stewart can be a bad actor...even Grace Kelly is better than Jimmy, who’s overacting.’
>But then who was Alfred Hitchcock anyway, according to the puffed-up Welles. He said he had ‘never understood the cult of Hitchcock. Particularly the late American movies...egotism and laziness’.

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Of course there is famous quote about Woody Allen too.
>I hate Woody Allen physically, I dislike that kind of man. I can hardly bear to talk to him. He has the Chaplin disease. That particular combination of arrogance and timidity sets my teeth on edge.He is arrogant. Like all people with timid personalities, his arrogance is unlimited. Anybody who speaks quietly and shrivels up in company is unbelievably arrogant. He acts shy, but he’s not. He’s scared. He hates himself, and he loves himself, a very tense situation. It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest. To me, it’s the most embarrassing thing in the world—a man who presents himself at his worst to get laughs, in order to free himself from his hang-ups. Everything he does on the screen is therapeutic.

That's pretty insightful

plus he married one of his molestation victims to avoid going to prison which is not known as a "nice place" for pedophiles

Fuck off Orson.

Orson was a big guy.

Absolutely brutal

haha i-imagine being like Woody Allen c-can you even imagine haha lol


quote hits way too close to home

>It’s people like me who have to carry on and pretend to be modest.

Here's a great bit on Hemingway:

>getting btfo by someone who's been dead for 30 years

Orson Welles meets Armond White. What do they talk about?

>Shakespeare was terribly pessimistic. But like a great many pessimists, he was also an idealist. It is only optimists who are incapable of understanding what it means to love an impossible ideal.

Shitposting from beyond the grave.

damn, Welles is a fucking savage

The guy's right but he also has a massively inflated sense of self importance beyond compare. He would have been on here advocating for /film/.

NoI'm too busy shitposting in \tpg\!

>Welles adored Oliver Reed, a fellow imbiber, and was impressed at his mountain of unpaid bills and nightclub-wrecking rampages.

No wonder they got along well since they were both ABSOLUTE MADMEN


How could he said that about Hitchcock if Citizen Kane is 70% Rebecca (cinematographically)?

Good bantz but holy shit Orson talking about Hitchcock worship being abut egotism and laziness? The nadir of self insight.

based Orson
I always thought Brando was a pretentious dumbass posing as an intellectual

Orson Welles's absolute lack of self awareness would make him a perfect Sup Forums poster.


>ywn bulk or direct as successfully as him

The quotes of Welles bantz come from the book 'My Lunches with Orson' by Peter Biskind, who in turn, says:

>He had earned a reputation for giving up on films without finishing them, and studios had refused to finance him.
‘He was an enormous talent and it came as a huge disappointment,’ says Biskind. ‘So he had a somewhat jaundiced attitude to some of the people who were more successful than him at the end of his life.’
Welles BTFO

Reminds me of Andrei Tarkovsky

What a hack.

Honestly that one quote is more savage than all of Welles’ whinings. Or maybe I’m just butthurt about that Woody Allen one.

Tarkovsky is Sup Forums incarnate

literally Sup Forums

Huh, nice. I never managed to verbalize my despise of Woody Allen so perfectly. Thanks for floating these user.

>Oliver Reed pulls Lettermans hand at the beginning of the interview
>davey boy is anally annihilated for the whole interview because of it

>hating on Zombi 2
What a fucking pleb.

>Rear Window
>‘one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen’

They were both edgy narcissistic cunts and should have died far sooner.

Hemingway and Welles were both balls deep into Dietrich. Patrician taste.

Brando never pretended to be an intellectual. He just did whatever he wanted all the time, and because he was so insanely good at his job, he got away with it.


Eerily so, it could describe the entirety of this site.

>"It was reported during the filming of The Missouri Breaks (1976) that the environmentally sensitive Brando fished a frog out of a pond, took a huge bite out of the hapless amphibian, and threw it back into the drink."

Truly the most method of actors.

literally /ourguy/

He pretty much admit that he is pretty stupid and that every retard could be an actor (same thing said McQueen btw., his words to Chuck Norris "If you don't become successful with Karate, try to be an actor, it's the easiest job in the world and everyone can do that").

Fuck I love these. Even if I don't fully agree with them, it's something to think about. Paints these people in a different light.

The only good thing about it is the theme tune. It's a corny zombie movie with violence but somehow it's utterly fucking boring.

>some damn faggot
Truly, a different time

That's how you know Welles is a great actor, like Marlon Brando

Why are the most successful individuals in a given field almost always massive cunts?

Pretty sure Welles would murder Armond before the night was over.

They've earned the right to be.

This makes no sense.

Welles threads are the only good thing on Sup Forums

Hitchcock is fucking shit.

What a fucking pleb.

I guess you're not talking about Orson Welles.

>In her 1999 book, Mary Pacios, a former neighbor of the Short family in Medford, Massachusetts, suggested filmmaker Orson Welles as a suspect.[26] Pacios bases this theory on such factors as Welles's volatile temperament and his creation of mannequins three months before Short's death that supposedly featured lacerations virtually identical to those inflicted on Short. The mannequins were used in the "house of mirrors" set for The Lady From Shanghai, a film Welles was making with his ex-wife Rita Hayworth around the time of the murder. The scenes containing the set were deleted from the film by Harry Cohn. In one of Short's last letters home, her older sister Virginia claimed she had written that a movie director was going to give her a screen test.

>Pacios also cites Welles' familiarity with the site where the body was found and the magic act he performed to entertain soldiers during World War II. She believes that the bisection of the body was part of the killer's signature and an acting out of the perpetrator's obsession. Welles applied for his passport on January 24, 1947, the same day the killer mailed a packet to Los Angeles newspapers. Welles left the country for an extended stay in Europe 10 months after the murder without completing the editing of Macbeth, the film he was both directing and starring in. Despite persistent attempts by Republic Pictures to get him to return to complete the film, he refused. According to Pacios, witnesses she had interviewed state that Welles and the victim both frequented Brittingham's restaurant in Los Angeles during the same time period and waitresses believed Short was going out with someone at Columbia Pictures. Welles was never a suspect in the investigation.

This really isn't that bad at all.

I am.

Terrible comment.

He's far from being among the most successful individuals in his given field, since he couldn't succeed to complete a movie for how many years?
Why do you think he wound up shooting commercials and being so resentful?

He definitely did it

>Why do you think he wound up shooting commercials and being so resentful?
Because he didn't give a shit.

Doesn't mean he wasn't an excellent actor.

Fulci was a kino master

His true masterpiece... What an artist.

> only good thing on Sup Forums

Someone post his anti-Irish rants

Who proceeded to act in shit films 'cause nobody would employ him.
All those rants are the result of seeing people being more successful than him and being such a shit guy that he couldn't do anything about it, so he resorted to bitching about them.

Still an excellent actor.

>that second video
Holy shit my sides.


He's kinda right about Hitchcock, never understood the amount of praise he gets.

Caught The Man Who Knew Too Much a while back on TV, absolutely dreadful.

based MWAAAH

Maybe, but not successful, which is what we were talking about.

Theres a lot of people that don't care for Hitchcock. I haven't seen too many of his films but I don't think they aged well.

>crumb-crisp coating

Can someone write this in easier english? I don't understand what he's saying

He seems intelligent himself, how did he act so well in Citizen Kane?

They are sucessful in their fields precisely because they are massive cunts.


He thinks Woody Allen is a reddit cuck.



Ok let me break it down. A cunt is just some random asshole no one likes or pays attention to, because he's a cunt. A well accomplished and respected cunt worked his way to the top and gets to be a cunt on a pedistool who people still respect despite his rude attitude. In other words, they've earned the right to be.

>it's a Brando does a British accent episode


Really made me think

He was in Transformers as Unicron, and the best part of the movie. Pretty iconic in that role too. Then he said he was playing a toy fighting other toys.... god damnit Orsen get your shit together.


>if Orsen Wells was the Sup Forums of his time

You mean Welles and Brando?

I'm smarter then Welles.

I'd argue he was the Tarantino of his era -- stylish to the point of glib and occasionally jarring. You never forget you're watching a movie, especially a Hitchcock movie, when you're watching his movies.

>A toy fighting other toys

Let's be honest here, that's what he was playing

I know but shit like that is why he didnt get more roles and had that toy be his last performance instead of something, like, dignified. At least he was the coolest toy.

welles is always right

>OW: Spencer Tracy is one of those bitchy Irishmen.

>HJ: One of those what?

>OW: One of those bitchy Irishmen.

>HJ: I can't believe you said that.

>OW: I'm a racist, you know. Here's the Hungarian recipe for making an omelet. First, steal two eggs. [Alexander] Korda told me that.

>HJ: But you liked Korda.

>OW: I love Hungarians to the point of sex! I almost get a hard-on when I hear a Hungarian accent, I'm so crazy about them.

>HJ: I don't understand why you're saying that about the Irish.

>OW: I know them; you don't. They hate themselves. I lived for years in Ireland. The majority of intelligent Irishmen dislike Irishmen, and they're right.

>HJ: All these groups dislike themselves. Jews dislike themselves.

>OW: Nothing like Irishmen.