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The design unironically looks pretty good.

>disney in charge of original designs


Pretty cool. OP is just a fanboy that wants everything to be like the OT.

Who /usedtohavelegostarwarscollection/ here?

Dude, it looks like something Sid from Toy Story would throw together.

Is it supposed to have legs or something?? I seriously can't tell what the things at the bottom are

So, you're laughing because it shows how derivative this film will be, and because the walker looks completely fucked up? Fair enough. But seriously, that walker and toy looks like total shit. Compare with the following which, while a questionable weapon design, actually looks like something. Is the "Heavy Scout Walkerâ„¢" supposed to be a crab thing, or something? It looks like there's almost no space for a character to stand it.

so are they just gonna remake the opening battle of Empire for the rest of all time?

>it's like poetry it rhymes

it's literally an AT-ST and a Spider walker put together.

Rian is a huge prequelfag so why is anyone surprised?

>stars wars
> toys

Fuck me, you're a joke

god damn legos are such shit now

daily remainder that's the movie's demo as well

What are those things? Legs?

>Spider walker put together.
The Lego versions of those walkers have much more clearly defined legs, as well as not looking like monstrosities.

fuck is this?

Meanwhile, 50 years prior


I thought they were just memes

Their City, Creator and capeshit sets are pretty nice but their Star Wars stuff really sucks these days.
They legitimately tried to repackage that huge Death Star set with the only change being a new Han Solo hairpiece and upped the price by $100 last year, not even joking.

>"there was something really beautiful about the prequels". -Rian Johnson

>they rehash the old designs from the OT


>they try something new and original


you faggots are never satisfied

>mfw seeing one of these fuckers in Rogue One

Gareth Edwards is a cool dude. inb4 moronic RLM memers.

There's literally nothing original about this, it's just an ATST with weird legs, in a setting that looks like it's a remake of the Battle of Hoth.

>the remnants of the Empire build equipment similar to that used by the Empire

really made me think

Wow thanks this was a pleasure to watch. The way they move so seamlessly almost looks magical.

i was gonna post that

>this is 60 bucks

Okay, but this looks like shit, and I hope it's just the lego. The prequels did a much, much better job of making designs that were reminiscent of the OT, but not so derivative, like for instance, their capital ships.

did they ever find an actual use for them? I thought there was an idea they could be used to reduce beach erosion but I havn't heard much more.

>wanting realism in star wars instead of originality and creativity
Confirmed shit for brains

>seeing one of these fuckers in Rogue One
What are you talking about

holy shit really?

I love how video games don't rise with inflation but apparently legos do. Fuckers may be worth their weight in gold soon. I'm hoarding.

Their capeshit is debatable, especially this year's Homecoming, Ragnarok and Justice League sets.
The upcoming Ninjago Movie sets on the other hand...

There's a fuck ton of Chinese knockoffs around though. They are still expensive but slightly cheaper than Legos. I don't think parents are Lego purists.

I think I recognize that X sign in the middle, the little green one. I think it's the logo from the Extreme Team sets from the early 2000s. Nice.


I will be in my grave before I stop buying Legos that I eventually give to my nephew because reasons

It's mostly Disney tax.
This thing here costs the same, has hundreds of parts more and two more minifigs.

What a godly set

The thing is filled with references.
There's even some guy in it who collects Galidor merch.

No, legos

Nigga the kids that played with them will be purists in 20-30 more years.

If I'm not mistaken, it was being used as the prisoner transport that Jyn was busted out of.

This one still takes the cake.
It's just a slightly bigger version of the cockpit section of a different set.

>original designs
Ummm try again sweety, this has warhammer 40k written all over it

That makes some sense though. The big ship is a cargo hold attached to a cockpit. Star Wars has had something like this in videogames and other stuff. Ships made out of parts are a thing in the old EU.

>video games dont rise with inflation
>new release costs $70-80 now

For deluxe editions maybr

I dunno where or what you are buying but they are still like 60. I know they compensate for that with dlc and other shit now but base games are about the same.

What game did you buy that was 80 bucks?

>rrwwaaaarrr! Bionicle died for me, now buy me for 35bucks!

What's the point of this being Lego if you can only build fucking Chewbacca with it? And all the pieces are exclusive.

You know the simpsons is running out of ideas when they invite the artist behind these for a cameo

chewie pistorious looks pretty good

Reminder that Chewie probably had sex with Maz Kanata at some point during the nu Disney timeline.

That is such a massive stretch, it physically hurt to read that.

Member Royal Guards?

do wookies have red rockets?

buy the set and find out



Member Tie Inteceptors?

This is fucking sick and actually makes me hyped

The exact type of upgrade from OT to ST I would expect based on the way the PT transitioned into the OT

it's a fucking Vulture Droid with a TIE cockpit

I'm trying to distance myself from Star Wars as much as I can but seeing stuff like this is painful. It's like finding out that guy you used to hang out with in high school is now a junkie sucking dicks for drugs (not sure if the analogy works since Star Wars is making billions though).

You know someone is an uncreative fucking loser when they think the "The Simpson's suck!" opinion is not beaten to death and still fucking says it.

Tell me your opinion on Seth MacFarlane and comic book kino next you fucking loser.

I had the little version of the ship from Hoth and the Boba ship

pretty, usually the movie sets are kinda lazy with huge unique pieces, but this pretty good.
I guess they are 130-150$?

me and two friends all having lego X-Wing fighters, and putting them together and then coming up with missions to go on in my yard is probably one of my fondest memories

I also had an A-Wing, and one of them had a Tie fighter

is 300
Keep in mind that it has almost 5000 pieces, though, making it the 4th-biggest set of all time.

Why would nu-Coruscant guards exist to guard Snoke?

Fuck you. I wish I had the space and money for that gorgeous shit.

I've never even followed Ninjago, but I kinda want that set. Some of their more pagoda looking ones are nice too. Always wanted a Japan themed lego series. Just don't care about the story.


Fuck yeah. Love that design. I am glad they've made them more mobile and more like samurai warriors than just robed palace guards.

>implying I ever cared for Bionicle

I never got the whole Lego action figure line.

Technic guys for Technic cars, fine. I never got the Bionicle stuff and its scale.

>three cucks & a snap

What did they mean by this?

I could feel my vagina drying up before opening the image.

Superhero movies were a mistake.
They turnen this generation into man children incapable of getting shit done like a real man.

Is this what you do all day. Find pictures you think prove something then instead of a good arguement you just spam two letters. Everyday too. After months you'd think you would be able to muster more than that... sad

Bionicle was interesting in that LEGO actively created a superhero franchsie on their own. Lasted for ten years even.

Lego ideas is where its at