Your'e a big panther

Your'e a big panther...

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>"We don’t call him Man-Ape," producer Nate Moore confirms in an interview. with EW. "We do call him M’Baku. Having a black character dress up as an ape, I think there’s a lot of racial implications that don’t sit well, if done wrong. But the idea that they worship the gorilla gods is interesting because it’s a movie about the Black Panther who, himself, is a sort of deity in his own right."

> "In M’Baku’s worldview, T’Chaka made a huge mistake going to the U.N.," Moore adds. "‘We should never engage with the outside world. That’s a terrible mistake. And if his son is anything like his father, I don’t support him being on the throne.'"

>"Politically, he just has different ideology," says Moore of the villain who wants to be king. "Man-Ape is a problematic character for a lot of reasons, but the idea behind Man-Ape we thought was really fascinating. … It’s a line I think we’re walking, and hopefully walking successfully."

>Killmonger won't be called killmonger
>Manape won't be called Manape
Why even bother making a movie you clearly don't like to make?

>Killmonger won't be called killmonger
When was that stated anywhere?

Why does this Black Panther costume look so much shittier than the Civil War one? What happened to all the cool straps and triangular patterns?

i don't know, he still rocks the civil war costume for at least the first half of the movie

the new one seems like an undersheath, lighter, possibly more portable version? maybe he can wear it under his regular clothes. he has it in the korea part of the trailer

but the civil war one is a perfect adaption

Have I told you about the M'baka?

Do we get an actual B'ast though?
I'm going to be pissed if there's no spiritual aspect.

he briefly mentioned bast in civi war and they confirmed the heart shaped herb is in, so possibly

REEE black people can't be in movies REEEE they're going to fuck a white woman in it REEEE the jews! REEE
did I sum up what was going through your mind before you posted this op?

That outfit looks dope


I know nothing about Black Panther bar Civil War

Is he actually a good superhero?

he's a king/head of state who gives no fucks and 90% of the time align with american foreign policy

kind of marvel's batman, with the more globe-trotting, rich as fuck, paranoid, idgaf attitude parts

but with the rise of superheroes he's forced to not be an isolationist. pretty based, real afro futurism, not american bullshit

He's pretty dope.
Basically if Batman ran a small nation and was less angsty that's T'Challa.

Protip: Emmett K Ross, Martin Freeman's, character was literally created by the writer of BP at the time because he didn't think white people would read his book without a self insert.

Dr. Sup Forumsvel I'm BBC

>"Say that again?"

Looks pretty cool. The only thing i don't like is the hair

Depends on the writer

Good writers make him a conflicted ruler of a divided nation who sometimes has to do terrible things as part of being a king

Bad writers make him marry another black woman who has had zero interaction with him in the past and have him shout POWER TO THE PEOPLE even though the character has absolutely zero to do with South Africa or Mandela

Not really. He's Marvel's answer to Batman, but like a completely autistic 12 year old made him with the intent to upstage Batman in every way.

The Marvel's answer to Batman is Daredevil, Blackpanther is more like Aquaman/Namor with his kingdom and shits

Iron Man is Marvel's Batman

Will this movie be an American only release?

>power to the people
>is king by birthright
Yeah sounds about as tone-deaf as I expected

Eh, kind of. Marvel has tried to make a Batman for a while with DD, Moon Knight, night thrasher, and probably another I'm forgetting. Modern BP comes closest to Batman with the "prep time" and having a plan for everything in addition to being rich as fuck.

Coates is too much of the former.
He needs to learn how to have fun, his book just seems like really long prose with pictures.

Also this moment was almost worth that shitty marriage.


Marvel writes a lot of black characters this way now. They're almost flawless and spend way too much time waxing poetically about stupid shit.


Fuck off cuck. I could hear your fat fingers smashing the keyboard while posting that garbage

>I'm a kitty.


idk about that generalization, Coates' BP definitely is not flawless and I've read very few books past Secret Wars but most of them have had black characters in it that were pretty normal.
Ultimates was one of the best post SW books and Monica, BP, and Blue Marvel were all chill as fuck in it.

Seems to me like you just mean Moon Girl and prolly RiRi but I haven't read either of them.

I wonder how they will market this one in china

Really? I think this looks just as good if not better