What do I think about America's involvement in the war? Well, I think we should win

What do I think about America's involvement in the war? Well, I think we should win.

These are great days we're living, bros. We are jolly green giants, walking the Earth with guns. These people we wasted here today are the finest human beings we will ever know. After we rotate back to the world, we're gonna miss not having anyone around that's worth shooting.

That guy was a tool. Where did Kubrick even find him?

Happy birthday, zipperhead

Animal Mother did nothing wrong.

Son, all I've ever asked of my marines is that they obey my orders as they would the word of God.
We are here to help the Vietnamese, because inside every gook there is an American trying to get out.
It's a hardball world, son.
We've gotta keep our heads until this peace craze blows over.

Childhood is sympathizing with Joker. Adulthood is ripping Joker's peace button off and shoving the pin into his neck.

That guy was a vampire

Now that you mention it...

...his teeth were too beaucoup.

all fucking niggers must hang

he was the best character in the second half of the movie just because of those lines. completely god tier writing

Yeah but he's a tool. The guy couldn't deliver his lines good. He sounded like a pompous asshole. I bet Kubrick made him do it ten times so it's not his fault but it is cringeworthy.

How much would it actually hurt to get a blanket party like Pyle did?

like 3/10 he's just a bitch

>You a photographer?
>No, I'm a combat consultant.
>Oh you seen much COMBAT?
>Well I've seen a little on TV!
>You're a reeeaaal comedian.
>Well, I'm da Jokah baby!


>couldn't deliver his lines good

hurr durr luk at me i canz rite

yeah but they were fucking nailing his ball sack. that's where the pain came from I'd imagine

stop being pedantic.

He sounds like an arrogant douche making a statement he knows is grand. Comes off pretty forced in my opinion. I can see it has fans though so carry on.

That whole exchange is so fucking bizarre. I don't know if it's because of the dialogue itself or just the way they're speaking.

>Best character
You should do a story on me.

I think you literally just don't like the way the guy talks and you're getting upset over it.
The lines are surreal, which is entirely fitting.

You need to need to understand two things. His name is Crazy Earl, and thus should be assumed to be eccentric. And, they've been in the shit for months and the only things they have to entertain themselves are verbose dialogue and killin gooks.

I think it's mostly the crowd overreacting, but it works to convey how standoffish Mother is. They've probably seen him try to alpha male new troops all the time, like a ritual, so just the fact Joker is blowing off his bullshit is entertaining enough to these guys with nothing better to do except get shot.

ann margaret's bare vagina

I just realised there are, like, 3 actresses in the entirety of Full Metal Jacket.

I'm not a native English speaker so I used to think the name of this movie referred to a jacket (coat) that is made of metal

whore 1
whore 2
gun girl
anyone else?

Alright fine that's what I'm saying. I happened to rewatched the entire second half of FMJ yesterday and I really enjoyed it like it was the first time except for that guy (and some of the dissolves were poorly placed).

Very well then. It also didn't help the guy sounds British. I bet the actor is actually British but CBA to look it up.

Nope, those are the only ones I can remember too.

pretty sure there were some women paddy farmers running from that dude's helicopter gunfire.

How can you shoot women and children?

Easy. You don't lead them as much.


They're both semi-aware of the fact they are talking complete fucking nonsense, but at the same time they are really devoted to it. Their lives are a complete joke, and the way they speak reflects it.

Hannibal Mother is the best.

any person who runs is a vc; any person who stands still is a well trained vc

What was going on through her head?

his dick


I wish Private Pyle didn't blow his brains out, I would have liked to see his crazy ass in the field.

Hes animal mother.

He would die painfully.

This. Based Crazy Earl.

>Being away from home for the first time (for many recruits) is stressful. Those who go to milder training (as pointed out above) only know how much their own situations suck. When I went to Boot Camp in 1987, we had our share of crazies, too. At that time, Marine Corps Boot Camp was very similar to what was shown in the movie, except that I never saw a senior drill instructor who was an E-7. All of them were E-5 or E-6. The senior drill instructor was usually the milder of the three or four assigned to the platoon. Only one of them was really known for hitting recruits and he was only temporarily assigned to my platoon, long enough to punch me in the head on one occasion, but he was best known for the time he butt-stroked a recruit right in the face. We started out with 84 recruits and ended up with 70, including a few who had been picked up from other platoons along the way. That means more than 14 original recruits were weeded out, either because of mental or physical problems, or they couldn't pass the training. We had one who refused to follow orders and two who deserted and we never saw them again. My point is, these were all volunteers in peace times. In fact, there was even a rule prohibiting recruits from taking weapons into the head (latrine/bathroom) for this very reason. Apparently, shooting yourself in the head while sitting on a toilet is appealing to depressed/crazy recruits.

underrated post

Second act wasnt as bad as its remembered. Hard to top the bootcamp scenes.

thanks, I really don't get much appreciation around here

ya did good

wait, it doesn't?

No, it refers to the jacket (bullet) made fully of metal that Private Pyle kys himself with.

>Jews making fun of a charicature of whites

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't fit in a 9mm full metal jacket

well, what else would they be made out of?
the material could be 9mm thick

I'd like to slip my tube steak in your sister. What'll you take in trade?

Those guys were Sup Forums before Sup Forums

spoilers dude