Anime and beta male culture is ruining Japan's traditionalist culture

>Anime and beta male culture is ruining Japan's traditionalist culture

wtf i hate anime now

How pathetic, I seriously hope you don't watch anime

Other urls found in this thread:

>literally professional waifus

>the BBC funded a film about how japan is shit

>crying about anime on an anime website

Lots of people did. There was a hilarious interview, some BBC reporter (the internet only channel) basically asked an artist did they think drawing hardcore lolicon porn was a bad thing. The Jap artist went on an autistic screech rant going "W-W-WELL WE HAVE LESS SEX CRIMES THAN YOU HAHAHAHA!". Forgetting to admit that there's been several independent reports stating that Japan covers up the vast majority of it's sex crimes. This is a country with a fucking woman's only train carriage. It's fucking retarded to pretend you're 'better' because your government is confirmed to be corrupt.

Did you know Japanese police refuse to do murder investigations unless it's a slam dunk case because it 'brings shame' on so many people? So if it's unsure who killed somebody, they'll mark it as a suicide and leave it. The Yakuza runs vast parts of the country.

Vast majority of men over 30 in Japan have never touched a woman or talked to one apart from family members because 'girls are scary'. I shit you not. Japan is utterly fucked. They want to be traditional conversatives, but they want to be liberal progressives. But they can't decide which is which and they regularly have meltdowns. Did you also know that in Japan they'll literally invent new words to insult people (usually who aren't Japanese) because the old word they used is considered 'offensive'. So instead of dropping the insult entirely, they just invent a new one. They want to be PC but they also want to carry on doing what they always did. So they end up being neither and they do neither well and it's killing their country.

is this a shitty Western animation or is it just the poster?

>rotherham docu when?!

Wow user seems like you regurgitated a lot of shit you learned from a fancy new documentary you just watched.

No, I've been to Japan several times, talked to people there and read up shit about it. Read the papers yourself;

Well why is drawing hardcore lolicon porn a bad thing?

>people spending money on things they enjoy
>it hurts no one
>everyone benefits


Any idea when this comes out?

Name ONE(1) thing wrong with drawing imaginary 1000 year old dragons that look like little girls getting fucked by tentacles.

It's delusional.

Nothing wrong with that.

Really BBC?
take care of all the guys that could but didn't stop Saville when they had the chance.

So is all fiction.

what I wanna know is if (((they))) are behind the downfall of japan? what do you think, Sup Forums?

I meant that you have a warped imagination if you think a dragon should be depicted like that.

Assuming that's true, that's not an argument.

In what sense is that not an argument? I was asked what was wrong with depicting dragons like that, I said it was delusional and gave my reason.

Having a warped imagination is not something bad by any objective means, it also doesn't imply being delusional.

It's not drawing the girls being fucked by tentacles, it's thinking this can depict a dragon. This is something I would expect from a schizo.

Ever seen Angel Cop?

A dragon is an imaginary creature you dumb-dumb, there are no correct way of depicting it.

U.K should be more concerned with all the pakis and muzzies they allow in their country than what Japan does.

They rarely have big titties

What's with this crusade against Japan though? Out of all the countries they could choose, nips are harmless

That seems like specious reasoning. There are generally and consistently established designs of dragons, and if somebody seriously thought a girl being tentacled fucked met them close enough to be considered a dragon, I would consider him delusional.


>liking oppai loli

>this guy is delusional because he's depicting this imaginary creature unlike all the other imaginary depictions of it
Out of all the possible angles you could use to show concern over people drawing prepubescent girls being violated, is this the one you wanna go with? Really?

>it hurts no one

Because nips have always been fairly controversial when it comes to pornography. Japanese fetishes tend to be very polarizing to western culture (and most cultures in the world for that matter) so people get overly offended about it.

>sign a contract saying you wouldn't be in any relationship while being an idol
>break contract

Roastie gonna roast

>No, I've been to Japan several times, talked to people there
No you haven't.

>read up shit about it
That's true, you did read shit.
Next time post a link that isn't a cuck site from the third most cucked nation in the world.

>he types while posting on a japanese website that is dedicated to anime and japanese culture

imagine being as retarded as OP


She knew in what she was getting into. When you become the 3D waifu of thousands of nerds you know you can't break the illusion of purity, even more when is stablished by contract.
it was already there you greasy little fuck

I didn't think I could argue any other angle. I thought the purpose of the question was to rationalize making those depictions by saying they're acting depicting something traditional or whatever, I was going to say that that is so far removed from what is intended to be depicted that it indicates a delusion on the part of the artist.
I also don't want to get into the argument of when a fetish becomes degenerate and abhorrent.

Tokyo 2020 and "japan's wacky pornography xD" always makes for good clickbait.

So when are the BBC going to make a documentary about all their former employees who turned out to be nonces?

It wasn't just Jimmy.

If Japan respect human rights, this shit wouldn't happen. Good for record companies than murricans need to maintain the status quo for stopping the commies so literal nazis have been ruling the nation since the end of the occupation

>Sup Forums
>a japanese website
since when the fuck was m00t japanese, or made the site while in japan

What does one industry have to do with Japan as a whole? You realize most non-idol fans feel disgust with idol otaku right?

And this whole complaint is retarded. These no-talent whores would have no career without those rabid fans that buy up their shit because of purity reasons.

>really BBC

put some effort in next time


WHO? This is Hiro's site bitch.

that doesn't suddenly make the site japanese you dumb fuck

It's the mentality. The complete lack of empathy that allow idol culture or salarymen literally dying at work. All for saving face and showing loyalty to the group. Even Japanese people know they have to move on but it's hard. The entire nation being ruled by elites still following feudalistic ideas don't help

Hello retarded Sup Forumsacks

This has nothing to do with the BBC, it was produced and directed by Japanese people (Kyoko Miyake) It was merely shown on a minor channel (BBC 4) after I presume they bought the rights

If you had actually bothered watching the film you'd see the questions posed by it. It's mainly about exploitation of childless, miserable men aged between 30-50. The most striking thing was the contempt the "Idols" showed to their Otakus.

Empathy for what? These fucking women go into this business for fame and money. Why the fuck should I feel empathy for the consequences of their actions? They know what they signed up for.

>Hmmmm it's a serious problem that the Japanese are becoming porn obsessed shut ins and going extinct, very bad for women
>Stoning, genital mutilation and legally sanctioned pedophilia and rape have NOTHING to do with Islam but we can't criticize it because it's Islamic culture and hey why not spread it all over the world too!



>either of those images

She's still working with the same company so it all worked out regardless. Guess it wasn't really a big deal.

Hello, Reddit

>The Yakuza runs vast parts of the country.

These runts are unironically getting beat up by delivery men. I wont even bother googling the story, it was probably a post man to be more accurate.

>Some cunt shaves her head and the world has to drop what it's doing and ask her if she's ok.
I want white knights to die.
How many people here in the West have had their careers ruined for violating one of our ridiculous taboos, like refusing to bake a cake for a fag. Entire lives and fortunes ruined all because some cakeboy was denied pastry.
Somehow though I'm supposed think that some whore shaving her head as a consequence for violating a taboo in her country is a big deal and an international tragedy though?

Seriously just fucking die.

>some assblasted nip thinks his documentary is going to stop me from watching anime and listening to j-pop

Over half of Sup Forums is dedicated to subjects and topics other than anime though

>there are people on an anime imageboard who hate anime and anything japan related
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