Trailer makes it look there is a War between Apes and humans in the movie

>Trailer makes it look there is a War between Apes and humans in the movie
>See movie
>There is no war it's even more of a character study with apes

I feel like I was tricked into watching a better movie, has this even happened to you?

Koba did literally nothing wrong.
It's ironic that in the movie the roles between niggers and whites is reversed.

it was [spoiler/] earth [/spoiler] the entire time

>Koba did literally nothing wrong.
He died to Caesar

Apocalypse now

Do I have to watch the first two to fully appreciate the third one?
For some reason I really don't can't make myself watch the first two, while I find the narrative of this one quite interesting

>Do I have to watch the first two to fully appreciate the third one?
Do I really have to answer that question?
You have to be clinically Reddit levels of retarded to leave out the first two movies in a trilogy that set up the world and characters and their development.
How can shitbrains like you even function in daily life? I mean how do you even manage to breathe manually or tie your shoes? Why do subhumans such as yourself even exist?

This desu

I watched Logan without watching any of the other standalone Wolverine films and I still enjoyed it not feeling like I should have watched the previous ones at all.
So I just asked if it was the same situation with this.

>This guy
>He's not wrong


I don't know if you have to, since I haven't even watched the 3rd, but I would recommend that you watch the other two simply because they're good movies worth watching.

I think this is a different case than Logan. You could watch all the xmen films right before watching Logan, but you'd be missing out on the whole "growing up with these actors as these characters" factor. So in a way, if you didn't grow up watching the xmen films, that ship's p much already sailed for you, and you likely won't be able to muster that specific kind of emotional connection will the characters if you just marathoned those films now. But regardless, I think Logan stands on its own regardless. You could aptly describe it as a film about a guy dying from cancer and his old father with Alzheimer's trying to find a new family for his daughter who has PTSD before they both die.

I only just watched War, so my thoughts about it are way too fresh. But you should just watch the other two films. Won't take you that long, and with how slow War tends to be, and how shit the average attention span of retards on this board is, you'd probably find it unengaging without having seen the other two.

>you likely won't be able to muster that specific kind of emotional connection will the characters if you just marathoned those films now
I grew up watching x men and didnt feel anything with logan. maybe I'm too jaded




Monkino strikes again. This series has had like no hype surrounding it through the entire trilogy despite the fact that all the movies are fucking great. Its the only franchise to pull off a prequel trilogy

It's makes absolutely no sense how these movies get zero hype surrounding them when they're better than so many other sci-fi and blockbusters out now.

I guess Planet of the Apes just isn't a franchise that's popular with normies like Star Wars and Marvel. The original was practically a twilight zone episode so it hasn't really lent itself to big action set pieces until this prequel series.

>has this even happened to you?
Edge of Tomorrow, trailer was emo but but the movie was really fun and engaging

They all made nice profts and got really well reviewd.

Maybe it's harder to sell merchandise with a monkey face on it rather than a Captain American shield.

His actions were totally defensible up until the point he actually instigated the war between the apes and humans. Before that he was just being vigilant. He's the villain of the film for a reason because ultimately when the humans are not aggressive (only defensive), he literally murders people on both sides to get them to fight so he can wipe out the other side.

Koba and koba alone was the problem.

>Caesar's main driving force in the movie is revenge
>Spares the colonel in the end, but colonel decides to suicide anyway
>Dies to a soldier he spared earlier in the movie, but only because that soldier thought Caesar was the one who killed the colonel
>If Caesar never went to the Colonel's room for revenge he would probably still be alive


I feel like I watched a different movie than everyone else. I watched a horribly preachy poorly scripted cliché fest. It has the most on the nose symbolism I've seen sense Avatar.

Sorry to hear about your shit taste


At the very least the villains of the movie are fucking horribly written.

>tfw literally cried in the theater

I had strong emotions from films before, but this is really the first fucking time I actually couldn't contain tears. This fucking movie, man.

I just got back from this movie. I honestly can't think of anything I would change.

>hurr hurr I want violence in muh movie
The second one was elevated by the action and violence being confined to the last act (in fact, the first two acts made you seriously hope that violence *wouldn't* break out).
The same is probably true here.

Koba's mindset was understandable, not justifiable. Even his actions were largely understandable - until he started indiscriminately killing apes.

>movie about inner conflicts of the hero
>muh villains

This movie is not about the villains, you retard.

Jesus fucking christ, morons like you should be banned from the cinema for life.

>At the very least the villains of the movie are fucking horribly written.
There was a villain?
Even Donkey got redemption


Once you understand the Colonel's motivation, literally everything he does makes sense from the standpoint of saving the human race. If the movie chose to focus on the human characters instead of the apes, the Colonel could only be described as a tragic anti-hero, forced to do terrible things to save his remaining people.

>boom boom
>kek kek
>my likey le boom boom '''''''''''''better movie'''''''''''

his deception skills with the goofy ape act followed up with that look of pure unrelenting hatred once he kills them was K I N O


This was probably completely unintentional on the part of the filmmakers, but Caesar's name seems to take on new importance in this film. The real-life Caesar pardoned his enemies after defeating them, including those who would later conspire to kill him. In one instance, Caesar pardoned a man who had been his enemy only for the man to commit suicide next day because he considered mercy too humiliating to bear. There are many parallels to that in the film.

Watching Logan and skipping the first two Wolverine films is the right choice user.

>if it weren't for the little girl, apes would've been wiped out and she wouldn't have had to end up a slave

Logan is a completely different situation because that is a reboot and not directly connected to any of the other X-Men movies. It vaguely references them but that's it. It's the launching point for a new cinematic universe starring Dafne Keen.

More of a pet than a slave DESU. She never even tries to leave the apes.

The only thing he did wrong was not kill more apes

Who /tripefeature/ here? First time seeing the trilogy and loved it.

Yea I saw it last night. With a bunch of people who hadn't seen the first two.
I really honestly felt that even though the last movie was pretty dang good. It wasnt as good as the second one. I felt like it lacked any human story. And some of the cliches I saw coming from a mile away. I didn't have that experience with the other two movies. They were good fresh movies. This just felt like a halocaust movie in the second half.

>Koba did literally nothing wrong

He did not stick the landing

So that's a no then.

The only thing Koba did wrong was become a bland, one dimension villain 2/3rds into the movie


Top tier bait

Do I get comfy scenes of domestic life in the ape village? That whole first like 30 minutes of Dawn was fucking stellar at that.

Koba did what HE thought was right; get rid of the humans and protect apes.

Which sounds solid, but only lead to more apes being killed other than working out a peaceful solution, like building a wall.

This was a piece of shit conclusion to what is going to be remembered as some "top 5 reboot franchises" lists you'll see years from now.

This movie was a totally jarring mess, zahn's bad ape is jar jar-tier distracting to the 'weight' these films have obtained before.

Caesar is left with little motivation other than revenge, it feels like his character is stuck in the 2nd act of a better screenplay.

Waited for it to get good, then it ended/10