ITT: Shit movies you've recently watched



Probably the worst movie I've ever seen

it was pretty litty senpai

Were you trying to b8 people with that image? Because it didn't work because it did suck.

I guess the Japanese Death Note films. The anime series is obviously much better, but so is the live-action series.

Tokyo Drifter
was pretty coooool



That robot movie with Scarlett Johanssen. Fucken borking.

Only 90 minutes but it felt like it was over 2 hours.


then you haven't seen a lot of movies

Alien Covenant

Sorry but watching Jeff Goldblums dad surive a 500 ft tsunami without a scratch on him puts me way over the top.
>pic related the litte boat in the circle is his dad, that scene is the last u see of him then 20 minutes later hes perfectly fine on his boat which is still in tact.

Also the 3000 mile alien ship somehow has enough gravitational pull to suck up an entire city off of earth? Does nobody that was involved in the film know how gravity works?

Oops forgot pic

the movie wasn't good, but if these are your complaints, you may legitimately be autistic

Almost walked out of this movie it was so fucking unfunny, i thought The Rock being a fucking loser was supposed to be like a joke and then he'd turn out to be really cool now but nope

Unironically loved it, loved the witch too (vvitch). Take your adderall kids, some people can still pay attention and let tension in a movie build for more than 45 seconds.

I liked how he came across like a sociopath who was just manipulating Hart.

For what payoff, exactly? So what explained all the weird shit that happened? Some goat demon thing was controlling her? Why? With what motive? Great fucking movie.

There is a complaint for every single scene but I'm not going to write a book and upload it. Why does having an issue with those two scenes in particular make me autisic? Anybody can just throw the word autistic around but if you don't give any reason then you are just being a shit posting faggot.

The most disappointing movie in years.

No, this flick was hot garbage. Apparently the director thought that having a shitty soundtrack blaring throughout the movie makes it somehow atmospheric and thrilling. This shit was a boring mess at best.

this was brutal

I honestly don't know why I did this to myself. Among other things the physics of the cars driving on ice were worse than any video game. Has no one involved in the film ever left southern California? Why even set scenes on ice if the cars aren't going to slide around on it? I yelled as the screen for 15 minutes straight.

They've been comical action movies with no basis in reality for years now. You should have known what you were getting into.

Did you not look at the poster? Of course it's a piece of shit, the poster is screaming that fact at you.